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歌词:Dawn of the Night(BlossomNightfall)

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本文介绍的是:歌词:Dawn of the Night(BlossomNightfall)。关于其他含义,详见「歌词:Dawn of the Night(消歧义)」。

Lost Memorization of Dreams
Dawn of the Night [05:32]
Lost Memorization of Dreams (2014-02-14)
  • 歌词语言:英文

Day comes to an end
No time to turn back
Just stay in my sight
Dawn of the night...
Everything turns night
no one in my sight
The moonlight gives me my strenght
I know night seems calm but
that's not right
"My, late in this night
you seem lost - may I show you the right lane?"
This - is my place
is my time
is my world
you're lost
in this night
you should run away as long's you can
The Dawn of Night
You can't hide
Yeah, you're right
as your soul turns black
like your mind
you are mine
you should be staying in the Dawn of the Night
Everything turns night
Just you in my sight
The moonlight shows your dead soul
And you'll loose it very soon - I'm right
"My, late in this night
you seem lost - may I show you how to get back?"
(Dawn of the Night)
This - is my place
is my time
is my world
you're lost
in this night
you should run away as long's you can
The Dawn of Night
You can't hide
Yeah, you're right
as your soul turns black
like your mind
you are mine
you should be staying in the Dawn of the Night
"My, late in this night
(Dawn of the Night)