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歌词:Withered Leaves

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Disorderly Love
Withered Leaves [04:49]
Disorderly Love (2019-08-12)
社团:Amateras Records
原曲:フォールオブフォール ~ 秋めく滝
  • 歌词语言:英文

Say, can you imagine
That I am feeling left behind?
Close my eyes, I can't
See any truth in you,
Tell me more of your lies!
What has our world become,
That I can't put trust in you?
And I won't have a place
In your life again.
Tell me, what would you do?
And I try to hide my tears again,
But they're falling like the leaves.
Withered by now.
And the time goes on,
Going on without me.
Forgotten are the promises,
So forgotten is the love.
But I will go on, You will see!
What did you expect this time?
That I'd not feel anything?
But my heart does not seem
Like it's healing yet,
Standing still and waiting.
How can I relieve myself,
Go my way but not forget?
Want to let you go but
Also want your love
Not to disappear.
And I try to hide my tears again,
But they're falling like the leaves.
Withered by now.
And the time goes on,
Going on without me.
Forgotten are the promises,
All my care is put to shame.
I feel like a part Of your game.
And I try to hide my tears again,
But they're falling like the leaves.
Withered by now.
And the time goes on,
Going on without me.
I won't forget the promises,
Try forgiving what I've done.
Without any love, Fall has gone.


