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歌词:wonderful in the day

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Dahlia is cry
wonderful in the day [04:14]
Dahlia is cry (2013-12-30)
社团:Pearls Before Swine
  • 歌词语言:英文

if there are one more chance I will choose that words
flash back your sadness. grave in the home, what is there?
in my mind, original soul was broken hearts
My hearts will be broken. what's missing ever
Now, where is my ghost that I lost in that home
'cause you'll fly to easy enough. I wish you try one for all
and I may lead somebody to our side
wonderful in the day, we must go there someday
blood was flowing in this floor
I'll be taking the side. you'll be taking the site
kill the deep sky that cross in words
play the game for our truth , now. again
whenever I'm in the night way, my shadow becomes larger
your little lie was help me. don't look back any longer
I shout for future
Is the last chance escape from me?
that words are running in my head
whenever I'm in the night way, my shadow becomes larger
but I can awake
wonderful in the day, we must go there someday
blood was flowing in this floor
I'll be taking the side. you'll be taking the site
kill the deep sky that cross in words
I want to hear loud sound,I wanna hear loud sound
in order to erase silence
I'll be taking the side. you'll be taking the site
kill the deep sky that cross in words
play the game for our truth , now
the loud sound is runnig around in the night




