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Around the world [04:04]
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Around the world
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Around the world [02:48]
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Around the world
00:39.05 | 近未来の予告状 | 近未来的预告信 |
00:42.24 | 「2046からの予言です」 | 「2046而来的预言」 |
00:45.48 | 日々時代は諸行無常 | 每个时代都变化无常 |
00:48.66 | 手に負いきれぬ悩みです | 手中背负着无数的烦恼 |
00:51.75 | ||
00:51.94 | 宇宙にもある地平線に | 存在于宇宙那地平线上 |
00:55.04 | 太陽も沈んでゆくの | 太阳也渐渐的落下了 |
00:58.28 | 廻り廻る今を踊ろう | 转啊转啊现在就来跳舞吧 |
01:01.47 | 目が回るくらいに さぁ | 转到头晕目眩呀 |
01:04.36 | ||
01:04.71 | run and run & around and around | run and run & around and around |
01:07.44 | -9の上、一人 | minus⑨之上,独自一人 |
01:10.23 | around the world | around the world |
01:11.19 | ||
01:11.20 | run and run & around and around | run and run & around and around |
01:13.92 | 踊り続けてるだけ | 唯有继续跳舞 |
01:17.31 | ||
01:17.68 | run and run & around and around | run and run & around and around |
01:20.30 | -9の上、一人 | minus⑨之上,独自一人 |
01:23.05 | around the world | around the world |
01:24.00 | ||
01:24.01 | run and run & around and around | run and run & around and around |
01:26.82 | はしゃぎ続けてるだけ | 唯有继续狂欢 |
01:30.31 | ||
01:43.17 | 近未来の予告状 | 近未来的预告信 |
01:46.30 | 「2046からの予言です」 | 「2046而来的预言」 |
01:49.54 | 君次第で首尾上々 | 顺利与否取决于你 |
01:52.78 | 僕等に課した使命です | 背负起我们的使命 |
01:55.77 | ||
01:56.17 | 宇宙にもある地平線に | 存在于宇宙那地平线上 |
01:59.20 | 月も光り輝いてる | 月亮的光芒也在洒落 |
02:02.34 | 廻り廻る今を踊ろう | 转啊转啊现在就来跳舞吧 |
02:05.58 | 目が回るくらいに さぁ | 转到头晕目眩呀 |
02:08.47 | ||
02:08.82 | run and run & around and around | run and run & around and around |
02:11.60 | -9の上、一人 | minus⑨之上,独自一人 |
02:14.35 | around the world | around the world |
02:15.20 | ||
02:15.21 | run and run & around and around | run and run & around and around |
02:18.13 | 踊り続けてるだけ | 唯有继续跳舞 |
02:21.22 | ||
02:21.62 | run and run & around and around | run and run & around and around |
02:24.90 | -9の上、一人 | minus⑨之上,独自一人 |
02:27.71 | around the world | around the world |
02:28.61 | ||
02:28.62 | run and run & around and around | run and run & around and around |
02:31.38 | はしゃぎ続けてるだけ | 唯有继续狂欢 |
02:35.01 | ||
02:47.76 | 近未来の予告状 | 近未来的预告信 |
02:50.95 | 「2046からの予言です」 | 「2046而来的预言」 |
02:54.20 | 日々時代は諸行無常 | 每个时代都变化无常 |
02:57.33 | 手に負いきれぬ悩みです | 手中背负着无数的烦恼 |
03:00.58 | ||
03:00.70 | 宇宙にもある地平線に | 存在于宇宙那地平线上 |
03:03.86 | 太陽も沈んでゆくの | 太阳也渐渐地落下了 |
03:07.05 | 廻り廻る今を踊ろう | 转啊转啊现在就来跳舞吧 |
03:10.19 | 目が回るくらいに さぁ | 转到头晕目眩呀 |
03:13.08 | ||
03:13.43 | run and run & around and around | run and run & around and around |
03:16.27 | -9の上、一人 | minus⑨之上,独自一人 |
03:19.00 | around the world | around the world |
03:20.07 | ||
03:20.08 | run and run & around and around | run and run & around and around |
03:22.88 | 踊り続けてるだけ | 唯有继续跳舞 |
03:26.18 | ||
03:26.57 | run and run & around and around | run and run & around and around |
03:29.37 | -9の上、一人 | minus⑨之上,独自一人 |
03:32.11 | around the world | around the world |
03:32.94 | ||
03:32.95 | run and run & around and around | run and run & around and around |
03:35.74 | はしゃぎ続けてるだけ | 唯有继续狂欢 |
03:39.36 |