基本信息 | |
人物名 | 蕾瓦伦斯·U'n-利萨基 |
日文名 | レヴァレンス・U'n-リサージ |
英文名 | Reverence U'n-Llisardggy12 |
种族 | 别天津神 |
能力 | Capable of creating worlds 创造世界程度的能力 |
登场信息 | ||||
作品名 | 位置 | 类型 | 称号 | 主题曲 |
東方眠世界 ~ Wonderful Waking World. | EX面BOSS | 游戏 | The Being Called By Many Names 被众多名号称呼的存在 | Summertime Rhapsody of a Dying World 濒死世界的夏日狂想曲 |
In the beginning, around 13.8 billion years ago, a god created the known universe we live in. This god was a very special one, a kotoamatsukami, one of the first to ever exist. | 起初,在大约138亿年3前,一位神明创造了我们所居住的宇宙。 这位神明是非常特别的:一名别天神,最初的存在者之一。 |
Throughout History, different religions gave a lot of different names to the concept of creation. But her one and only name is Reverence U'n-Llisardggy. | 纵观历史,不同的宗教给“创世神”的概念冠以了许多不同的名字。 不过她唯一的名字是蕾瓦伦斯·U'n-利萨基。 |
Humans like to think everything was created for them, or that it was at least actively made by this greater force. It is not so. Reverence creates universes inside bubbles, floating in a nameless, infinite, non-Euclidean space. But her involvement stops there -- she doesn't know what's inside the bubble she blows unless she goes inside. Everything happening in them is just a consequence of whatever laws of physics the places inside follow. Bubbles will sometimes regroup together into clusters, linking those worlds directly. For example, the Outside World, the Dream World and Gensokyo are all located in separate bubbles, but since they are part of the same cluster, one can "easily" go from one to another. | 人类总是喜欢设想一切事物都是为他们而创造的,或者至少一切都是这种伟力的有意创造。 然而并非如此。 蕾瓦伦斯创造出泡泡中的宇宙,而那些泡泡漂浮在一个无名、无尽的非欧几里得空间之中。 但她的参与止步于此——她并不知道自己吹出的泡泡中有何物,除非她进入其中。气泡中发生的一切, 都是其内部自有的物理定律产生的结果。 泡泡有时会聚集在一起成为集群,将其中的世界链接在一起。例如说,外界,梦世界和幻想乡都位于各自的泡泡之中, 但因为它们处于同一个集群,所以可以“轻易”地在它们之间往来。 |
A few hundred years ago, someone managed to leave the bubble they were living in on their own. This someone was a human-looking lady with creepy eyes. The lady came to ask Reverence to create a world just for her. She obviously refused, but said she won't stop her from trying herself. That is how Reverence has always been -- she never gets involved in anything. She is merely a spectator of her own creations. | 在数百年前,某人成功凭借自己的力量离开了所生存的泡泡。4 这是一位貌似人类的,有着悚人眼瞳的女子。 这位女子要求蕾瓦伦斯为她创造一个世界。蕾瓦伦斯理所当然地拒绝了,但也说她并不会阻止女子自行尝试。 这就是蕾瓦伦斯的一贯作风——她不会参与任何事。她仅仅只是她创造物的观察者罢了。 |
The lady came and went, and tried to create a world of her own multiple times. One day, she succeeded, much to Reverence's surprise. | 这位女子往而复来,几次地尝试创造一个自己的世界。 有一天,出乎蕾瓦伦斯的意料,她终于成功了。 |
A long, long time before those events, she would spend a lot of time visiting the worlds she created. During that time, she went through billions of different places and saw billions of different forms of life. | 在这些事情发生前的很久,她会花上许多时间拜访她所创造的诸世界。 在那段日子里,她历行无数地界,遍阅了亿万种生命形态。 |
But one day, she stumbled upon a little rock. It was floating in the middle of space, covered with water and life. It was Earth... but not really. It was extremely similar to our planet: it had humans, societies and religions, but it was not the planet Earth we know. On it, she discovered things she had never seen before. Hatred, wars, violence. An unimaginable amount of pain emanated from this single rock. | 但是有一天,她驻足于一颗小小的石子。它漂浮在宇宙之中,为水与生命所覆盖。 那就是地球…不过不完全是。 它与我们所居的星球非常相似,存在着人类,也有社会和宗教,但它并不是我们所知的地球。 在这颗星球上,她发现了她从未有见的事物。仇恨、战争、暴力。这颗小小的石子上诞生了难以想象、不可尽数的痛苦。 |
She couldn't accept this. She couldn't accept that she had created, even indirectly, such imperfect creatures. | 她无法接受。 她无法接受——即使并非直接地——她创造了如此不完美的生灵。 |
So, for the first time, she decided to interfere with one of her creations. She reached toward a random human, a young girl, and asked her to solve all of humanity's misdeeds, for she would destroy everything if she were to fail. Well aware that this human couldn't just "do it", she gifted to her the power to do so. | 因此,史无前例地,她决定向她的造物中的一种加以干涉。 她随机地找上了一位女性——那是一个少女——并请她去解决全人类的种种罪行,而若她失败,蕾瓦伦斯就将毁灭一切。 蕾瓦伦斯很清楚这个人类并不能轻松地做到这些,因而赋予了她成事所需要的力量。 |
The next time the two of them met, the young girl and her pets were alone on a raft, floating over the girl's submerged universe. | 而二人再见面时,女孩与她的宠物一起乘着筏子,孑然一身地漂浮在她被淹没的宇宙之上。 |
Animals, plants, rocks, suns, stray molecules floating in space. To Reverence, they're all the same: life. She can feel and hear the feelings of every atom. She considers everything that exists to deserve that existence, and holds affection for every single piece of matter that is. But she couldn't hear anything. This whole world, the entirety of the inside of the bubble, was dead. For the god, it was like losing trillions upon trillions of children. | 动物、植物、岩球、恒星,还有漂浮在宇宙之中的零散的分子。对于蕾瓦伦斯来说,它们都是同一的:生命。她能听见每一个原子的心绪。 她认为存在者皆应存在,她爱着一切存在的事物。 但此刻,她什么都听不见了。 整个世界,这个泡泡内部的一切,都死亡了。对于神来说,这就宛如失去了亿万的孩子。 |
And it was all because of Reverence's god complex. | 而这全归咎于蕾瓦伦斯的万能神力。 |
Ashamed of her actions, she took the human girl with her, popped the lifeless bubble, and promised that she would never go inside another one of her creations ever again. | 愧疚难当,她将人类女孩带在身边,毁灭了那个了无生命的泡泡, 然后发誓她再也不会进入她的造物之中。 |
Considering Nua as her "mistake", she tries to make up by helping her find a new home. | 因为她觉得曾对努亚犯下了错误,所以她也期望帮努亚找到一个新家,以此来弥补自己的过失。 |
Sometimes, she stares at the infinite nothingness of the nameless place, and wonders if all of this is somehow contained in another, bigger bubble... | 有时,她的目光会停驻在那片无名的空间中的,无穷无尽的虚无,她想,这一切是否也处在一个更大的泡泡中呢…… |
中文名 | 日文名 | 出现位置 |
世界创造「欢迎来到我家」 | World Creation "Bienvenue Chez Moi" | Extra |
私人世界「重生的启示」 | World of Self "Reborn Revelation" | Extra |
无序世界「在那边捡到的坏了的节拍器」5 | World of Entropy "A Broken Metronome I Picked Up Over There" | Extra |
死亡世界「动弹不得的梦境」 | Death World "Unmoving Dreamland" | Extra |
虚实世界「弗拉马里翁版画」 | Imaginary and Real World "Flammarion Engraving" | Extra |
新世界交响曲「从容的最缓板」 | New World Symphony "Largo Ma Non Troppo" | Extra |
怠惰世界「铭记安息日」 | Idle World "Remember the Sabbath Day" | Extra |
悲哀世界「万能神力」 | World of Sorrow "God Complex" | Extra |
气泡世界「池中宇宙」 | Bubble World "Universe in a Pond" | Extra |
鞠躬「告别」6 | My Bow "Bidding Farewell"7 | Extra |