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歌词:KALEIDOSCOPE(Pearls Before Swine)

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本文介绍的是:歌词:KALEIDOSCOPE(Pearls Before Swine)。关于其他含义,详见「歌词:KALEIDOSCOPE(消歧义)」。

EXCEED (2014-05-11)
社团:Pearls Before Swine
原曲:星の器 ~ Casket of Star
  • 歌词语言:英文

return of nightmare. my eyes begin to turn red
are you a monster? I'm a resident of the fake
why do they lack understanding?
my sadness was got through, and my anger went around it
I have hard time to keep myself
What is the worst that you feel?
I can put my hands around your neck anytime you know that
I'm think about you all the time. but I am fear
we still need more than they said words
I want to go back to your side
never mind, the days of the kaleidoscope will be over soon. upside down
I can not answer their too stupid question
did they lose brains in the ditch? you go rotten step by step
my sadness was got through, my anger went around it
you can't save me. remember, the time is up
I have hard time to keep myself. what is the worst that you feel?
I can put my hands around your neck anytime you know that
I'm think about you all the time. you notice my lie
we still need more than they said words
I want to go back to your side
never mind, the days of the kaleidoscope will be over soon. upside down
I lay on my face many time. truth will out from my face
return of nightmare. my eyes begin to turn red
are you a monster? I'm a resident of the fake
why do they lack understanding?
my sadness was got through, and my anger went around it
we still need more than they said words
I want to go back to your side
never mind, you can go to over there
you go to over there with me
we still need more than they said words
I want to go back to your side
never mind, the days of the kaleidoscope will be over soon. upside down
was gone, was goen. you was gone, was gone




