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歌词:Merry christmas in summer

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Borderline between reality and illusion
Merry christmas in summer
Borderline between reality and illusion (2018-05-06)
  • 歌词语言:英文

December 24th its not the same from years before
so let you see
it's one of magic don't be afraid
across the equator open your eyes
(you will) take you back your innocence when you were child
when you will open the door
by a little surprising and with gratitude
this is a present from me to you
clear blue sky and crystal sea , listening to the sound of singing sand
take your coat off and start to run , this is the place for only you and me
out of the season but I send you a word
"Merry Christmas to you!"
for a while I wish this time would last
but I know we'll be back to usual days
but I'll never forget this scene
It's a treasure memories
this is time spent by you and me
(you will) take you back your innocence when you were child
when you will open the door
by a little surprising and with gratitude
this is a present from me to you
clear blue sky and crystal sea , listening to the sound of singing sand
take your coat off and start to run , this is the place for only you and me
(you will) take you back your innocence when you were child
when you have closed the door
out of the season but I send you a word
"Merry Christmas to you!"