基本信息 | |
人物名 | 须佐天逆每1 |
日文名 | 須佐 天逆毎(すさ の あまのざこ) |
英文名 | Susa no Amanozako |
种族 | 神,天狗,天邪鬼 |
能力 | Drawing out vices 引出恶德程度的能力 |
登场信息 | ||||
作品名 | 位置 | 类型 | 称号 | 主题曲 |
東方天逆襲 ~ Zenith of Antinomic Monarch. | 六面BOSS | 文档 | De-Facto Matriach of Antinomy and Arrogance 叛逆而傲慢的事实之上的女帝 背反と傲慢の事実上の女帝 | The Demiurge2 Overturning the Heavens ~ Crimson Tyrant 颠覆天堂的造物主~Crimson Tyrant 天をひっくり返すデミウルゴス~Crimson Tyrant |
Nickname:Princess Amanozako(天逆毎姫/あまのざこひめ) | 别名:天逆每姬 |
A mighty god of rebellion born from Susanoo's Ara-mitama. She's the ancestor of the tengu and amanojaku. Not only is she capable of flying at high speeds, but she also possesses incredible strength, and her teeth are said to easily tear through blades. Having been born from a temperamental storm god, she has a short fuse and a wild, unpredictable nature. Whenever something occurred that didn't suit her fancy, she became livid and went on a destructive rampage, tearing through her surroundings and hurling her fellow gods across a thousand ri. She also has a contrarian streak, taking pleasure in doing the opposite of what others expect. Needless to say, the gods don't want anything to do with her. | 她是从素戋呜尊的荒魂中诞生的强大的叛逆之神,以及,天狗和天邪鬼的祖先。 她不仅能以令人难以置信的强度高速飞行,而且还生有可以轻易割断刀具的锋利的牙齿。 因为是由脾气暴躁的暴风雨神所生,所以她有着急躁粗暴而又难以捉摸的性格。一有不顺心的事就会勃然大怒,破坏周围,把同伴的众神扔到千里之外,进行破坏性的暴走。此外,她还是个另类,喜欢和别人唱反调。 显然,众神都不愿与她发生一点联系。 |
What had initially caused her to show up in Gensokyo was a matter surrounding an artifact of hers. Her crown, a symbol of her status and power, had been lost down on earth. It's unclear as to how it managed to get lost in the firth place (probably an accident or something),but she decided to take matters into her own hands and headed down from Takamagahara to look for it, alongside her son Amanosaku. During her searching, she discovered something amazing: Hundreds of tengu, living deep within a certain mountain. Indeed, one of the species born of her very lineage. Youkai such as them were thought to have faded away once the humans of the Outside World exchanged phantasm for science, and yet here they were, alive and well in this so-called "Land of Fantasy". Amanozako was quick to act upon making this discovery. With so many tengu gathered in one place, it made perfect sense for her, the tengu's ancestor, to claim that area for herself. | 最初她造访幻想乡的原因和她身边的一件重要物品有关。她的象征着身份和力量的王冠似乎落到地上去了。至于它最初是什么时候被弄丢的,似乎不太清楚(可能是因为异变或者别的原因)。她决定自己解决这件事情。当然后来她的儿子天魔雄与她一同来到了地上。 在寻觅中她发现了一些有趣的事:在某座山深处,有成群的带有她的血统的天狗在这里生活。 像这些天狗们一样的妖怪在人类居住的外界早已绝迹,在科技的力量下渐渐成为幻想,来到此处被遗忘之地——幻想乡,并在此快乐地生活。天逆每在作出这样的发现之后迅速采取了行动。 如此多的天狗集群生活在一个地方,这里给她——这个天狗祖先,留下了很好的印象,以至于她想要把这个地方据为己有。 |
Naturally, the tengu themselves were opposed to such an unforeseen event, and thus attempted to drive her away, but the tenacious Amanozako made full use of her abilities and strength and overpowered just about everything they threw at her. In the end, the long battle between youkai and god...ended in god victory. | 当然,对这种不可预见的事情,天狗们表示反对,接着他们试图把她赶走。但是顽强的天逆每充分利用了她的能力几乎解决了他们给她的一切阻碍。最后,这场妖怪与神的斗争…结束于神的胜利。 |
To cement her status as ruler of Youkai Mountain, Amanozako had used her magical power to conjure a magnificent castle right in the heart of the Tengu District, known as the "Castle of Heavenly Wickedness". However, this victory on its own wasn't enough to satisfy her, so she decided to stir up trouble in the foothills as a means of entertaining herself. The white arrows raining down on Gensokyo are a product of her ability to draw out vices. When it lands on a person's chest, the arrow is able to take the "inner darkness" residing in the hearts of all sentient beings and bring it to the surface, causing the affected individual to "distort" as they succumb to their own negative emotions and desires. Using this ability ,she's able to cause clever people to become overly conceited, and foolish people to lose control of their tempers. | 为了巩固她作为妖怪之山的统治者的地位,天逆每用她的魔力在天狗聚落中心偏右的位置变出了一座华丽的城堡“天邪城”。然而这场胜利本身并不能满足她,她决定去给山脚下找点麻烦作为娱乐自己的一种手段。 像雨点一样落在幻想乡的白色箭矢是她引出恶德的能力的产物。当它们将某人当胸击中,就会随之把所有有情众生存在于内心的黑暗带到表面来,导致受到影响的人因他们的负面情绪和欲望而变得扭曲。 因为这个能力,她能够让聪明的人变得过于自负,让愚钝的人不能够控制他们的暴脾气。 |
At some point, without fully realizing it herself, Amanozako had all but abandoned her initial goal of finding her crown again, in favor of further expanding her influence over Gensokyo. She became as insatiable as a child in a confectionery shop, and with seemingly nobody left to oppose her, it wouldn't be long before she started having thoughts about bringing the entirety of Gensokyo under her rule. However, a bird can only fly as high as the sky where the warm sun dwells. In all her hubris, she never even imagined that her fellow Amatsukami would come up with a plan to ambush her at the last minute. Talk about a reversed Wheel of Fortune... | 满足于自己制造出的混乱景象的天逆每像是走进了糖果屋的贪得无厌的孩子,不知何时早就把她一开始寻找王冠的目的抛在了脑后。现在似乎没有人反抗她了,过不了多久她就会开始考虑把整个幻想乡置于她的统治之下。 但是,鸟儿只能够在有温暖太阳居住的天空中飞翔。 在她所有的傲慢以外,她永远不会想到她同伴的众神已经来到并准备在最后关头对她进行突袭。说到这命运之轮的反转啊,可真是不得了…3 |