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歌词:Push One's way

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One Step Closer
Push One's way [03:39]
One Step Closer (2018-08-10)
社团:Pearls Before Swine
  • 歌词语言:英文

I will never stop
I still can't go back
Because I had not arrived at the end of my life
My Journey is just beginning
I'm looking for some special
That's why it will never end
I hope that will be a wonderful experience
Even if it was thoug, it is very serious
I can not afford to give it up
It's starting now
To break the wall
Because I wish, I want to get over
I'm reaching out
A splendid moment is waiting for us
I can't take it back
I'm still feel a pain
But those pains make me stronger now
the dream isn't never ends
the word “QUIT” can't be found in my heart
Since I have come here so far, I can't go back
Even if someone said “Don't be silly”, It's just a dream.
I will promises to me, this story never ends
It's starting now
To break the wall
Because I wish, I want to get over
I'm reaching out
A splendid moment is waiting for us
It's time to I'm being tried now.
I can get over it.
Because I just surely heard the voice calling out to me
Calling out
Calling out
It's starting now
To break the wall
Because I wish, I want to get over
I'm reaching out
A splendid moment is waiting for us


