基本信息 | |
人物名 | 米莱莉姆 |
日文名 | ミレリム |
英文名 | Mirerym1 |
种族 | 人类 |
能力 | Capable of manipulating magnetism 操纵磁力程度的能力 |
登场信息 | ||||
作品名 | 位置 | 类型 | 称号 | 主题曲 |
東方命雨滴 ~ Unification of the Artful Rain. | 二面中BOSS&二面BOSS | 游戏 | Natural Twin Opposition 天生相对的两极 | Overthrown Forces 翻覆之力 |
東方泡台風 ~ Karmical Prophecy of Krausenhaüer. | Act 3 | 游戏 | Ecliptic Twin Rift 黄道面双裂缝 | - |
A human naturally talented with ESP powers and being a show-off. "Mirerym" is a nickname she gave herself. She's hiding her real name for some reason. | 一个天生拥有超能力的人类,而且喜欢表现自己。 “米莱莉姆”是她给自己起的外号。她出于某些原因隐藏了自己的真名。 |
She is greatly aware of this power and comes to the Great Youkai Forest to train. After training for so long, however, the secrets of her powers unveiled before her eyes: The fact that she could move objects wasn't because of telekinesis, but because of magnetism. | 她充分意识到这股力量,并前往妖怪大森林进行训练。 经过长时间的修习,这股力量的真相终于展现在她眼前: 她能够移动物体,并非因为念力,而是源于磁力。 |
This discovery made her even more over-confident than she already was, leading to very weird speeches about how she's ascended or something. | 因为这个发现,她变得比平常更加信心爆棚,并开始大肆宣扬自己是如何步步攀升以及诸如此类的怪话。 |
If the protagonists didn't stop her in time, she would have fought a youkai head-on and would have inevitably experienced a humiliating defeat. | 要不是主角们及时阻止,她大概会迎面与妖怪对决,然后毫无悬念地经历一场耻辱的败北吧。 |
中文名 | 英文名 | 出现位置 |
斥符「磁增幅」 | Repel Sign「Magnetic Boost」 | Easy/Normal |
斥力「磁爆发」 | Repulsion「Magnetic Burst」 | Hard/Lunatic |
动力「力通量」 | Dynamism「Force Flux」 | Easy/Normal |
双极「力不稳」 | Bipolarism「Force Instability」 | Hard |
双动「能量超载」 | Double Motion「Energy Overflow」 | Lunatic |
电磁场「电磁冲突」 | EM Field「Magnetic Collision」 | Easy/Normal |
电磁铁「爆破接触」 | Electromagnets「Explosive Contact」 | Hard |
电磁铁「磁力焰火」 | Electromagnets「Magnetic Fireworks」 | Lunatic |
交替符「徘徊的磁铁」 | Alternation Sign「Wandering Magnets」 | Easy/Normal |
往复动「吸引与排斥」 | Reciprocation「Attract and Repulse」 | Hard |
往复动「来往互换的磁矩」 | Reciprocation「Alternating Magnetic Moment」 | Lunatic |