基本信息 | |
人物名 | 西萨·佩拉赫·奥格斯塔1 |
日文名 | チーザ・ペルラッハ・アウグスタ |
英文名 | Cisa Perlach Augusta |
种族 | 伪神 |
能力 | Ability to the extent of fabricating and manipulating myths 创造与操纵传说程度的能力 |
登场信息 | ||||
作品名 | 位置 | 类型 | 称号 | 主题曲 |
Augusta Iaponicorum | 单面BOSS | 游戏 | The Elusive Deity Walking the Fine Line Between Myth and Falsehood 行走于谎言与神话之线的不可思议神明 | Augusta Iaponicorum 日本奥格斯塔 |
The Elusive Deity Walking the Fine Line Between Myth and Falsehood チーザ・ペルラッハ・アウグスタ Cisa Perlach Augusta Species:Pseudogod(×1 Alternatively just “god”. Pseudogods are specifically gods whose worship cannot be reliably proven or have been entirely invented by an extremely minor group or even just a single person. Reasons for this can vary wildly, but regardless of that, Cisa doesn’t see herself as a pseudo-deity.) Ability:Ability to the extent of fabricating and manipulating myths Threat level:Middle Human friendship level:Very high Main place of activity:Occupation of the Human Village | 行走于谎言与神话之线的不可思议神明 Cisa Perlach Augusta 西萨·佩拉赫·奥格斯塔 种族:伪神(×1 与神明不同,伪神是一种特殊的神,其信仰无法被真实地证明,或者完全是由一个非常小的群体,甚至仅仅是一个人信仰的。原因可能千差万别,但不管怎样,西萨并不认为自己是伪神。) 能力:创造与操纵传说程度的能力 危险等级:中 人类友好程度:极高 活动区域:人类村落(支配者) |
Formerly the tutelary goddess of a small Germanic village known as “Cizaris”, Cisa is primarily a goddess of agriculture, fertility and women. For the longest time, the people of Cizaris led a peaceful life under her guardianship. One day, with the attack of a foreign army, everything changed. A Roman legion sent by Augustus Octavian attacked the little settlement, and the story commonly told is that Augustus erected a new city in its place - Augusta Vindelicum. This is, however, only one truth. According to an alternative truth, there had been two attacks. The first attack on Cizaris resulted in the legion being utterly vanquished. Attributing this victory to their goddess Cisa, the site of her shrine henceforth would bear the name “Perlach”(×2 From Latin “perdita legio” for “perished legion”, referring to the Roman legion that was vanquished by Cisa.). Nevertheless, Augustus’ troops emerged victorious in a second clash and Cizaris was forgotten. Its goddess, however, was not. | 西萨曾是日耳曼一个小村庄“西加里斯”的守护女神。她主要是农业、生育和妇女的女神。过去很长一段时间里,西加里斯的人民在她的守护下过着平静的生活。然而某一天,随着外国军队的进攻,一切都变了。奥古斯都·屋大维派来的罗马军团袭击了这个小小的定居点,据说奥古斯都在这里建立了一座新的城市——奥格斯塔·文德利克姆。 然而,这仅是一种真相。 据另一种记载,袭击实际曾有两次。第一次对西加里斯的攻击,以军团的完败告终。人们将这场胜利归因于他们的女神西萨,从此她的圣地被冠名为“佩拉赫”(×2 从拉丁语“Perdita legio”到“Perished legion”的转变,正是源于被西萨击败的罗马军团。)。尽管如此,奥古斯都的大军在第二次冲突中取得了胜利,西加里斯最终被遗忘了。然而,它的女神却并未如此。 |
The newly-founded Roman city became the provincial capital of Raetia. Later, in the middle ages and the Rennaissance, it turned into a critically important hub for trade. Non-believers would claim this was simply thanks to the great wealth and connections of the merchant houses of Fugger and Welser, but those who knew better said this was the patron goddess’ work. Cisa had never given up her town or her people, and the people had never given up Cisa either. Despite the wide spread of Christianity, on every 28th of September, a procession was held in honor of the patron goddess. And today? Present day Augsburg has lost most of its importance. Present day historians are unsure whether Cisa was truly ever worshipped here, with the few texts documenting her existence being contradicted by nearly all other historic records. She has been mistaken for another goddess of fertility, a goddess of magic and childbirth, and even a goddess of pines(×3 Respectively Ceres, Isis and Cybele, although even stranger comparisons exist, relating Cisa to Circe (owed to Elias Holl, Augsburger architect) and even Medusa (because of a stone relief dating back to Roman times). Just how much more vague could this person’s true nature be?). | 新成立的罗马之城成为了拉提亚省的首府。而后在中世纪和复兴时期,它变成了一个至关重要的贸易中心。无神信的人说,这仅仅是因为富格和韦尔泽商人的巨大财富和为人们构建的联系。但那些更了解的人则说,这是守护神显灵。 西萨从未放弃过她的城镇和人民,人民也从未放弃过西萨。尽管基督教广泛传播,这座城市的居民们都会在每个9月28日举行一次游行,以纪念他们的守护神西萨。 那么如今呢?此时的奥格斯堡已经失去了它的大部分重要性。历史学家不确定西萨是否真的曾在这里受过崇拜,几乎所有其他历史记录都与记录她存在的少数文献相矛盾。她被误认为是另一位生育、魔法和分娩的女神,甚至是松树的女神(×2 分别是塞雷斯、伊西斯和西贝尔。尽管存在着更为奇怪的混淆,但却有着将西萨与塞雷斯(应归功于奥格斯堡建筑师埃利亚斯·霍尔),甚至与美杜莎(由于可追溯到罗马时代的石头浮雕)联系起来的事。这个人的真实身姿究竟有多模糊不清?)。 |
In spite of this, Cisa’s influence can still be discovered in the nooks and crannies of Augsburg’s old town: her likeness appears on Hercules’ Well, her name and face adorn a restaurant and a silhouette of Cisa still stands tall on the tower that was erected in place of her old sanctuary - the Perlach Tower. But did she truly ever exist in the first place? The only certainty is that at some point, people believed in people that believed in this god. Perhaps that’s enough for a vague god like this to form - call it second-hand faith. With her protégés grown up and having forgotten about her, Cisa’s tutelary eyes fell upon a new human settlement in need of protection - this time from more than just a legion of Roman soldiers, in a world were all myths can become reality. | 尽管如此,西萨的影响仍然可以在奥格斯堡老城的角落和缝隙中发现:她的肖像出现在赫拉克勒斯的井上,她的名字和脸装饰着一家餐馆。西萨的形象,仍然矗立在为了取代她的旧避难所而建的佩拉赫塔之上。 但她真的曾经存在过吗?唯一确定的是,在某种程度上,人们相信其他相信这个神明的人。也许这就足够让这样一个模糊的神明形成——称之为二手信仰。 随着她所保护的人们长大并遗忘了她,西萨的目光落在了一个需要保护的新人类聚居地上。一个无论是罗马军团,还是神话都可以变成现实的世界。 |
Cisa is extremely friendly and full of energy. To some people, she may even come off as a bit of a ditz, heavily contradicting her status as a god. However, Cisa knows when it’s time to joke and when it’s time to be serious. On top of that, she possesses a kind of protective instinct that makes her an extraordinarily tough enemy when her protégés are in danger(×4 Being a new arrival, she doesn’t know the humans of the village are already safe from Gensokyo’s threats. Mostly. Maybe it’s best not to tell her?). Due to her ability, parts of her personality can change at a moment’s notice. When she found herself in Gensokyo, she first attempted to adapt to the local culture. Despite this, she still has close ties with Augsburg and has made many of its attributes her own, such as the pinecone symbol. She sometimes does feel a little bit homesick. Unlike most gods, she does not like to appear as a pompous figure shrouded in light or a wrathful curse demon. To have a close relation with her protégés is important to her. After trying out various Japanese styles, including a classically festive kimono and even a magical girl outfit, she settled for a mostly casual appearance based on traditional clothing from her home region, giving herself as an approachable, friendly neighborhood patron. | 西萨对人类非常友好,且充满活力。对某些人来说,她甚至可能会表现得像个白痴,与其神明形象大相径庭。然而,西萨知道什么时候该开玩笑,什么时候该认真。更重要的是,她有一种保护性的本能,当她所守护的人们处于危险之中时,她会成为一个非常强悍的敌人(×4 作为一个外来神,她并不知道村里的人已经不会受到来自幻想乡本身的危险了……大概。也许不要告诉她更好?)。 由于她的能力,她的部分性格可以随时改变。当她发现自己在幻想乡时,她首先尝试的是适应当地的文化。尽管如此,她仍然与奥格斯堡有着密切的联系,还使它的许多属性变成了自己的,譬如松果符号。她有时确实有点想家。 与大多数神不同,她不喜欢显得像一个幻光笼罩的浮夸角色或是一个愤怒的受咒恶魔。对她来说,与她所守护的人们保持密切关系是很重要的。在尝试了各种日本风格后(包括古典的节日和服,甚至是一套神奇的女装),她选择了一种以家乡传统服装为基础的休闲服装,使自己成为了一个平易近人、友好的近邻和守护者。 |
Cisa’s power is to create and manipulate legends. She no longer has any major source of faith to support her own continuity, so she resorts to constant use of this ability in order to maintain her existence until she becomes able to exclusively live off of the faith gathered from Gensokyo’s humans. Because youkai and gods are creatures most often born from legends and the resultant human fear or reverence, Cisa’s power could be considered a power to manipulate fantastic creatures, too. If the legends surrounding a creature are precise enough and Cisa attempts to change them, the creature will revert back to its original form and traits once Cisa stops feeding it with her power. In the same manner, by manipulating her own myth, she can alter aspects of herself at will - all, of course, within the bounds of logic. | 西萨拥有创造和操纵传说的能力。由于不再有任何主要的信仰来源来维持自己的存在,所以她利用这种能力来维持她的存在,直到她能够完全依靠从幻想乡的人类那里收集来的信仰生活。 因为妖怪和神明最是起源于传说和人类的恐惧或崇敬的生物,所以西萨的力量也可以被视为操纵幻想生物的力量。如果一个存在的传说足够精确,西萨能够试图改变它们。但一旦西萨停止用她的力量改变它,这个生物将恢复最初的形态和特征。以同样的方式,通过操纵自己的神话,她可以随意改变自己的各个方面——当然,在逻辑范围内。 |
Fabricating a myth is for a start the ability to create a completely new myth and bring it to life. Though without anybody believing in it, it will cease to exist without Cisa’s permanent influence. It’s also possible for her to turn things that exist really into legends, though this becomes increasingly more difficult the more “common” such a thing is. She’d have little issue turning a specific person into a legend while it’d be completely impossible (and asinine) to turn trees into a myth. If something is turned into a myth this way, all definite evidence that would point to its real existence is completely erased. Only memories and similarly vague hints remain.. | 编造一个传说,是创造一个全新传说,并把它带到生活中的能力之始。尽管不需要信仰而生,但如果没有西萨的长久影响,它仍将不复存在。 她也有可能把真实存在的东西变成传说,尽管这种存在越“普通”,难度就越高。如将一个特定的人变成一个传奇只是小问题,但把树变成神话是完全不可能的(也是愚蠢的)。 如果某种东西以这种方式变成神话,那么所有指向其真实存在的确凿证据都将被完全抹去。只有记忆和类似的模糊暗示依然存在于世…… |
Her full name is Cisa Perlach Augusta, a Latin-style name consisting of first name, surname and cognomen. Her original name was simply Cisa, though spellings may vary. Zisa, Ziza and Cysa are all common variants. It is thought that the name of the Germanic village Cizaris is a contraction of the Latin “Cisae ara”, meaning “altar of Cisa”.Following the defeat of the Roman legion, she gave herself the surname “Perlach”. The tower erected in place of her old temple also bears this name.Finally, she adopted the cognomen “Augusta” after the founding of Augusta Vindelicum. The name means something to the extent of “venerable”, “noble” or simply “holy”. It is the female variant of Augustus, the honorific title of the founder of Augusta Vindelicum. She has considered adding a fourth name of Japanese origin to her repertoire now that she has moved to Gensokyo, though she decided against this since it might be over the top. | 她的全名是西萨·佩拉赫·奥格斯塔,一个拉丁风格的名字,由名字、姓氏和附姓组成。 她的原名是西萨(Cisa),虽然拼写可能有所不同。Zisa、Ziza和Cysa都是常见的变体。人们认为,日耳曼村庄的名字是拉丁语“Cisae Ara”的缩写,意思是“Cisa的祭坛”。击败罗马军团后,她给自己起了“佩拉赫”的姓。这座塔是为取代她的旧神庙而建的,亦有着佩拉赫之名2。最后,在奥格斯塔·温德利克姆建城后,她使用了“奥格斯塔”这个词。这个名字在某种程度上意味着“可敬的”、“高尚的”或“神圣的”。它是奥古斯都的女性变体,是奥格斯塔·温德利克姆创始人的尊称。 她已经考虑在她的剧目中加上第四个来自日本的名字,因为她已经搬到了幻想乡。尽管她决定停下这一行为,因为这大概太过头了。 |
Cisa has golden eyes and three-colored hair; red on the right side, green in the middle, and white on the left side. The left side is also tied into a three-colored braid. Red, green and white are the official city colors of Augsburg. Likewise, this color scheme appears throughout her clothing, which is heavily based on the traditional clothing of Swabia. She wears a white shirt with a red undershirt and tie. On top of that, Cisa dons a green dress with golden buttons and a red bottom hem, as well as a white apron with a golden mural lining and a pouch bearing the coat of arms of the merchant family Fugger von der Lilie. The ribbon that ties the apron, once again, shows the city colors. Cisa wears brown boots and a sunhat of the same color which also bears a golden mural crown on top. The mural crown is a common symbol of tutelary deities like Cisa. She wields the silver sword “St. Afra”, named after another patron of Augsburg, whose true existence is just as debatable as Cisa’s. | 西萨有金色的眼睛和三色的头发:右边是红色,中间是绿色,左边是白色,而左侧还系着一个三色的编织物。红色、绿色和白色是奥格斯堡的官方城市颜色。 同样,这种配色方案也出现在她的衣服上,这在很大程度上是基于斯瓦比亚的传统服装。她穿着一件白衬衫,一条红色的汗衫和领带。除此之外,西萨还穿了一件绿色的衣服,上面有金色的纽扣和红色的底边,还有一条镶有金色壁画衬里的白色围裙,以及附有口袋的富格袖装。围裙的丝带再一次显示了城市的颜色。 西萨穿着棕色的靴子,戴着一顶颜色相同的太阳帽,太阳帽顶部还戴着一顶金色的壁画皇冠。壁画的皇冠是像西萨一样的守护神的一个常见的象征。 她挥舞着以奥格斯堡另一位守护者的名字命名的银剑“圣阿芙拉”,这把银剑的真实性和西萨一样存有争议。 |
A product of Cisa’s power and her ever-grouchy familiar, embodying the proper personality of a present day Augsburger. She was born from a well-known legend of Cisa’s home town. According to this legend, there was a baker that was able to deceive imperial troops besieging the town in the 17th century. He baked breads from sawdust and tossed them into the moat outside the city in order to convince the aggressors that their attempts at cutting off the city’s food supplies had been totally unsuccessful. In a fit of rage, the soliders shot the baker’s arm off with a crossbow, causing him to die later that day. Still, the siege ended shortly afterwards. Today “d’Stoinerne Ma”(×5 Regional Augsburg dialect for “the man made of stone”. Ma directly derives her name from this phrase.), a statue at the city’s old wall, reminds of this hero. | 石头人是西萨的力量和她一贯易怒的熟悉的产物,体现了当今奥格斯堡人的个性。她出生于西萨家乡的一个著名传说中。 根据这个传说,有一个面包师欺骗了17世纪围城的罗马军队。他用锯末装作面包,然后把它们扔到城外的护城河里,以使侵略者误认为,他们切断城外食物供应的企图完全失败了。 由于愤怒,士兵们用十字弓射中了面包师的胳膊,而他在那天晚些时候死去。不过,围攻很快就结束了。今天,“D'Stoinerne Ma”(×5 奥格斯堡地区方言,意为“石头人”。石头人的名字直接来源于这个短语。),这座城市旧墙上的雕像,让人们铭记这位英雄。 |
Likewise, the person that Cisa created from this statue is a passionate baker with a lithic, immobile right arm and the power to turn wood into bread. Her purpose was to become Cisa’s familiar and assist her in Gensokyo. Ma isn’t particularly thrilled about this, but she’s not particularly thrilled about anything. What Ma and Cisa have in common is that their legends are only ambiguously true, as thorough analysis reveals the statue was put together in the 18th century from multiple parts that seemingly didn’t belong together. The tale of the heroic baker only started to circulate around that time, too. | 同样的,西萨从这座雕像中创造出来的人是一个热情的面包师,右臂柔软,不能移动,有把木头变成面包程度的能力。她的用处是作为西萨的亲卫,协助她立足幻想乡。石头人对此并不怎么兴奋,尽管她对所有事情都不怎么兴奋。 石头人和西萨的共同点是,她们的传说只存在模棱两可的真实。因为深入的分析表明,这座雕像是18世纪,由多个看似不属于一起的部分拼凑而成的。而英雄面包师的故事也恰巧在那个时候才开始流传。 |
Cisa is a highly protective individual. Causing her protégés harm, even as a human, is the best way to evoke her anger, so this should be avoided. Although she always seems serene and friendly, her strong sense of patriotism and her connection to her old home should not be subject to insult, else she will easily lose her temper. Youkai should be especially careful and steer clear of this god, as Cisa’s ability allows her to directly alter their behavior, if only temporarily. These alterations can range from simple visual changes to altering their ability or even their motives and desires. As Cisa would prefer to rely on human faith rather than her ability to sustain herself, should you have angered her, a small offering will placate her. | 西萨是高度保护人类的存在。即使是作为一个人类,引起其他人类受伤仍是引起她的愤怒的最好方法,所以应该避免这样做。 虽然她总是显得平静友好,但她强烈的爱国心和她与故乡的联系也不能受到侮辱,否则她很容易发脾气。 妖怪则应该特别小心,尽量避开这个神明。因为西萨的能力允许她直接改变他们的行为,即使只是暂时的。这些变化可以从简单的外观变化到改变他们的能力,甚至是他们的动机和欲望。 因为西萨宁愿依靠人类的信仰,而不是她维持自己的能力。所以如果你激怒了她,一个小礼物就能够安抚她。 |
中文名 | 英文名 | 出现位置 |
松果3「松果顶饰剑」 | Pinecone Sign「Sword of the Pinecone Crest」 | Scare |
松果「圣阿弗拉4的喀西马尼园5」 | Pinecone Sign「St. Afra's Gethsemane」 | Scare |
松果「幻色金厅」6 | Pinecone Sign「Opalescent Golden Hall」 | Scare |
松果「盒中的人偶演舞」7 | Pinecone Sign「Puppet Dance Performance in a Box」 | Scare |
松果「三十年8的徒劳攻城9」 | Pinecone Sign「Thirty Years' Unavailing Siege」 | Scare |
松果「西门子电车10的无终旅行」11 | Pinecone Sign「Siemens Combino's Aimless Journey」 | Scare |
松果「月兔啤酒厂」12 | Pinecone Sign「Moon Rabbit's Brewer」 | Scare |
松果「绯红烈焰之夜」13 | Pinecone Sign「Crimson Night of Fire」 | Scare |
「奥格斯塔14的神圣支持者」15 | 「The Saintly Patrons of Augusta」 | Scare |
「成对的伪历史野兽」1617 | 「A Pass of Pseudohistorical Beasts」18 | Scare |
「魔法的壁形金冠19地藏」20 | 「The Magic Mural Crown Jizo」 | Scare |
「石之烘焙师与水中面包」2122 | 「The Stone Baker and the Submerged Breads」 | Scare |