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日文名辺川 豊水(へんかわ ほうすい)
英文名Housui Henkawa
東方稀濳群 ~ Unstable and Unimaginable Power.EX面BOSS游戏Chaos Reaper of the Amaryllis Flower
Reaper of the Arcane River
東方泡台風 ~ Karmical Prophecy of Krausenhaüer.Act 3游戏Child of the Amaryllis Bloom


Chaos Reaper of the Amaryllis Flower

辺川 豊水(へんかわ ほうすい)
Housui Henkawa

Species:Amaryllis flower youkai
Ability:Ability to create unstable energy; Ability to make things unstable

Easily the most notable byproduct of the incident.

The Amaryllis flowers in the Forest of Magic contain a great deal of magical energy, however it isn't really any specific sort of magical energy. It can be considered a sort of magical blank slate. This is what makes them great for potions.
It also means that by default, if a tsukumogami of one of them were to be born, they wouldn't have any ability from the start. It'd need to come from another source.

In the case of Housui, she came to life from the influx of energy from the incident, which is what shaped her ability.
Her ability is simply the ability to create unstable energy, which manifests itself in a few ways.

The main one is that she can transfer this energy into others, allowing their abilities to heighten. Before Marisa found her, she was doing this a lot.
However, the catch is that when she does this, not all of the energy goes to the target, since otherwise, the target would likely die, or at least be irreversibly damaged.

Instead, this energy just gets expelled into Gensokyo's atmosphere. The issue with this is that it was pretty much the same thing Rachel's invention was doing.
In other words, if Housui was left unchecked, then Gensokyo's border would've been destroyed anyways as if the incident was never resolved.

...not that Housui would've ever realized this, nor would she have thought it was her fault if it was to happen.

Due to being a rather recent youkai, she doesn't quite understand everything yet. In fact, she was quite confused by pretty much all of her surroundings at first.
She didn't even quite understand what it was she was doing to all the fairies and youkai passing through the Amaryllis field, she just thought it was cool.

After Marisa's fight, the two of them paired up with the purpose of exploring Housui's ability more. Marisa wound up deducing that her abilities were able to make people stronger, and began collaborating with her frequently for her magic experiments.

In general, Housui and Marisa wound up really hitting it off, and wound up becoming great friends after their fight.

Rachel also frequently attempts to experiment on Housui, but Housui always refuses to do it and is rather annoyed at how frequently Rachel pesters her over this.


混沌武器「鳄鱼叉」Chaos Weapon「Wani Harpoon」Extra
日符「盗贼的地盘之争」Sun Sign「Thief Territory War」Extra
我也有会爆炸的诱导武器1!「比基尼环礁」2I also have explosive homing weapons!「Bikini Atoll」Extra
射日「窃贼丰水」Shoot the Sun「Housui the Stealer」Extra
红或蓝3「循环世界」Red or Blue「The World Revolving」Extra
码符「斯卡斯的视矩阵」Computing Sign「View Matrix of Skasis4Extra
对立「反湮灭 +结界-」Polar Opposites「Anti-Annihilation +Barrier-」Extra
异眼椭圆「四向平面交界」ODD EYE ELLIPSE「4-way Plane Intersection」Extra


  1. 指本作中魔理沙机体的诱导导弹。
  2. 今属马绍尔群岛共和国,在二十世纪四五十年代,美国曾在此地进行过多次核试验。
  3. 可能指《黑客帝国》中著名的“红药丸与蓝药丸”的选择,也可能指怪谈“红披风蓝披风”,另,该符卡的攻击形式与游戏《Undertale》中的蓝色与红色(橙色)特殊攻击相当类似。
  4. 可能来自《Doctor Who》中的Skasis Paradigm(一种用于解释宇宙运作方法的理论)。