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東方眠世界 ~ Wonderful Waking World./符卡评论
- 本词条内容为二次同人游戏東方眠世界 ~ Wonderful Waking World.的符卡说明。
Stage 1
Apple Sign "Apfelkuchen" | 苹符「苹果派」 |
Apple has a lot of different designs out there. Now there's one more. It's more "Minoriko-like" than "literally an apple" since she isn't a "personification of an apple" but a simple apple youkai here. | 对于苹果有着很多不同的设计。现在又多了一位了。 比起“字面意义上是个苹果”,她更多地像是个“穰子式的角色”,毕竟她不是“苹果的拟人化”1,而只是一个普通的苹果妖怪而已。 |
Apple Sign "Apfelkuchen" | 苹符「苹果派」 |
Apple will sometimes make apple pie out of the apples she grows. They're sadly just as popular as her unprepared apples, though. Oh yeah, and the name is in German because "Apple Pie" is a really boring name for a spell. | 阿普尔有时候会用她种出来的苹果做些苹果派。 很遗憾的是,它们受欢迎的程度和那些做成派之前的苹果差不多。 哦对了,这个名字里用的是德语,因为单单一个“Apple Pie”作为符卡名实在太没意思了。 |
Heaven Sign "Adam and Eve Falling From Heaven" | 天符「从天而降的亚当和夏娃」 |
The first two humans were banished from Heaven because they ate the forbidden fruit. While that fruit is an apple in most people's heads, its true nature isn't really made clear and is up to interpretation. | 最初的两个人类从天堂中被放逐,是因为他们吃下了禁果。 尽管大部分人脑海里的那种果子就是苹果,但实际上我们并不明确那是什么,这尚待解明。 |
Heaven Sign "Adam and Eve Falling From Heaven" | 天符「从天而降的亚当和夏娃」 |
In that case, the name of the Adam's apple can be changed to whatever fruit you want it to be. The Adam's pear? The Adam's fig? The Adam's pitaya? You name it! | 这样的话,那“亚当的苹果”2就可以用随便什么你喜欢的水果来替换了。 亚当的梨子?亚当的无花果?亚当的火龙果?什么都可以! |
Physics Sign "Newton's Laws of Motion" | 物符「牛顿运动定律」 |
One day, while roaming around, an apple fell right on Apple's head. She realized that day how much danmaku potential apples really have. | 有一天,在闲逛的时候,一颗苹果掉了下来,正中阿普尔的头顶。那天,她明白了苹果作为弹幕的巨大潜力。 |
Physics Sign "Newton's Laws of Motion" | 物符「牛顿运动定律」 |
Newton's third law is the law of Action and Reaction. It can easily be explained like so: Action: the boss shoots danmaku. Reaction: You try to not die (and fail). | |
Apple Sign "Celebration of the Homonym Apple and Mount" | 苹符「苹果与山的同音词庆典」 |
Mt. Fuji and apples from the Fuji variety share the same name. Honestly, anyone would immediately rejoice after hearing such a cool fact. | 富士山和富士品种的苹果有着同样的名字。 说实话,听到这么酷的事实,不管是谁都会感到精神一振的吧。 |
Japanese Folklore "Apple Buffet on Mt. Fuji" | 日本民谣「富士山上的苹果自助餐」 |
Apple sadly isn't a wizard from Mt. Fuji. Also, there's no power system in this game. Also also, Reimu doesn't mention diabetes. | |
Rotten Sign "One to Spoil the Bunch" | 腐符「一个烂苹果坏了一锅汤」 |
Not a lot of people will eat Apple's apples, so she always ends up with baskets full of rotten ones. At least she can still throw them in your face. | 没有太多人会吃掉阿普尔的苹果,所以她最后总是会剩下一篮篮烂掉的苹果。 至少她还可以把它们扔到你的脸上。 |
Rotten Sign "One to Spoil the Bunch" | 腐符「一个烂苹果坏了一锅汤」 |
Did you know that Apple is Eirin's arch nemesis? | 阿普尔是永琳的宿敌,你知道吗?5 |
Rotten Sign "Bad Apple" | 腐符「烂苹果」 |
Apple's not that bad, come on, the world isn't black and white! She just doesn't know how to properly interact with people. | 阿普尔并没有那么糟,你看,这个世界又不是非黑即白!6她只是不知道应该如何与人沟通而已。 |
Rotten Sign "Bad Apple" | 腐符「烂苹果」 |
Ever on and on, I continue circling with nothing but my hate in a carousel of agony, till slowly I forget and my heart starts vanishing and suddenly I see that I can't break free. | 永不停歇地,我仅余怨恨,在痛苦的旋转木马上不断回旋,直到渐渐发现,我的心开始消逝,方醒悟我已无法逃离。7 |
Stage 2
Enmity Sign "Fallen Soldier Resting Undersea" | 怨符「沉睡于海底的战死者」 |
The weapons and armors of the fallen soldiers slowly sink into the bottom of the sea. How peaceful... If it wasn't for the corpses of said soldiers. | 坠落的士兵们的干戈甲胄缓缓地沉向了大海之底。 如此安谧…若是此处没有那些士兵的尸骸的话。 |
Enmity Sign "Fallen Soldier Resting Undersea" | 怨符「沉睡于海底的战死者」 |
Thanks to all this equipment, the heikegani form a proud society of samurai-crabs living undersea in the Outside World. The Genji clan has been gone for a long time now, but the heikegani will keep bearing grudges over things in order to subsist. | 正因着这些装备,在外界的海底,平家蟹中形成了一个傲慢的武士蟹群体。源氏的大军早已成为历史,但为了存续,平家蟹们将始终保持着这种怨恨。 |
Grudge Sign "Downfall of the Heike Clan" | 恨符「平家的灭亡」 |
I wonder now... If the Heike were the ones being victorious over the Genji, would the heikegani have been named the genjigani instead? | 我在想…如果平家最终取得胜利,打败了源氏一族,平家蟹会被称作是源氏蟹吗? |
Grudge Sign "Downfall of the Heike Clan" | 恨符「平家的灭亡」 |
"How come she has spells with "enmity" or "grudge" in its name while she doesn't bear any grudge herself?" I hear you say. That's because she stubbornly tries to conform to the mindset of her species. It didn't work very well, as you can see by her presence in Gensokyo. | “如果她并不抱着怨恨的话,她的符卡中又为什么会出现‘恨’‘怨’这样的字眼呢?”我听到了。那是因为她顽固地尝试着顺应着她的族裔们的观念。 这并不怎么成功,你看,她最终还是出现在了幻想乡。 |
Crab Sign "Crab's Walk" | 蟹符「螃蟹步」 |
This spell is significantly easier than another one with the word "walk" in its title. Also, imagine the knives in this spell as crabs. | 这张符卡比另外一张名字里有“步”字的要简单多了。8 另外,麻烦把符卡里的刀弹想象成螃蟹吧。 |
Crab Sign "Crab's Walk" | 蟹符「螃蟹步」 |
Could you, like, stop being a nuisance and step out of the crabs' way? What do you mean they're actively aiming for you? You're being paranoid. | 能请你,嗯,稍微让一让,不要挡着螃蟹们走路了吗? 你说它们在主动地瞄准你是什么意思? 你一定是有点被害妄想。 |
Migration Sign "Crab Voyage Throughout the Land" | 渡符「穿越陆地的螃蟹之旅」 |
Now there are vertical lanes, too! When the knives come from above, it forces YOU to move horizontally. How does it feels to be a crab? | 现在也有竖着的路了! 当刀弹从上方来的时候,你就不得不水平地移动了。 当螃蟹的感觉怎么样? |
Migration Sign "Crab Voyage Throughout the Land" | 渡符「穿越陆地的螃蟹之旅」 |
So many crabs... What a sight! Now, where are they all heading to? I read "Migration Sign", but is Gensokyo large enough to possibly be migrating somewhere? | 螃蟹真多啊…真是奇观!那么,它们都在往哪儿去呢? 虽然我是说“渡符”,但是幻想乡的大小真的足够让它们迁徙吗? |
Summon "Coming of the Giant Crab" | 召唤「巨蟹到来」 |
This game is a bullet hell shooting game which is based on Japan's history. Being based on history, the stages of the game are also based on famous battles which actually took place in ancient Japan. | 本游戏是一个基于日本历史而创作的弹幕射击游戏。 既然是基于历史,本游戏的关卡设计也参照了在古代日本所发生的著名战役。 |
Summon "Coming of the Giant Crab" | 召唤「巨蟹到来」 |
For example, in Stage 2, the player will have to fight against an army of enemy fairies. Not only that, but they will find new and interesting ways to defeat enemies or bosses. | 比方说,在二面,玩家将与敌方的妖精大军交战。 不仅如此,在应对敌人或者Boss时,他们还将发掘有趣的克敌之策。 |
Weak Point "Massive Damage" | 弱点「重创」 |
So here's this giant enemy crab! What I'll do is use Reimu here to flip over this crab on her back. See if she shows up... Oh, here it comes... | 巨大的螃蟹怪物来袭!要是我的话,我会操控灵梦将她翻个底朝天。 看看她有没有出现…噢,来了… |
Weak Point "Massive Damage" | 弱点「重创」 |
I'll switch over to Marisa, hop on its stomach... And you attack its weak point... for massive damage! | 然后我会切换到魔理沙,跳上它的腹部… 接着就可以攻击它的弱点…一击重创! |
Team Attack "Stratagem To Kill a Mere Monkey" | 团队攻击「只为杀死猿猴的谋略」 |
The crabs are done with the monkey's mischief! Where is the monkey, you ask? It's you, obviously. You are the monkey. | 螃蟹们真是受够了猿猴的恶作剧! 你说猿猴在哪儿? 很明显,是你。你就是猴子。 |
Team Attack "Stratagem To Kill a Mere Monkey" | 团队攻击「只为杀死猿猴的谋略」 |
Serene tried asking for help from a chestnut, a cow pie, a bee and an usu in order to defeat you. But then she realized that three-quarters of those things aren't even alive. | 为了打败你,塞勒涅试着从栗子、牛粪、蜜蜂和臼那里获得帮助。9 但是她很快就发现这些东西里有四分之三甚至都不是活着的。 |
"The War of Monkey and Crab Is Not Over Yet" | 「猿蟹大战尚未终结」 |
The monkey doesn't stand a single chance in this war! Crabs are literally the pinnacle of evolution! Why do you think species naturally tend to evolve into crabs? Because they're perfect! | 在这场大战中,猿猴毫无胜算!螃蟹完全占据了进化的顶峰! 你觉得为什么物种会天然地向着螃蟹演化呢?那是因为螃蟹们是完美的! |
"The War of Monkey and Crab Is Not Over Yet" | 「猿蟹大战尚未终结」 |
If a Touhou monkey character were to actually exist, her and Serene would definitely be fierce rivals. Huh? What do you say? Ran? Two Rans? What are you talking about? | 如果东方里真的存在一位猿猴角色的话,她和塞勒涅一定会成为死敌。 啊?你说了什么?乱?两个乱?10你在说什么啊? |
Stage 3
Service Sign "Fantastic Kaleidoscope!"11 | 务符「奇妙万华镜!」 |
Kaleidoscopes are very similar to danmaku: you can achieve unlimited numbers of pretty combinations with a limited number of elements. | 万华镜和弹幕颇是相似:借助有限的元素,可以产生出无限种美妙的组合。 |
Service Sign "Fantastic Kaleidoscope!" | 务符「奇妙万华镜!」 |
The main difference between kaleidoscopes and danmaku is that the latter's beauty also comes from the power and danger it creates. Kaleidoscope pattern can't make you go pichun. | 万华镜和弹幕之间主要的不同在于,后者的美感同时也来自它所带来的力量和危险。 万华镜中展示的图案可不能让你biu。 |
Service Sign "Forfeit Unanimateness!" | 务符「剥夺非生物性!」 |
Being an inanimate object for 100 years is cool and all, but it's kinda boring. I know it's weird for an electric fan of all things to become a tsukumogami, but they were already around 100 years ago so it's not impossible. | 作为无生命物度过100年确实很酷,但也有些无聊。 我知道,变成付丧神的偏偏是个电风扇,是很奇怪,但100年前我们就已经有电风扇了12,所以这不无可能。 |
Service Sign "Forfeit Unanimateness!" | 务符「剥夺非生物性!」 |
This spell is really just meant to scare you. Some tsukumogami are like that. Just keep your cool and it's pretty straightforward. | 这张符卡就是要吓你一跳。有些付丧神就是这样的嘛。 只要保持冷静的话,解法就显而易见了。 |
Fiction Sign "An Eastern Tale From My Home Country!" | 虚符「来自我家乡的东方故事!」 |
Which one are you talking about, Pale? There's something like 8 billion japanese tales and legends, so you'll need to be more precise here. | 佩尔,你说的是哪个故事? 似乎这样的传说故事有800万之多13,所以你得说的更精确一些。 |
Fiction Sign "An Eastern Tale From My Home Country!" | 虚符「来自我家乡的东方故事!」 |
Say, did you read the omake? There are a lot of cool backstories and interesting character descriptions, so you should definitely check it out! | 那个,你有读附带文档吗? 我写了一长篇的很棒的背景故事,以及有趣的人物介绍,所以你绝对应该看看! |
Fiction Sign "Fanhead Canon!" | 虚符「范海德法则!」 |
And what about all of these awesome spell comments? Are you reading them all? Or at all? You're at LEAST reading this one so that's cool. | 你说还有所有这些好玩的符卡评论?你难道想一条一条全读过去吗?或者,说到底你有读过哪怕一条吗? 至少现在你正在读这一条,挺好。 |
Fiction Sign "Sole Against All Canons!" | 虚符「反对所有法则的唯一一人!」 |
It's called "Fiction Sign" because this is a reading spell with very fast bullets. Since nobody ever reads the dialogue, I have no choice but to make you read danmaku instead. | 这张符卡叫做“小说14符”,是因为这是一张弹速很快,需要预读的符卡。 因为没人读对话,所以我只能让你们来读弹幕了。 |
Fancy Sign "All Around the World!" | 趣符「周游世界!」 |
This spell's name sounds way less impressive when you remember how small Gensokyo truly is. You can see everything in it in less than 80 days for sure. | 一想到幻想乡有多小,这张符卡的名字就显得无趣多了。 至少要把幻想乡里的所有地方都看一遍,肯定用不着80天。15 |
Fancy Sign "All Around the World!" | 趣符「周游世界!」 |
Do you know about that one song? You know, the one that goes "around the world" 144 times in a row? | 你知不知道有那么一首歌? 把“周游世界”这几个字连着唱了144遍的那首?16 |
Fanatic Sign "Hyperventilation!" | 狂符「过度换气!」 |
Pale can be a little "fantasque" and fanciful sometimes. But that's expected from someone living in a land of fantasy. | 佩尔有时候可能是有点异想天开了。 不过,一位幻想之地的住民不就应该是这样的嘛。 |
Fanatic Sign "Hyperventilation!" | 狂符「过度换气!」 |
This spell really stands to its name! I can barely breathe when doing such precise maneuvers! Or maybe it's because I'm lacking oxygen this high in the clouds? | 这张卡真是名副其实!做着这么精细的动作,我都快喘不上气了! 或者也可能是在这个高入云霄的地方有点缺氧了? |
Favorite Sign "Your Bases? They Belong to Us!"17 | 爱符「你的基地?它们都是我的!」 |
Here comes the washing mach... err, I mean the actual fan spell! I don't know if you get it by now, but Pale likes spinning. I hope you do too. | 现在让我们看看洗衣…呃,我的意思是说真正的风扇符卡! 不知道你有没有发现,但是佩尔很喜欢旋转。 希望你也喜欢。 |
Favorite Sign "Your Bases? They Belong to Us!" | 爱符「你的基地?它们都是我的!」 |
A survival spell in the main game? How rare! Pale can't even keep up with her own attack so she will eventually blow up by herself. | 本篇流程里的一张时符?稀奇! 佩尔甚至不太能驾驭自己的攻击,所以她最后会自己爆炸掉。 |
Favorite Sign "All According to Danmaku!" | 爱符「只有弹幕说得算!」 |
(Translator's note: Danmaku means bullet curtain.) | (译者笔记:「弾幕」的意思就是子弹的帘幕。)18 |
Favorite Sign "All According to Danmaku!" | 爱符「只有弹幕说得算!」 |
Trust me. You can believe in the danmaku. :) | 相信我。 你可以信任弹幕。 :) |
Stage 4
Lightning Sign"Dragon Fish Living in the Clouds" | 雷符「栖于云中的龙鱼」 |
You might be tempted to stop shooting for an easy timeout, but if you do you'll miss out on a Bomb Extend. The choice is yours. | 你可能想要停枪然后简单地全避,不过这样的话你就会和符卡道具失之交臂。 决定权在你。 |
Lightning Sign"Dragon Fish Living in the Clouds" | 雷符「栖于云中的龙鱼」 |
The thunder is growling stronger and stronger. Try to shoot down the familiars when close to them to prevent them from shooting arrows. | 雷声渐响。 试着在近处击破使魔来防止它们射出箭弹吧。 |
Dragon Palace"Flounder Dance Within the Thunder" | 龙宫「舞于雷中的比目鱼」 |
Now the tension really starts to rise! Can you keep up with Iku's electric dance? | 现在压力真的开始增加了! 你能跟上衣玖的电力舞吗? |
Dragon Palace"Flounder Dance Within the Thunder" | 龙宫「舞于雷中的比目鱼」 |
This spell ends up being very different from character to character. For Marisa, it's basically a joke. For Sanae, it can be quite insane sometimes. | 这张符卡最后展示出了巨大的角色间差异。 对于魔理沙来说,它基本不值一提。 而对于早苗来说,情况有时候会非常糟糕。 |
Baking Sign "Cookie Fusion" | 烧符「曲奇融合」 |
Yuuto has the ability to fuse objects with cookies. She uses this capacity here offensively by fusing cookies with danmaku. I wonder how they taste... | 优朋有着将物体和曲奇饼融合的能力。 这里,她很不友好地将曲奇饼和弹幕融合在了一起。 真想知道那是什么味道… |
Baking Sign "Cookie Fusion" | 烧符「曲奇融合」 |
This game uses cookies to give you a personalized and targeted experience. Wait for Yuuto's final spell and you'll see what I mean by that. | 本游戏使用cookies19为您带来个人化的针对性体验。 等到优朋的终符你就知道我说的是什么意思了。 |
Outerspace Sign "Meteor Shower" | 宙符「流星雨」 |
I sometimes have trouble differentiating rocks from cookies. I'm thinking of a certain tsukumogami from a certain book of mythology when I say this. | 有时候我不太能分清石头和曲奇饼。 我是在说某本神话书里的某位付丧神20。 |
Outerspace Sign "Meteor Shower" | 宙符「流星雨」 |
Name a more iconic duo than Yuuto and her rocks. I'll wait... | 举出一对比优朋和她的石头更让人印象深刻的组合吧。 我等着呢… |
"Astral Azure" | 「星界碧蓝」 |
This one spell is one Yuuto learned when she first came to Gensokyo. But since she has trouble casting it with her magic alone, she invokes it through objects using her psychokinesis ability. In this case, through rocks. | 这枚符卡是优朋初到幻想乡时学到的。 不过对她来说只使用魔力来施放这个有些困难,所以她利用念动力来借助别的物体施放了这枚符卡。具体地说,这里是借助了石头。 |
"Astral Azure" | 「星界碧蓝」 |
If you don't have any rocks lying around, try using a chair. It works just as well. | 如果附近没有石头的话,你可以改用椅子试试。用起来一样好。 |
"Astral Azure Upgraded" | 「星界碧蓝·改」 |
It's Astral Azure, but upgraded now. In the original game, it allowed what she threw to bounce multiple times but I figured it would have been A LITTLE too much. | 这仍然是星界碧蓝,但它得到了升级。 在最初的游戏中,它会允许优朋投掷出去的物体反弹多次,但是我发现这好像有点过了。 |
"Astral Azure Mastered" | 「星界碧蓝·极」 |
At last! The spell is finally complete! It has reached its final form! It's now exactly the same... But harder!!! | 终于!这枚符卡完成了!它已经到达了它的终极形态! 实际上没什么不同… 但是更难了!!! |
Fire Water Wood Metal Earth Sign "Quinque Elementa" | 火水木金土符「五大元素」 |
This spell looks somewhat familiar, doesn't it? At least here, you can shoot down her familiars to make your life easier. | 这张符卡看起来有那么点眼熟,不是吗? 至少这里你可以击破她的使魔来让你好过一些。 |
Fire Water Wood Metal Earth Sign "Quinque Elementa" | 火水木金土符「五大元素」 |
Patchouli is actually the one who taught Yuuto how to properly use magic and danmaku. Yuuto's still not very good at both, but she's getting there! | 其实,教授优朋如何正确地使用魔法和弹幕的人正是帕秋莉。 优朋在这两方面都不太擅长,但她正在努力! |
Aether Sign "Rival of the Seven Elements" | 以太符「七曜的宿敌」 |
Yuuto learned this mess of a spell in the animal realm she previously was in. For some reason, the animals there could manipulate elemental power. I mean, so could Yuuto, but she wanted to make one that mixed all of them at once. | |
Aether Sign "Rival of the Seven Elements" | 以太符「七曜的宿敌」 |
She made quite a bunch of rivals back there. She wasn't very good at fighting but at least it allowed her to be here. By here, I mean both in Gensokyo and in this game. | 她在那边结了不少梁子。 虽然她不太擅长战斗,不过至少她让自己走到了这里。 这个“这里”,既是在说幻想乡,也是在说这个游戏。 |
Bootleg Sign "Fantasy Exorcism on the Spot" | 窃符「即兴幻想退治」 |
If Yuuto wants people to stop calling her a bootleg one day, maybe she should try to stop mimicking other people's spells. Here, she saw Reimu's bomb and tried to replicate it. | 如果优朋不想别人继续叫她冒牌货的话,也许她应该停止模仿其他人的符卡了。 这里,她见着了灵梦的Bomb,就尝试着复刻一个。 |
Bootleg Sign "Fantasy Exorcism on the Spot" | 窃符「即兴幻想退治」 |
Despite being a spell card made on the fly, it's still pretty accurate to the original. It really shows Yuuto's natural plagiarism capability. | 尽管这枚符卡是匆忙赶制的,它和原版还是挺像的。 这确实显示出了优朋天生的盗版能力。 |
Bootleg Sign "Fantasy Exorcism on the Spot" | 窃符「即兴幻想退治」 |
Unlike Reimu, Yuuto isn't very good with flying around. She uses her telekinesis ability to make herself float, but it's very tiring for her. | 不像灵梦,优朋并不很擅长飞行。 她使用念动力来让自己漂浮,但这对她来说很累。 |
Bootleg Sign "Fantasy Exorcism on the Spot" | 窃符「即兴幻想退治」 |
Do you want to know what Yuuto's actual biggest strength is? It's her ability to make friends wherever she goes. | 你想知道优朋最强的能力是什么吗? 那就是她走到哪儿都能交到好朋友的能力。 |
Bootleg Sign "Out-of-Control Spark" | 窃符「失控火花」 |
Now she attempts to reproduce Marisa's bomb. But she can't possibly maintain a Master Spark for more than 1 second so she quickly loses control of it. | 现在她尝试着复制魔理沙的Bomb了。 不过她好像不太能把极限火花保持超过1秒,所以她很快就失去了对此的控制。 |
Bootleg Sign "Out-of-Control Spark" | 窃符「失控火花」 |
She's already seen Marisa's Master Spark in the past, so it was easier for her to recreate the spell. Or at least tried to. | 她之前已经见过魔理沙的极限火花了,所以再现起来很容易。 或者,至少很容易试着再现。 |
Bootleg Sign "Out-of-Control Spark" | 窃符「失控火花」 |
You'll need to find an object to channel your magic power through if you ever feel like casting a Master Spark yourself at home. Yuuto tried to use her spell book but it didn't work very well. | 如果你想要在家里试着释放一发极限火花,你得找到一样能够传输魔力的东西。 优朋试着用她的魔法书顶上,但好像不太顺利。 |
Bootleg Sign "Out-of-Control Spark" | 窃符「失控火花」 |
Yuuto made the promise to become the strongest magician ever to one of her friends. It's going to be rough, as she isn't the only hard working magician around here. | 优朋向她的一个朋友约定,要成为有史以来最强大的魔法使。 这大概会比较艰难,毕竟她可不是这里唯一一位辛勤努力的魔法使。 |
Bootleg Sign "Godless Solar Wind" | 窃符「无神论太阳风」 |
Hold on, this doesn't look like Sanae's bomb? Why is she so low on the screen? Where are all the lasers? | 等等,这不太像早苗的Bomb吧? 为什么她站的位置这么低?那些激光哪儿去了? |
Bootleg Sign "Godless Solar Wind" | 窃符「无神论太阳风」 |
I got it now, it's suppose to be Sanae's final spell from Mountain of Faith. Makes sense. No, wait it doesn't, how can Yuuto know this spell even exists? | 我可明白了,这是早苗在风神录里使用的终符22。很对。 等等,好像不太对,优朋是怎么知道有这枚符卡的? |
Bootleg Sign "Godless Solar Wind" | 窃符「无神论太阳风」 |
It's a truly a miracle she managed to stand THIS long against one of the protagonist. Is she trying to imitate Sanae's ability now? | 她能在一位主人公面前撑住这么久,可真是个奇迹。 难道她现在开始模仿早苗的能力23了吗? |
Bootleg Sign "Godless Solar Wind" | 窃符「无神论太阳风」 |
Yuuto's existence is also something of a miracle. And I love her for that. | 优朋的存在也是某种奇迹。 因此我很喜爱她。 |
Stage 5
Hope Sign "Bringing Bough" | 望符「树枝搬运」 |
Feza found an olive branch and is bringing it back to you. Someone could stand to learn a thing or two about the concept of personal space. | 菲札找到了一根橄榄枝,正把它带回来给你。 有些家伙确实多少该学习一下个人空间的概念了。 |
Hope Sign "Bringing Bough" | 望符「树枝搬运」 |
Olive branches are a sign of peace. Or at least until they're thrown at your face as danmaku. | 橄榄枝是和平的象征。 至少,在它们被作为弹幕扔向你之前是的。 |
Hope Sign "Promise of a Better World" | 望符「更好世界的约定」 |
Finding an olive branch means finding land. Finding land means finding hope. But for a world of hopes and dreams, Gensokyo sure feels like a birdcage. | 找到橄榄枝,就说明找到了陆地。 找到了陆地,就说明找到了希望。 但对于一个充满希望和梦想的世界来说,幻想乡确实有点儿像是个鸟笼了。 |
Horizon Sign "Olive Tree Uprooting" | 平符「橄榄树移植」 |
Olive branches alone aren't enough anymore. Let's just take the whole damn tree at once. | 单纯是橄榄枝已经不够用了。 让我们把那棵该死的树一次性搬过来吧。 |
Leaf Sign "Razor Leaf" | 叶符「飞叶快刀」 |
Sharp-edged leaves flying all over the screen. It's like when cutting yourself with paper. It seems harmless but it's actually not. | 边缘锐利的叶片在屏幕里飞来飞去。 就好像你会被纸割伤那样。 看上去安全无害,实际上可并非如此。 |
Leaf Sign "Razor Leaf" | 叶符「飞叶快刀」 |
Feza being a pet, it only makes sense for her to have such a move. She even has four spells in her boss fight. | 作为一只宠物来说,菲札使用这样的技能很对劲嘛。 甚至她在Boss战中都正好使用了四张符卡。24 |
Leaf Sign "Leaf Blade" | 叶符「刃叶斩」 |
You thought the branch she was holding was just for show? Think again! Be careful, now. This spell has a high critical hit ratio! | 你觉得她手上拿着的枝条只是个扮相?再仔细考虑考虑吧! 小心。这张符卡的暴击率可是很高的!25 |
Leaf Sign "Four Generations STAB" | 叶符「第四世代的STAB」 |
STAB you say? Is Feza a Grass type? Being a dove would make her Grass/Flying, wouldn't it? | 你说STAB?菲札是草系的吗?既然是鸽子,应该是草/飞行才对吧?26 |
Pole Sign "Little Dove Will Always Find the North" | 极符「小小鸽子总能指北」 |
Homing pigeons are known to be able to find their way back home. Feza wished she even had a home at all. | 归巢鸽因能找到回家的路而闻名。 菲札很希望她曾经能有过一个家。 |
Pole Sign "Little Dove Will Always Find the North" | 极符「小小鸽子总能指北」 |
Thanks to her abilities, Feza is basically a living compass. Doesn't it make the one she's wearing on her strap a little redundant? | 有赖于她的能力,菲札可以说是个活体罗盘。 这是不是显得她的带子上穿着的那个罗盘有点多余了呢? |
Magnetic Sign "Magnetoreception" | 磁符「磁感」 |
Gensokyo, being isolated from the Outside World, has its very own magnetic field. The Youkai Mountain serves as its north pole. | 遗世独立的幻想乡有着它自身独特的磁场。 妖怪之山则是它的北磁极。 |
Magnetic Sign "Magnetoreception" | 磁符「磁感」 |
Feza, you have the whole top of the screen for yourself, please let me at least keep the bottom. | 菲札,整个屏幕的上边都是你的了,至少让我能好好待在版底吧。 |
Hope Sign "Cardinal Compass Rose" | 望符「主方向罗盘玫瑰」 |
Based on this spell, we can see we're currently heading south. This information doesn't serve any purpose. | 从这张符卡来看,我们正在向南进发。 这条信息好像完全派不上用场。 |
Hope Sign "Cardinal Compass Rose" | 望符「主方向罗盘玫瑰」 |
Maybe Feza's just trying to show you the exit? How nice. Let's ignore her. | 也许菲札只是想告诉你出口的方向? 真热心啊。 还是无视她好了。 |
Horizon Sign "Flower Ponders the Wind" | 平符「忧花念春风」 |
Danmaku is coming from all four cardinal directions. Don't be like the forgotten puppeteer -- free yourself from the horizon. | |
Horizon Sign "Flower Ponders the Wind" | 平符「忧花念春风」 |
If you were wondering what those paper scrolls in Feza's bag are all about, they're maps she's made of the place outside worlds. They're still mostly incomplete because of the nameless place's infinite nature. | 如果你好奇菲札包里的那些卷轴是什么——它们是菲札为世界外之地所绘制的地图。 它们基本上都尚待完成,毕竟那片无名之地本质上是无限的。 |
Stage 6
"Illusionary World Seeker" | 「幻想风来」 |
There she is again. Stage 5 bosses really hate giving people a break, huh? | 她又回来了。 五面Boss们确实不太想让你歇歇,不是吗? |
"Illusionary World Seeker" | 「幻想风来」 |
If you time this spell out during a run, it looks like Feza is flying into a wall and that's hilarious. | 如果在某次游戏中你把这张符卡全避了,那看上去就像是菲札撞到墙上了一样,确实挺好笑的。 |
"Illusionary World Seeker" | 「幻想风来」 |
When it comes to flying speed, Feza really can't complain. It still pales in comparison to a tengu's though. | 要说飞行速度的话,菲札的速度确实还不错。 尽管要和天狗比的话就只能相形见绌了。 |
"Illusionary World Seeker" | 「幻想风来」 |
Feza has visited a lot of worlds over the years. Finding the perfect one has become an illusion by now. | 在长久的岁月里,菲札到过许多世界。 找到那个完美的世界目前来看似乎已经成为了幻想。 |
Mooring Sign "Drop Anchor on a Mountain" | 泊符「山中抛锚」 |
All good captains need to have spells based around anchors! This one's really big for some reason. | 所有称职的船长都应该有一些用锚的符卡! 就是这个锚由于某些原因大了一些。 |
Mooring Sign "Drop Anchor on a Mountain" | 泊符「山中抛锚」 |
The ark landed between two of Bhavaagra's highest peaks. Now it's stuck up there. But should Nua's plan ever be a success, this will soon change. | 方舟坠落在了有顶天的两座最高峰之间。 现在它被困住了。 不过如果努亚的计划顺利,事态很快就会好转。 |
Mooring Sign "Berthing on Mt. Ararat" | 泊符「于亚拉腊山停泊」 |
The damage done to the ship was only superficial. Feza was quickly able to fix the hull before you even reach her in stage 5. | 这艘船受到的损伤其实只是表面伤。 你在五面看到她之前,菲札就已经很快地修复了船身。 |
Mooring Sign "Berthing on Mt. Ararat" | 泊符「于亚拉腊山停泊」 |
The Great Ark is a special kind of boat. It's made of gopher wood, a type of wood that doesn't exist in the universe we live in. | 大方舟是一种很特殊的船。 它是由歌斐木所打造的29,那是一种不存在于我们生活的宇宙的木材。 |
Releasing Dove "Opening the Dovecote" | 放鸽「打开鸽笼」 |
This is Nua's myriad of doves. She's using them as living danmaku! Do not worry, none were injured during the battle and they all safely went back to the dovecot afterward. | 这些就是努亚的鸽子们。她将这些鸽子用作活体的弹幕! 别担心,没有鸽子在战斗中受到伤害,并且它们随后都安全地返回了鸽舍。 |
Releasing Dove "Opening the Dovecote" | 放鸽「打开鸽笼」 |
Nua used to send a lot of doves around in order to find a habitable world. Today, Feza can pretty much handle this job by herself. | 为了找到宜居的世界,努亚曾经会放出许多鸽子。 现在,菲札自己就可以很好地胜任这项工作了。 |
Releasing Dove "One of Them Will Surely Find Land One Day" | 放鸽「它们中的一只终将有一日找到陆地」 |
Doves aren't the only pets Nua has. She has A LOT of other ones. The Great Ark is basically a giant zoo at this point. | 鸽子可不是努亚唯一的宠物。她还有很多别的宠物。 现在的大方舟基本上是个巨型动物园。 |
Releasing Dove "Mass Expedition" | 放鸽「大规模探险队」 |
The ark is so big that entire ecosystems can exist in it, giving Nua's pets a proper place to live. You can find forests, deserts or even fully submerged areas. Too bad you only get to see a corridor and the wheelhouse. | 方舟实在是太大了,乃至能够容纳整个生态系统,这让努亚的宠物有了合适的栖息地。 你可以在这里找到森林、沙漠,甚至是完全淹没在水下的区域。 真遗憾,你只看到了一条过道,还有操舵室。 |
Farmland "Grape Farmer Nua" | 农场「葡萄农努亚」 |
A spell similar to one of a certain foreign god. Both Nua and them are related to agriculture so I found it to be fitting. | 和某个异域神明的一张符卡30很相似的符卡。 努亚和祂都和农业相关,所以我觉得应该会很合适。 |
Farmland "Grape Farmer Nua" | 农场「葡萄农努亚」 |
There are places in the ark allocated to grape culture and wine making. Nua herself is a really good winemaker. | 在方舟中也有用于种植葡萄和酿酒的区域。 努亚自己就是个技术高超的酿酒师。 |
Wine Sign "Curse of Ham" | 酒符「含的诅咒」 |
Seeing Nua not being drunk is a rather rare occurrence. She only managed to refrain from drinking for 2 spells before starting. | 见着没有喝醉的努亚确实挺稀奇的。 她也就成功忍了两张符卡没喝酒。31 |
Vintner Sign "Alcoholic Stupor" | 酿符「酩酊大醉」 |
Nua is literally making wine as the fight progresses. She drank a little too much of it and now you have to deal with whatever's going on in this spell. | 在战斗的同时努亚真的在酿酒。 她喝得稍微有点太多了,现在你不得不应对这张符卡中发生的任何事情了。 |
Patriarch "Immutable Prophet" | 族长「永恒的先知」 |
Nua and Feza are patriarchs. One can become a patriarch by being exposed to the nothingness of the nameless place for an extremely long period of time (more details in the omake). These two are the only ones to ever fully reach this state. | 努亚和菲札都是族长。一个存在可以通过在无名之地的虚无中暴露一段极长的时间而成为族长。(更多资讯请见附带文档) 她们二人是史上仅有的到达这一状态的存在。 |
Patriarch "Immutable Prophet" | 族长「永恒的先知」 |
Once you fully become a patriarch, your body will cease to change. This means you'll stop aging and won't need to sleep or eat anymore for example. You become a constant. An unchanging self. | 一旦你成为了族长,你的身体就会停止改变。 这意味着你将不再衰老,并且,打个比方,再也不需要睡眠或者进食了。 你成为了恒常。一个亘久不变的自我。 |
Patriarch "Titanic Prophet" | 族长「巨大的先知」 |
Patriarchs also feel emotions on a lesser scale. As if they were constantly depressed, expect they can't even feel depression. Nua tries to compensate this hollow feeling as much as she can with alcohol. | 族长同样也更难以感受到感情。即使长期处在压抑的状态下,她们很可能也不会感到一丝抑郁。 努亚企图尽她所能地用酒精填补这种空洞感。 |
Patriarch "Titanic Prophet" | 族长「巨大的先知」 |
I should maybe talk about the spell now. Yeah...anchors. Don't get hit. | 好像是时候该说说这张符卡了。 啊…船锚。 不要被打中啊。 |
"Wonderful Waking World" | 「美好的现实世界」 |
This is it. Nua's last resort. Once this land will be fully submerged, the ark shall be freed at last! | 就是这样,努亚的最终解决方案。 当陆地被完全淹没,方舟终将重获自由! |
"Wonderful Waking World" | 「美好的现实世界」 |
Nua has decided to speed up the flooding process. Do you think you have what it takes to save this world? | 努亚决意加速洪水的进程。 你觉得你有着拯救世界所需要之物吗? |
"Savior of the Waking World" | 「现实世界的救世主」 |
Thanks to Nua, Gensokyo now truly starts to ascend! A little more and this land shall be cleansed for good! | 多亏努亚,幻想乡现在真的开始扬升了! 再加把劲,这片土地就将被永久地净化! |
"Savior of the Waking World" | 「现实世界的救世主」 |
Waking up means the end of dreams. The end of fantasy. The end of Gensokyo. What will you do now? Do you want to wake up? Do you want to keep dreaming? | 醒来意味着梦境的终结。幻想的终结。也就是幻想乡的终结。 现在,你要做些什么? 你是想要醒来,还是要继续做梦? |
Extra Stage
Art Sign "My Personal Interpretation!" | 艺符「我的个人诠释!」 |
Danmaku can be considered a form of art. If what you are dodging isn't expressing anything, then what's the point? | 弹幕可以被看作是一种艺术形式。 如果你躲避的东西并没有任何意指,那有什么意义呢? |
Game Sign "Admirer For the Likes of You!" | 戏符「像你一样的爱好者!」 |
Danmaku can be considered a pure gameplay mechanic. As long as it's fun to dodge, beauty doesn't matter. | 弹幕可以被看作是一种纯粹的游戏设计。 只要躲避起来有趣,美感就无关紧要。 |
"See? The World is Revolving!" | 「看到了吗?世界正在旋转!」 |
Who or what keeps spinning the world around? Inertia. It's inertia. | 是谁,或者是什么让这个世界转个不停呢? 惯性。 是惯性。 |
World Creation "Bienvenue Chez Moi" | 世界创造「欢迎来到我家」 |
God will accept anyone in her home. You may not believe in God in a literal sense, but you can take it as "the universe". The universe is accepting you. Because you already exist. | 神乐意在她的家中接待任何人。 也许你并不相信字面意义上的神灵,不过你可以将其看作“宇宙”。 这个宇宙接纳了你。因为你已然存在了。 |
World of Self "Reborn Revelation" | 私人世界「重生的启示」 |
What about all of those revelations? Did I steal them? No, no, you are mistaken. Those were given to me. | 你问这些启示是怎么来的?是我偷来的吗? 不不,你说错了。 它们是被付与我的。 |
World of Entropy "A Broken Metronome I Picked Up Over There" | 无序世界「在那边捡到的坏了的节拍器」 |
Reverence uses a metronome she found for this Spell Card, but it changes directions and speed too abruptly to be used correctly. She tries to keep up as much as she can but the tempo being too fast to think of a pattern makes her just shoot random things. | 在这张符卡中,蕾瓦伦斯使用了一个她找到的节拍器,不过它的速度与方向改换得实在太突然了,难以正确地操控。她尽力跟着节奏,不过拍子实在太快了,以至于她来不及构思,只能随机地发射一些东西。 |
Death World "Unmoving Dreamland" | 死亡世界「动弹不得的梦境」 |
Some people stay unmoved by the Dreamland, while some other want to rule over it. Reverence will refuse to grant wishes to anyone but everybody isn't like her. | 有些人在梦境面前无动于衷,而另外一些人则想将其支配。 有异于所有其他神明,蕾瓦伦斯不会为任何人实现愿望。 |
Imaginary and Real World "Flammarion Engraving" | 虚实世界「弗拉马里翁版画」 |
It's called the "Flammarion Engraving" but it isn't actually Flammarion's. Did the actual author know about worlds and Reverence, or was it just a lucky close guess? | 虽然是叫做“弗拉马里翁版画”,但实际上这并不是弗拉马里翁画的。 它真正的作者知道诸界与蕾瓦伦斯的存在吗,或者这只是一个偶然靠近了真实的猜测? |
New World Symphony "Largo Ma Non Troppo" | 新世界交响曲「从容的最缓板」 |
Here's one of Reverence's compositions. Music is a vital component when creating a world (game). I'm warmly thanking the ones who helped me in creating this one. | 这是蕾瓦伦斯的创作之一。 在创造世界(游戏)时,音乐是一个至关重要的部分。 我非常感谢那些帮助我完成这个游戏的人。 |
Idle World "Remember the Sabbath Day" | 怠惰世界「铭记安息日」 |
All of this fighting is really tiresome, so Reverence has decided to take a short break. She's locked herself in a bubble and is letting her familiars do the hard work. | 这场战斗实在有些累人,所以蕾瓦伦斯决定小憩一会。 她将自己封闭在一个泡泡中,让使魔们来代劳了。 |
World of Sorrow "God Complex" | 悲哀世界「万能神力」 |
Did you ever want to know how it feels like to be a god? Well, today's your chance! Reverence will gladly force you into her shoes so you can have a better idea on the subject. | 你是否曾想过成为神是怎样的体验呢?好吧,今天你的机会到了! 蕾瓦伦斯很乐于强迫你站上她的位置,因此你可以更好地体会一下这件事。 |
Bubble World "Universe in a Pond" | 气泡世界「池中宇宙」 |
The universe is a pond, a frog is resting in its middle. An epitome of a world. First Creation, then Expansion, and finally Destruction. | 宇宙是一个水池,有一只青蛙蹲伏在它的中心。 这就是一个世界的概览。 先是创生,再是扩张,然后最终毁灭。 |
My Bow "Bidding Farewell" | 鞠躬「告别」 |
God is leaving now. The show is coming to its end. Should we call for an encore? |
- ↑ 这里是就Toby对于该人物的“原设定”而言,Toby称她是“the personification of an apple”。
- ↑ 俚语,指喉结。
- ↑ 这里用到了reaction的“反作用”与“反应”的双关。
- ↑ 上面的三句话都是针对Toby的“原设定”而言。第一句话对应了Toby所写的符卡名“THE APPLE WIZARD OF MOUNT FUJI”(富士山的苹果巫师);第二句话可能对应了Toby制作的关于该人物的视频中可见到“Power”字样;第三句话指的是Toby所撰写的战前对话中灵梦的发言“Oh, well, I'll give you a diabetes bow tie”(好吧,看来我需要送你个糖尿病领结)。
- ↑ 可能指广为人知的俗语“An apple a day, keeps doctors away.”(一天一苹果,医生远离我)。
- ↑ 应指歌曲《Bad Apple!!》(Alstroemeria Records)著名的黑白影绘PV。
- ↑ 此段取自歌曲《Bad Apple!!》(Alstroemeria Records)的一个著名英文翻唱版本开头的歌词。
- ↑ 或指火焰猫燐的符卡Cat's Walk。
- ↑ 取自日本传说“猿蟹合战”的剧情。
- ↑ 指东方真珠岛中的角色,绯神乱乱。
- ↑ 捏他「幻想万华镜」的英文翻译 "Fantasy Kaleidoscope"
- ↑ 现代意义上的电风扇被认为发明于1880年。
- ↑ 或指神道教所说的“八百万神”(一种泛灵的多神信仰观,指神明众多不可胜数)。
- ↑ Fiction,意为虚构事物,小说。
- ↑ 可能指《80天环游世界》(Around the World in 80 Days)。
- ↑ 应指Daft Punk发行于1997年的歌曲《Around the World》。
- ↑ 捏他Toaplan射击游戏「Zero Wing」欧洲版本一句糟糕翻译 "All your base are belong to us"
- ↑ 捏他「死亡笔记」第24集的早期非官方英文字幕,有一幕翻译组写了 "Just according to keikaku." (一切尽在keikaku之中),然后板上另加 "TL Note: Keikaku means plan."(注意:Keikaku就是计划的意思)结果被网友取笑他多此一举并乱用音译,成为了英语动画圈的一个梗
- ↑ 此处使用了Cookie的本义(“曲奇饼干”)和Web Cookie(某些网站为了辨别用户身份而储存在用户本地终端上的数据)的双关。
- ↑ 指东方魔宝城(后缀名为Book of Star Mythology)的ExBoss,真田千子。她在符卡佐助「战国忍者No.1决定战」的某些段落大量使用了以(真的挺像曲奇饼干的)石头作为贴图的弹幕。
- ↑ 应指游戏《Rivals of Aether》中的内容。
- ↑ 八坂之神风
- ↑ 引发奇迹程度的能力。
- ↑ 或指精灵宝可梦系列中,每只宝可梦在一场战斗中只能使用4种技能的设计。
- ↑ 在精灵宝可梦系列中,技能「Leaf Blade」的击中要害率比普通招式高1级。
- ↑ STAB,即Same-type attack bonus(属性一致加成),指在招式的属性与攻击方的宝可梦的属性之一一致的情况下,攻击招式的威力提升。
- ↑ 即正北、正南、正西、正东。
- ↑ 考虑到这张符卡的视觉设计(红白的配色以及十字架构型),这里有可能指的是缪斯。
- ↑ 创世纪6:14 你要用歌斐木造一只方舟,分一间一间地造,里外抹上松香。
- ↑ 指东方真珠岛中登场的Boss赛特大将的农园「Lettuce Farmer Set」(莴苣老农赛特)。
- ↑ 这张符卡是努亚的第三张符卡。
- ↑ Encore,指演出结束后,因观众欣赏表演而呼唤演出者返场,也指返场节目。