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歌词:Game Over(Grazepoint)

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本文介绍的是:歌词:Game Over(Grazepoint)。关于其他含义,详见「歌词:Game Over(消歧义)」。

TouWHO?? 3
Game Over [04:19]
TouWHO?? 3 (2024-03-29)
编曲:DJ Timotei
原曲:黒い海に紅く ~ Legendary Fish
  • 歌词语言:英文

I'm coming back to the main stage again.
This time I'll seek while you run to hide, go on and try,
you've put your life on the line.
So play that game, there's always room for two.
Cuz I can read you just like a book, you've crossed the line more than you should.
Soon you'll know that standing right here is not the person you knew from before.
Sticks and stones can't break my bones, your ways don't work no more.
Red droplets of rain falling down from the skies.
Drenched, braving the storm like I dealt with your lies.
I don't live my life to impress you anymore.
Come at me with your knives, I'm not scared to die.
Shoot. It's a score. All the screams drowned away.
Who'd ever thought I'd get to this stage, out from the cage,
you'll never forget my face.
Done with the world, all the dark memories.
This is the only path meant for me, no more generosity.
I grew to know that backing down was showing weakness and losing the war.
Sticks and stones don't break my bones, those ways don't work no more.


