基本信息 | |
人物名 | 树神玛格丽塔 |
日文名 | 樹神1 マルガリタ(こだま まるがりた) |
英文名 | Margarita2 Kodama |
种族 | 森林精灵 3 |
能力 | Manipulating flora and fauna 操纵动植物程度的能力 |
登场信息 | ||||
作品名 | 位置 | 类型 | 称号 | 主题曲 |
東方天逆襲 ~ Zenith of Antinomic Monarch. | 二面BOSS | 文档 | Exalted Mother of the Woodlands 高贵的森林之母 森林の尊い母 | Slavonic Titania 斯拉夫的泰坦妮亚 スラヴのティターニア |
A goat-hooved woodland spirit who presides over forest ecosystems. She is also the ruler of Gensokyo's forest fae. She speaks in the sort of flowery, archaic manner one would expect from a long-lived tutelary deity, which leads to her having a rather odd and sometimes cryptic way with words that only her subjects can truly understand. She acts neutral and even benevolent towards most humans, but she also has a temperamental nature similar to a fairy's. | 她是掌管着整个森林生态系统,支配着幻想乡森林里的妖精的拥有山羊蹄的森林精灵。 这位长寿的森林守护神说话方式比较老派。有的时候还会说出只有臣民们才能理解的奇怪和费解的语言。 她低调地生活着,对大部分人类很友好。不过她也有妖精般急躁的一面。 |
Every once in a while, she'd use her groundcherry-shaped lantern and her shapeshifting abilities to lead unwary travelers, astray in the woods until they end up feeling hopelessly lost, or kidnap children who wander too far into the woods alone and make them her own. There's also been several occasions where she sent her subjects to lay waste to the homes of those who willingly tamper with the balance of nature. It's because of such things that humans generally try to avoid getting on her bad side(especially in the summer months, when the heat makes her somewhat moodier.),taking care not to harm the forest's flora on purpose or hunt the local animals for sport. It's also customary for travelers to offer her salted breads(her favorite food)as a gesture of goodwill. In exchange, she'll perhaps offer a gift or two of her own, such as food or hand-crafted decorations. Despite the aforementioned, she's also a bit shy, and isn't able to operate well outside of forest environments, and if she were to ever venture out into an open field with few trees around, she'll shrink to the size of a blade of grass. | 偶尔会用她酸浆果形状的灯笼和她变形的能力诱导粗心的旅人在森林里迷路,还会拐走在森林里游荡太久的孩子据为己有。 在一些时候会派遣她的臣民去破坏毁坏自然平衡的人的住所。因此人们为了不惹她生气(特别是在夏天,可能因为太热,她会比平时更不好惹些)会注意不去伤害森林里的植物,亦或者狩猎当地的动物。 按照惯例,如果旅行者能送她最喜欢的食物咸面包给她以表示友好,作为交换她可能会送出自己的礼物,比如食物和手工装饰品等等。 除此之外,她有一些害羞,不太敢在森林外行动,如果去到树木稀少的地方,她会把树叶的大小缩成一团。 |
As she was making preparations for her winter hibernation, she caught wind of an unusual human/youkai having entered her domain, and went to assess the situation. However, it wouldn't be long before she'd end up being dragged into a spell card duel with said visitor(this didn't exactly bother her, however, she's always been fond of card games). | 正当她准备冬眠的时候,她捕捉到了不寻常的人类/妖怪闯入她的地盘的风声,从而前去查看情况。不管怎样,没过多久她就与这些来客展开了符卡对决。 这对她来说并不费力,她一向很擅长卡牌游戏。 |