标题画面曲 | The Shadow Over Gensokyo | 幻想乡上的阴霾1 | Gizmo the Dragon (Arr. Tokiko Tatsunagi) |
The title screen theme. This is quieter and more solemn than most title themes, don't you think? Perhaps this piece could have been longer, but this is honestly one of those spur-of-the-moment compositions. Tokiko's arrangement sets the tone very well, as if you are hesitant to begin a very dangerous journey. | 标题画面的主题曲。 相比大多数标题曲,这一首更加静谧和庄严,不是吗? 或许这一部分能作得更长,但是它确实是随性创作的曲子之一。 Tokiko的改编把曲调排布得很好,就好像你正为了是否踏上一段危险之旅而踌躇不决。 | ||
1面道中曲 | Welcome to the Subsky Tour | 欢迎来到地上旅行团 | ZUN (Arr. Tokiko Tatsunagi) |
The first stage theme. This is arranged from "Welcome to the Moon Tour." It's definitely livelier than before, but it still has that floaty, laid-back feeling to it from the original song. I think I may have went a little overboard on the bass, though... | |||
1面BOSS-鹭森苍海主题曲 | Prominence of a Shy Heron | 羞怯五位鹭2的声名鹊起 | Tokiko Tatsunagi |
Aimi Sagigamori's theme. The character's definitely the shy kind, but I guess I focused a little bit too much on the "Prominence" part of the song's title, huh? Note to the developing team, please don't let me compose songs based on existing titles. Ever again. | 鹭森苍海的主题曲。 设定上这是个比较羞怯的角色,但是我觉得自己更多强调了曲名上的“声名鹊起”,是吧? 给开发组一个建议,请不要让我根据已经定好的标题作曲了。 再也不要。 | ||
2面道中曲 | Madman's Tavern of the Dream World | 梦世界3的狂人酒吧 | ZUN (Arr. Tokiko Tatsunagi) |
The second stage theme. This is arranged from "Adventurer's Tavern of the Old World." We needed a fast-paced, wild theme, so I decided on this one. There isn't too much difference between this and the original song, but then again, madness and drunkenness aren't much different to begin with, huh? | |||
Stardust Shambler | 星尘怪物 | Mana Kazami (Arr. Tokiko Tatsunagi) | |
Theone Phillips and Aiguillon Gifttaenzer's theme. Somehow, all the kinds of stuff I usually do ended up just kind of flowing out. Maybe it scales proportionally with how much time I spend on one song? Either way... for some reason, I get the feeling it might be a bit familiar...? That's a strange feeling. I'm not going insane, I promise. ... Or am I? | 席昂·菲莉普斯和艾吉永·吉芙坦泽尔的主题曲。 不知为什么,我常做的各种事情在收尾的时候都泡汤了。 也许这和我花在一首曲子上的时间是成比例的? 不管怎样…因为某些理由,我觉得它好像听起来有点熟悉…? 那是一种怪异的感觉。我敢保证,自己没疯。 …还是说我疯了? | ||
3面道中曲 | Kadath, the Giant Castle of Dreams | 梦想大城卡达斯4 | Aka Kyuketsuki |
The third stage theme. The home of the culprit. Since thinking such place could exist would be far from ordinary, I aimed to make a song you'd hear in a dream. It's possible to visit such unimaginable places. But it's more rare to experience it vividly, I would say. | 3面的主题曲。 犯人的老巢。 想象这样的地方存在也太违反常识了, 所以我准备作一首你能在梦中听到的曲子。 拜访这类无法想象的地方是有可能的。 但我想说,逼真地体会到它才更加稀有。 | ||
Dreamquest of the Forsaken Gods | 梦寻被遗忘之神5 | Dragon Zwei (Gizmo the Dragon & Tokiko Tatsunagi) | |
Toyomi Endou, Homura Meiyou and Mitsuru Narukami's theme. It's time to face off against the culprit, and that calls for some lively and intense music. I rarely compose themes as lively as this one, so putting my skills to the test really excited me. So, is this danmaku battle going to start itself, or what? | 远堂丰海、明阳炎、鸣上光的主题曲。 终于到与异变主犯对决的时刻了, 这时候就需要一首活泼强烈的曲子。 我很少尝试这种风格,实际参与创作后感觉十分兴奋。 那么,赶紧开始弹幕对决吧? | ||
4面道中曲 | Into the Courts of Azathoth | 进入阿撒托斯之庭 | Spectral Nexus |
The fourth stage theme. Surprise~!! Bet you weren't expecting this, huh? All I really had in mind while composing this theme was to catch the player completely off-guard, and so I really let loose on this one, from start to finish. This theme really gets the blood pumping, no? It could almost serve as a boss theme for some sort of eldritch abomination! ... Welp, guess I'm not far off. | 4面的主题曲。 惊喜~!!哈哈,没想到会这样吧? 这一关的创作就是为了让玩家措手不及,所以我从头到尾都做得很投入。 这首曲子让人热血沸腾。几乎可以当作那些旧支配者的战斗主题曲! ……嗯,希望没有离题太远。 | ||
4面BOSS-蓟根彩梦主题曲 | Insane God of the Primordial Chaos ~ Ethereal Paradise | 原始混沌的狂神 ~ Ethereal Paradise | Wanwan & Tokiko Tatsunagi |
Ayame Azamine's theme. When I first went to that Artificial Island I thought it was kind of shady, but it got me thinking about how maybe I've just become unable to take things straightforwardly as I've grown older. I like that mosquitoey dude. | |||
4面BOSS-蓟根彩梦Last Spell主题曲 | The Old Ones' Promise of Eternal Life ~ AZOTH | 旧支配者的永命约束 ~ AZOTH | Tokiko Tatsunagi |
The last spell theme. I like to believe the ending of this universe to be that of the Big Crunch, so that the universe will return to the primordial soup that it was. Dinner in Kadath is wontons, as usual. Today, we have an appetiser of shredded jellyfish, as well! | |||
结局画面曲 | Aethyr Paradise | Spectral Nexus | |
The ending theme. Rather than an end, this theme signifies repose and respite, as you're only a fraction of the way along your journey. Take this moment to recollect yourself: look back and celebrate your past achievements, and prepare for what's to come. Be sure to take things at your own pace; life is but a series of milestones, after all~ | 结局画面的主题曲。 这首曲子并非终点,而是作为暂时的安歇和喘息。这只是你旅程的一小部分,还会继续下去。 趁着这段时间反思自己:回顾过去,为自己的成功喝彩,并为下一个阶段做好准备。 请务必按照自己的步调行事,毕竟,人生就是一连串的里程碑啊~ | ||
STAFF画面曲 | Elements of Creation and Destruction ~ Zeroth Dream | 创生与毁灭的元素 ~ Zeroth Dream15 | Tokiko Tatsunagi |
The staff roll theme. Well, it's not completely an arrange of a previous track, but it does contain the much-heard leitmotif of the deities encountered here. The world will no longer be silenced. | STAFF画面的主题曲。 这首曲子并不完全是上一首曲子的再编, 也包含了在这里遇到的众神的曲调。 这个世界,将不再沉默。 | ||
Extra面道中曲 | Crossing the River of Heaven | 跨越天国之河 | Aka Kyuketsuki |
The extra stage theme. This song was made with the four seasons in mind. You can feel its brightness, its colorfulness and its melancholy. They rush from one to another, creating an entire cycle in just a few minutes. Also, my favorite season is the most prominent here. Can you guess which one? | Extra面的主题曲。 以四季为印象制作的曲子。 能感受到明亮,温暖,多彩而忧郁的感觉。 它们在短短的几分钟内不断切换,形成了完整的轮回。 另外,曲子中表现地最突出的季节,就是我最喜欢的季节。你能猜到是哪一个吗? | ||
Extra面BOSS-旧遥翠川主题曲 | Jewel of the Sky-Ruling Dragon God ~ Quintessential Fragments | 支配大空之龙神的宝石 ~ Quintessential Fragments | ELEMENTTAL SYMPOSIUM |
Hikawa Motoharu's theme. As the story comes to a close, the true culprit is revealed. She's the protagonist type, so what better way to top the game off than do that thing all protagonists do——get everyone to work together on this one piece! There's a hint of everyone in there, so it really paid off, I think. | 旧遥翠川的主题曲。 在故事即将走向终幕之时,真正的犯人终于显现了踪影。 她是主人公类型的人物。因此,为了给游戏画上一个完美的句号, 我们的制作组做了所有主人公都会做的事——一起合作制作了这首曲子。 大家的版本都有着各自的特色,所以合作大成功。我是这样想的。 | ||
Extra面BOSS-旧遥翠川主题曲 | Jewel of the Sky-Ruling Dragon God ~ Quintessential Fragments(Distant Sea MIX) | 支配大空之龙神的宝石 ~ Quintessential Fragments(绝海MIX) | Aka Kyuketsuki |
Hikawa Motoharu's theme, emerging from the depths. This version was made to be flowing, watery, and unwavering. Water is quite the versatile element, covering vast distances and sustaining life. So what happens when it becomes an unstoppable force of nature? Truly an underestimated element. Serves as a reminder to drink some, by the way. | 从深海之中浮游而上的,旧遥翠川的主题曲。 这个版本的主题曲体现了水的流动、柔和以及坚定不移。 水覆盖了这个星球上广阔的土地,滋养了生命,无疑是最为多用的元素。 所以当它成为了大自然的一股无可阻挡的威胁时,会发生什么呢? 果然,水是被低估了的元素啊。顺带一提,请多喝些水。 | ||
Extra面BOSS-旧遥翠川主题曲 | Jewel of the Sky-Ruling Dragon God ~ Quintessential Fragments(Inferno MIX) | 支配大空之龙神的宝石 ~ Quintessential Fragments(狱炎MIX) | Tokiko Tatsunagi |
Hikawa Motoharu's theme, with an untempered temper. This one's akin to a powering-up scene that happens after finding one's friends defeated at the hands of Mr. Big Bad. Upgrade to Nakama POWER II now, and you'll get a bonus of super shiny hair! All this should be nonsense that delusionals would spout, but reminder -- we're all delusionals here. "Normal", after all, is merely relative. | 充斥着难以控制的愤怒的,旧遥翠川的主题曲。 看见自己的同伴被大反派打倒,因此获得了强大的力量, 这首曲子希望表现出这样的氛围。 如果现在升级到Nakama POWER的最新版本16,还能获得奖励的超闪亮发色时装哦! 虽然这些听起来很像一个中二病患者的胡言乱语,但是要记住—— 我们,包括读到这里的各位,都有着中二的一面。毕竟,“正常”永远是一个相对的概念。 | ||
Extra面BOSS-旧遥翠川主题曲 | Jewel of the Sky-Ruling Dragon God ~ Quintessential Fragments(Death Garden MIX) | 支配大空之龙神的宝石 ~ Quintessential Fragments(死苑MIX) | GizmoTheDragon |
Hikawa Motoharu's theme, broken down by the elements. This arrangement strips the theme of its defining characteristics, as if nature has reclaimed it and made it something new. There is quite a lot to appreciate about the ever-changing canvas of nature, even in death. Nowadays, though, the world is changing so much that you'd wish you had patch notes. | 因元素而支离破碎的,旧遥翠川的主题曲。 这首重编褪去了主题曲中具有特色的部分, 回到了最为原始自然的状态,从而获得了崭新的听感。 就算已经死去,在画布上仍旧千变万化的自然也仍旧值得欣赏。 但是,现在这个世界的变化速度太快了,你会希望有一份更新记录的。 | ||
Extra面BOSS-旧遥翠川主题曲 | Jewel of the Sky-Ruling Dragon God ~ Quintessential Fragments(Zenith Peak MIX) | 支配大空之龙神的宝石 ~ Quintessential Fragments(极天MIX) | Mana Kazami |
Hikawa Motoharu's theme, shining brightly with power. When I look up at the sky, I wonder what it might be like to fly. Where shall these wings take me? I could go anywhere, see anything. But, perhaps, now that I think about it, the best place to be right now is actually precisely here. Actually, I'm afraid of heights. | 因力量发出闪耀光芒的,旧遥翠川的主题曲。 每当我仰望天空,便会不自觉地想象在天空上飞行的感觉。 这双翅膀会将我带向何方?我可以拜访任何地方,看到任何朝思暮想的景色。 但现在想来,我所在之处或许就是最好的地方吧。 毕竟,实际上我恐高。 | ||
Extra面BOSS-旧遥翠川主题曲 | Jewel of the Sky-Ruling Dragon God ~ Quintessential Fragments(World's End MIX) | 支配大空之龙神的宝石 ~ Quintessential Fragments(终焉MIX) | Spectral Nexus |
Hikawa Motoharu's theme, distorted beyond oblivion. It's hard to draw substance from nothingness, but nothing's out of bounds in an unobservable infinity. So I simply warped the theme into something both chaotic and tranquil, a fitting paradox. Be sure not to hit your head as you plunge into this pitch-black void!! ...Not that there'd be anything to hit your head on, for that matter (or lack thereof). | 扭曲于万物湮没之外的,旧遥翠川的主题曲。 从虚无中创生物质,毫无疑问是一件困难的事情。 但是,若是在观测范围之外的无限可能之中,则没有什么事情是不可能做到的。 因此,我简单的将这首主题曲混合上了些许混乱与寂静,一对适合的矛盾。 当心,不要在跌落进纯粹的黑暗虚空时磕到了头!! …不是说在那里有任何能够敲到你的头的东西。只是因为这件事很重要。17(或许不是,谁知道呢?) | ||
Impact Spell主题曲 | Arcane Spell Card | 秘之符卡 | Dragon Zwei |
The Impact Spell theme. Once you understand everything and what's beyond,life itself enters its final phase and is as good as done.I'm pretty sure there's something super thrilling about it, though,so I wonder if it's really that bad... Everything with this theme playing is completely different from what you've seen before as well, so definitely check it out. | Impact Spell的主题曲。 人类如果达到了全知全能的境界,生命就在精神层面迎来了终章 与完满。我确信这件事必定会是激动人心的, 不过,我想知道它是否确实有那么糟糕…… 这首曲子在各个方面都和之前听到的那些曲子 完全不同,所以请一定要认真倾听。 | ||
计分画面主题曲 | Record of an Unreadable Name | 不可诵读名讳记录 | Tokiko Tatsunagi |
The game over theme. They say that knowledge is the enemy of creativity.Lately,I've begun to feel like I couldn't see the dreams that I could when I was young.so maybe it's true. Does learning music theory jeopardise my ability as a composer that badly,through? Maybe not. | 游戏结束画面的主题曲。 人们常说,知识是创造力最大的阻碍。最近,我感觉 已经没有办法再次梦见孩提时期梦中的景象了。所以,这也许是真的。 这样说来的话,学习音乐理论会对作曲家的能力造成严重的损害吗? 我想大概是不会的。 |