基本信息 | |
人物名 | 鹭森苍海 |
日文名 | 鷺ヶ森 蒼海 |
英文名 | Aimi Sagigamori |
种族 | 青鹭火 |
能力 | Capable of manipulating fireballs 操纵火球程度的能力 |
登场信息 | ||||
作品名 | 位置 | 类型 | 称号 | 主题曲 |
東方夢旧市 ~ Glory of Deep Skies. | 一面BOSS | 游戏 | Heron Fire Illusionist 五位之火魔术师 | Prominence of a Shy Heron 羞怯五位鹭1的声名鹊起 |
東方泡台風 ~ Karmical Prophecy of Krausenhaüer. | 自机 | 游戏 | Illusionary Heron Fire 虚幻的青鹭火 | - |
Previously one of the wild herons that lived on Youkai Mountain. Once old enough, she got turned into a Youkai. Normally, she just doesn't interact with humans at all and usually stayswith her bird friends on the mountain. Until recently, she discovered "Magic Shows" through a knowledge networkthat the Kappas develop, which is said to be connected to an outside worldknowledge base. She was really interested in it and started practicing it regularly. | 过去是栖息在妖怪之山的一只野生苍鹭。 日久天长,她化作了妖怪。 通常她绝不会与人类接触,只和自己的鸟类朋友们呆在妖怪之山上。 直到某一天,她从河童发明的知识网站上发现了一个叫“魔术秀”的东西,据说是来自外面世界的数据库。 她对此很感兴趣,并开始积极地练习起来。 |
Recently, she's been feeling like she has more magic power than usual, so shetried various harder techniques while also asking her friends to help her outwith her show. She thought it was finally time for her to show off her skills, so she wenton a journey to the human villiage to make her debut show. | 最近,她感觉比平常拥有了更多的魔力,于是她开始尝试更复杂的技巧,并邀请朋友们协助自己。 她想,是时候去展示自己的本领了。于是她启程前往人类村落,准备开始自己的首秀。 |
Her friends are just regular birds, by the way. The one she is carrying is one of her best friends, "Tokkii". | 顺便一提,她的朋友们都是普通的鸟儿。 她抱着的那只是她最好的朋友,“托叽”。 |
中文名 | 英文名 | 出现位置 |
幻术「增殖的佩利冬2」 | Magia「Multiplying Peryton」 | Easy/Normal |
超增技「多鸟风月」3 | Super Multiplying Trick「Many Birds, Wind and Moon」 | Hard/Lunatic |
鸟符「鸟之喷泉」 | Bird Sign「Bird's Fountain」 | Easy |
鸟符「苍鹭喷泉」 | Bird Sign「Heron's Fountain」4 | Normal/Hard |
鸟符「被诅咒的间歇泉」 | Bird Sign「Aosageyser of the Damned」5 | Lunatic |
群符「群鸟冲撞」 | Flock Sign「Rampaging Birds」 | Easy/Normal |
群符「大集结!鸟之军团」 | Flock Sign「The Bird army rises once more」6 | Hard/Lunatic |
「群鸟之羽,纷纷落下」 | 「Brids of a Feather, Flock Together」7 | Hard/Lunatic |
「真·解放者的苍青爆破」8 | 「TRUE Liberator's Explosion Bleu」 | Impact |