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歌词:My Behind

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My Behind [03:40]
EXCEED (2014-05-11)
社团:Pearls Before Swine
原曲:春色小径 ~ Colorful Path
  • 歌词语言:英文

day dream. you try it to get away from here
blackout. my back is dominated by dark
I'm cursed still, no exciting you
I hope I can steal your eyes which went down in sorrow
around circle, where do you look at? once more gaze up
do not harden the idea without yourself, so you are stands still
I saw a glowing double-flowered blossom
I may become free if I can come back in then
raise up a back mirror
note well, what you look ? remember now
I'm not yet clear
but, I am still believe that light is you
what do you choose the way? looking back your side , whatever goes out
wake up. you are thinking, you are thinking many time
hangout. there will be closed before my eyes
so I'll take your annoyance
cleanly, cleanly. yeh
I hope I can steal your eyes which went down in sorrow
around circle, where do you look at? once more gaze up
do not harden the idea without yourself, so they look under
raise up a back mirror
note well, what you look ? remember now
I'm not yet clear
but, I am still believe that light is you
what do you choose the way?
looking back your side , whatever goes out
raise up back mirror
note wel, what you look ? remember now
I'm not yet clear
but, I am still believe that light is you
what do you choose the way?
looking back your side , whatever goes out




