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歌词:Power of the Masterspark

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Gran Sphere
Power of the Masterspark [06:42]
Gran Sphere (2009-12-30)
原曲:霊知の太陽信仰 ~ Nuclear Fusion
Edis revir -Riverside vocal best album & ryuno's art works vol.1-
Power of the Masterspark
Edis revir -Riverside vocal best album & ryuno's art works vol.1- (2011-03-13)
  • 歌词语言:英文

the sky was dark-bound and the whole land was
embraced by flame and fairy’s screaming
they were not able to survive and nothing remained in the village
the fierce animals born in the darkness, tragedies spreading
Marice will be the warrior of justice for the holy revenge
we shall be warrior, call the name of the princess
who is our savior
now we have to be warrior
fly with our princess “M”
overthrow the evil kingdom of darkness
fly from hell to the freedom
retrieve our beloved village
Marice rises with ancient power “Master spark”.
the forest was filled with the evil dark flame, bloody ocean there
Gods lost their power, brutal tortures were run over and over again
Destruction, it’s their desire, overkill, it’s their pleasure
Marice will be the warrior of justice for the holy revenge
we shall be warrior, call the name of the princess
who is our savior
now we have to be warrior
fly with our princess “M”
overthrow the evil kingdom of darkness
fly from hell to the freedom
retrieve our beloved village
Marice rises with ancient power “Master spark”.
Marice gave the fatal damage to the evil queen
the queen is screaming and writhing in agony
oh God, the time has come!
finally, Marice gave our village a triumph
We shall call the name “Marice” we are proud of
That’s her name!
overthrow the evil kingdom of darkness
fly from hell to the freedom
retrieve our beloved village
Marice rises with ancient power “Master spark”.