基本信息 | |
人物名 | 梅美 |
日文名 | メイメイ (めいめい) |
英文名 | Meimei |
种族 | 人形神1 |
能力 | Granting a single person's wishes 满足一人心愿程度的能力 |
登场信息 | ||||
作品名 | 位置 | 类型 | 称号 | 主题曲 |
東方催狐譚 ~ Servants of Harvest Wish | 四面BOSS&EX面中BOSS | 游戏 | Idol of Avarice 贪欲的人偶 The Puppet and the Wishing Doll 人偶与许愿娃娃 | Poppet of Nemesis 报应女神2的魔法人偶 |
A petite and enigmatic wishing doll whose automation was brought by a rather cursed ritual. | 娇小而神秘的许愿人偶,其行动能力来源于某种十分恐怖的仪式。 |
It's said that a hinnagami is born by gathering the clay of the dead for three years. Miraculously, with the aid of a malicious youkai, Kagemo was able to significantly speed up the process to a mere three weeks. | 据说,人形神需要收集死者的土肉,连续三年方可制成。但是,多亏了某个邪恶的妖怪,影面得以奇迹般地在三周之内将其完成。 |
Families that wander into sudden prosperity and luck wander into utilizing the powers of a hinnagami. Those wishes, of course, come with a cost - despite its usefulness, the hinnagami is a highly cursed object which eventually becomes overly attached to its owner. Even after death, the cursed doll would follow its owner, demanding more wishes with an eerie "What's next?". These wishing dolls are reported to punish their owners. The severity of this punishment depends entirely on the value of what was wished for. | 那些毫无预兆地突然蒙财富与幸运眷顾的人家,会被怀疑供奉着人形神。然而,如此实现愿望当然伴随着付出代价。人形神固然好用,却如同诅咒般恐怖,最终将完全附在其主人上。就算是死后,这被诅咒的人偶依然会跟随它的主人,诡异地询问更多的愿望。这些许愿人偶据说会惩罚它们的主人,惩罚的严酷程度完全取决于愿望的价值。 |
Kagemo and her master knew that Meimei's powers had to be used sparingly to avoid a great punishment at the end. Meimei's creation, of course, had its selfish purpose. Kagemo's master lacked a proper body, which greatly hindered her magic ability. Meimei's power was simply not enough to create a stable body, thus rendering her useless. Filled with rage, the master deemed her a completely useless ragdoll and went back to brainstorming new ways to gain a body. At least Kagemo would have a plaything. Not like the master cared; Kagemo would be punished by the wishes, after all. | 影面与她的主人深知,要谨慎使用梅美的力量,避免最终得到过分的惩罚。梅美被创造出来是为了影面的主人的一己私欲,她缺少一具合适的肉身,这大大阻碍了其妖力的施展。但是,凭梅美的力量当然不足以制造出一具稳定的肉身。影面的主人对这一失败感到怒不可遏,将她作为无用的破娃娃抛弃,从头开始思索对策。至少影面得了个玩物,而对主人来说根本就无所谓,毕竟惩罚只会降临到影面头上。 |
An idea sprouted inside the evil mastermind's head. By tracking down the fabled Harvest Moon Shrine, a legendary gem named the "wish-fulfilling jewel" could be used to wish for the new body. As it was Inari's source of power, wishing for a new body would be an easy task with no consequences in the afterlife. It turns out that Meimei could be used after all. A wish seemingly as minor as "lead the way to this shrine" would come with little to no consequence, not to mention the great benefit for their master. Kagemo had doubts about it working; how would Meimei know where to look for that shrine? Because of the powers of Kagemo's wishing, a strange internal force gave her all required directions to the long forgotten shrine. The burglary had been commited. Kagemo and Meimei made a run for it. Had they stayed for a moment longer, they would've been caught by the shrine's guardians. | 很快邪恶的黑幕脑中便冒出主意。若能去往代代传承的名月神社,就能用供奉在那里的如意宝珠来许愿。以稻荷大人的力量能很轻易地得到新的肉身,而且还不必承受来世的惩罚。另外梅美也能派上用场,毕竟许下“引导我去往神社”这种愿望,需要付出的代价微乎其微,更不用说能为主人带来极大的收益。影面对人形神的运作方式曾有疑问:梅美要怎么知道神社的位置呢?借着她许下的愿望,一股神秘的内力给予了她所需的方向,将她带去了被长年遗忘的神社。盗窃完成后,影面和梅美立刻逃之夭夭。或许只要再逗留片刻,就会被神社的守卫者抓住吧。 |
After using the jewel's power, their master got what she wanted. She needed some time to get used to the body and recover their magic, so she was vulnerable. On the next day, however, a great famine struck Gensokyo's human village. Starving, the miserable humans tried their best to get some more food, but the harvest was very poor. Worried about exterminators and Inari going after her tail, the master panicked, so after using the jewel, she wanted Kagemo and Meimei to sneak back into the Harvest Moon Shrine and return it. She didn't have the strength to fight against Inari at that point, so calming them down was the right choice. | 使用了宝珠的力量,主人得偿所愿获得了新的肉体。她还需要一些时间适应新的身体,恢复魔力,因此她此时是脆弱的。然而第二天,幻想乡中的人类村落里暴发了严重的饥荒。饥饿的人们即使拼命耕作,收获的粮食也微乎其微。害怕被异变解决者与稻荷神揪出狐狸尾巴,惊惶不安的主人急忙命令影面与梅美,把用过的宝珠偷偷还回名月神社。此时此刻她还没有抵挡稻荷神的力量,所以赶快息事宁人才是上策。 |
Kagemo had been possessed by a mysterious mastermind who permanently attached a white fox mask onto her face. The mask itself was cursed to constantly seep demonic energy into her system. Should anyone dare to touch it and take it off her face (not that Kagemo had the willpower to take it off herself), the masks's energy would enter the victim's system through their fingers and cause some horrific cognitive mutations. | 如上所述,影面受到谜之黑幕的操纵。戴在她脸上的白色狐面,浸透着诅咒的力量。 被剥夺自由的她本人自不必说,即使有人想把面具剥离,诅咒也会经接触者的指尖传导过去,严重侵蚀那人的精神。 |
"Kagemo" isn't her name, it's a measly nickname given to her by her master. They never bothered to learn her name, there was no point; after all, the human side of her didn't exist anymore. As she was a regular girl, Kagemo was unable to use magic until the mask was put on her. The mask also served as a power source, drawing some of the master's magic. Even though her bullets look like colorful candy, the amount of evil contained in a single bullet can turn the nicest person into a mindless beast controlled by the mastermind. Kagemo, however, still retained a bit of what she used to be. She is still a cheerful young lady who enjoys dancing her worries away. | “影面”并非她的本名。为了抹消其作为人类的性格,有必要抹消其本名,故主人给她起了这个绰号。 在身为普通人类之时完全不会运用妖术等,由于面具中注入了主人的魔力,戴上之后变得可以使用弹幕来攻击了。 虽然她的弹幕看上去如糖果般光彩夺目,但实际上每一颗光弹中都包含强烈的诅咒,足以把最善良温和的人变成任由黑幕操纵的凶恶人偶。 其实她还保留了一点原来的性格,即使遭人操纵,她欢快的一面并没有改变。她依然是一位会用欢乐的舞蹈驱散烦恼的、开朗阳光的女孩,这一点始终不变。 |
A grand plan was in order - the mastermind, still in her spirit form, would wish for a new body with a hinnagami. Kagemo was tasked to gather dirt from unsecured graves for the creation of this wishing doll. Kagemo had to hasten unless she wanted to be punished by her mistress. Thus, Meimei was born after just a few weeks. Regular hinnagami take years to create, so Meimei clearly wasn't fit for the enormous wish she was created for. The mastermind was extremely disappointed and decided to discard her immediately, but another idea sprung into their mind. What if Kagemo used Meimei to track down the special wish-fulfilling jewel that Inari has? Meimei proved to be useful after all... well, as a GPS more than anything. After using the jewel, the mastermind created a new body for herself - a voluptuous, ill-wishing kitsune lady that named herself Shirigai no Mamo. To her, Meimei and Kagemo had zero worth, so to avoid being blamed for the theft of the jewel, she sent the duo back to the Harvest Moon Shrine. If they were caught, they would die, not her. She's clearly not the nicest person to her underlings... | 处于灵体状态的黑幕构思了计划,打算利用人形神获得新的肉身。 影面负责收集无人参拜的枯冢上的泥土,用它来制作人偶。 要是不抓紧的话会受到严厉的处罚,于是她抱着必杀的决心,总算是把梅美制作了出来。 然而通常情况下需要花费三年才能制成的人偶,如今却只用了三周。所以梅美没有足够的力量实现主人的愿望,这倒也在情理之中。 大失所望的主谋本打算将梅美抛弃,但峰回路转,她有了一个新的计划。 让梅美发挥的力量,帮助影面寻找稻荷神持有的如意宝珠,这样如何呢? 结果证明,梅美作为向导非常有用。 使用了宝珠之后,作为黑幕的恶狐获得了一具美艳的肉身。她给自己取了一个新的名字,唤作“纣真藻”。 当宝珠失窃被察觉时,黑幕担心遭到命妇的追捕,于是命令影面与梅美将宝珠还回名月神社。 对于她来说,部下只是工具而已。哪怕两人遭到逮捕,甚至被杀,也和黑幕她自己没有任何关系。 |
During the time of running around Gensokyo, being chased by Inari's servants or the heroines, Kagemo and Meimei had a lot of time to bond. Back in the village, Kagemo hid Meimei to prevent her from attracting the eyes of others, but Meimei couldn't stand constantly running away from everybody. They deeply care about each other, having built up a younger sister- elder sister relationship thanks to their similar fates.. Kagemo treated Meimei not like a fellow servant, but like a best friend. Considering how her autonomy was taken from her, the wishing doll was actually the only glimmer of hope for Kagemo's sanity. Thanks to Meimei and all the fun they have on a daily basis, Kagemo hasn't lost the entirety of her mind thanks to Meimei. Not yet, at least... Mamo has taken note of this, so she will "toy" with her to get rid of the only trace of the girl Kagemo once used to be. | 当受到命妇和自机们的追捕,不得不在幻想乡东躲西藏的时候,影面与梅美的羁绊加深了。 在村子里,为了不引人注目,影面不得不将梅美隐藏起来,但是梅美厌倦了逃避众人的目光。 影面不是像对待隶属同一主人的同僚,而是像对待朋友那样对待梅美。不知不觉,梅美把影面看作了姐姐那般的存在,她自己也成为了影面的妹妹那样的存在。 因为有着共同的不幸境遇,所以互相珍惜着彼此。 实际上对于被剥夺了自由的影面来说,梅美是让她保持清醒的重要因素。 两人每天一起玩耍,其中蕴含着回归原本的自己的希望。 但其实……幕后黑手也注意到了这一点。也许她已经在考虑,为了彻底抹除原人格,进一步折磨影面的精神吧。 |
中文名 | 英文名 | 出现位置 |
咒仪「悲惨之道」 | Hexed Rite「Path of Misery」 | Easy/Normal |
咒欲「悲惨的螺旋」 | Accursed Desires「Spiral of Grief」 | Hard/Lunatic |
罪命「后悔的众魂」 | Sinful Life「Souls of Regret」 | Easy/Normal |
后悔「业力3果报」4 | Repentance「Karmic Consequence」 | Hard/Lunatic |
金符「富贵陷阱」 | Money Sign「Fortune Snare」 | Easy/Normal |
欲符「埋葬于富贵」 | Greed Sign「Entombed by Fortune」 | Hard/Lunatic |
「守财奴的最后心愿」 | 「Miser's Last Wish」 | Easy/Normal/Hard/Lunatic |
饿鬼「地狱公路之星」5 | Preta「Hell's Highwey Star」 | Last Word |
*入轨的财神* | *Mammon in Orbit* | Easy/Normal/Hard/Lunatic(异常) |
死行进「舞厅悲剧」 | Death March「Ballroom Tragedy」 | Extra(与影面合作使用) |
死行进「舞池中的血」 | Death March「Blood on the Dance Floor」 | Lunatic Extra(与影面合作使用) |
生命线「与死亡共舞」 | Lifeline「Dance with Death」 | Extra(与影面合作使用) |
生命线「生与死的境界线」 | Lifeline「Line Between Life and Death」 | Lunatic Extra(与影面合作使用) |
「违背丰饶祈愿的仆从」 | 「Servants Against Harvest Wish」 | Extra/Lunatic Extra(与影面合作使用) |
*不幸的焰火* | *Star-Crossed Firework* | Extra/Lunatic Extra(异常)(与影面合作使用) |
凶星「厄★运饼干」 | Ominous Star「Miss ★ Fortune Cookie」6 | Overdrive |
影明「幻想入之人形演舞」7 | Shadow and Light「Spirited-Away Puppet Dance Performance」 | Overdrive(与影面合作使用) |