基本信息 | |
人物名 | 宇贺神1稻狐2 |
日文名 | 宇賀神 稲狐 (うがじん とうこ) |
英文名 | Ugajin Touko |
种族 | 神明 |
能力 | Governing plant life and prosperity 司掌植物繁盛程度的能力 |
登场信息 | ||||
作品名 | 位置 | 类型 | 称号 | 主题曲 |
東方催狐譚 ~ Servants of Harvest Wish | 六面BOSS | 游戏 | Well-Wishing Master of the Harvest 祈愿幸福的丰饶之主 | Rising Sun Moon Viewing ~ Best Wishes 日出观月 ~ Best Wishes Master of Harvest Wish 祈愿丰饶之主 |
Touko Ugajin, the goddess residing in the one-of-a-kind Harvest Moon Shrine, is Gensokyo's resident manifestation of Inari. She herself is compassionate and a bit eccentric, but in comparsion to the different interpretations of Inari, she's objectively the most carefree one. | 被祭祀于幻想乡内独一无二的名月神社的神明,是稻荷大人在本地的分灵。 其性格慈悲为怀而又略带精灵古怪,在稻荷神的诸多分灵中,她是最为悠闲自在的。 |
Inari is one of the pricipal gods of Shinto and is associated with fertility, rice cultivation and prosperity in general. Despite Inari's prominence in Shinto all around Japan, little is actually know about this god's origin. Due to its enigmatic veil, there's no standard way to depict Inari. Different versions of Inari popped out around Japan, especially during the Edo period, when Inari worship became widespread. The most consistent feature of all depictions of Inari is the symbolization of abundance of material - be it food, stock or wealth. Inari shrines stand out with their long paths with vermillion torii and yodarekake-adorned kitsune statues, which hold symbolic items like a sheaf of rice or jewels. | 稻荷神是神道教中的主要神祇,一般被认为是司掌丰穰、耕作、富裕的神明。在全日本都得到广泛崇拜的同时,又与佛教以及民间信仰融合,在各地出现了同一姿态下的不同分灵。 进入江户时代,稻荷神信仰在民间广泛传播,涌现出各种不同的形象。不过大部分稻荷大人还是保持着与食物和财富相关,也就是象征富裕的共同点。 成片的朱红色鸟居排列而成的参道,胸前挂着宝珠、叼着一束稻穗、戴着围巾的狐狸像,也是稻荷神社共有的特征。 |
The Harvest Moon Shrine is no different from a regular Inari shrine on the outside, but the interior holds a special secret. Few people, either blessed by powerful magic or notable for their hard work and good deeds, can access a wondrous landscape untouched by man. This magical land is thought to be one step away from Heaven, and this has influence on the human psyche. People strive perfection with the hopes to please Inari and be sent to Heaven. | 从外观上看,名月神社与寻常的稻荷神社并无区别,但其内部暗藏玄机。若是广积功德、勤劳美名传扬四方,亦或是天生就持有强大灵力的人,就能在正殿看到超凡脱俗的至美之景。 这个被认为无限接近于极乐的地方,很早就让人心神激荡。许多人为了去往那里而不断精进,希望得到名月神社稻荷大人的垂青。 |
Touko finds assistance in her faithful myoubu servants Uzume and Saruta. She accepts them as if they were her children, but they're more akin to pets. She is said to have created both of them with a combination of magic and elements of nature - clear water for Uzume and untouched soil for Saruta. Both servants are in charge of helping humans on Earth; a perfect combination of rainfall or fertile soil is needed for an abundant harvest. Of course, they also have to keep a close eye on the shrine and its visitors. Despite their contrastive personalities, Uzume and Saruta make a notable team thanks to their devotion to their mistress. | 通常,她由钿目和申田这两位忠心耿耿的命妇侍奉着。尽管她把二人当作自己孩子那般疼爱,但在外人看来,也许更接近宠物与饲主的关系吧。她们二人是从注入大自然的神明之力中诞生的,钿目象征着清澈的水流,申田象征着洁净的土壤。 她们的工作,一方面是互相配合,制造丰收所必须的降雨和土壤,为人们带来福祉。另一方面,她们也负责时刻留意神社与参拜客。虽然性格迥异,但两人都为了主人尽心尽力,结成强有力的组合。 |
As a god, Touko possesses incredible magical abilities, but only resorts to combat when she, her shrine, or her servants are threatened. Though, since she cares deeply about mankind, it's fairly difficult to get on her bad side. Touko, just like other gods, becomes more powerful the more worshippers Inari has. Touko's entire body is somewhat magical, too. If Gensokyo's harvest is strong, her hair can grow to ridiculous lengths, signifying the harvest's power. This is a double-edged sword, however, as one manifestation of Inari is unable to control such quantity of power. This is why Touko chose to contain the majority of the energy drawn from worshippers into a single shiny jewel - the wish-wulfilling jewel. | 作为神明,稻狐同样拥有强大的力量,但她很少认真起来。只有当她自己、她的神社、她手下的命妇们遭受威胁,她才会诉诸战斗。不过话说回来,要让深爱人类的她发怒,本身也是件难事。 和其他神明一样,对稻荷神的信仰越强烈她也就越是强大。有趣的是,因为身体里寄宿有神力,幻想乡的收成越好,她的头发就长得越长。 不过,这是一把双刃剑,幻想乡只有她一位稻荷神,若是完全解放力量很可能招致自身的毁灭。所以她选择,把从参拜者那里获得的多余的信仰封存在如意宝珠之中。 |
The hopes and prayers of those dedicated to Inari have in turn fueled the jewel with wish-granting magic. In return, this drew in even more followers for Inari and increased the jewel's power. Uzume and Saruta were concerned that the wish-fulfilling jewel may fall into Evil's hands. As it holds great power, it can be easily abused. However, Touko dismissed their worries. You see, Touko is somebody who believes in the good in humans; that all people, no matter how much they've sinned, deserve a second chance. It would be a shame if someone malicious enough dared to steal the jewel for their own selfish needs... wouldn't it? | 传达给稻荷大人的希望与祈愿被封存在宝珠中,逐渐化作了能够实现愿望的力量。而这一传闻被散播出去,反过来又让参拜者的数目增加。这样年复一年,宝珠积蓄的力量也持续增强。 若是宝珠落到恶人手中该怎么办呢……钿目与申田不由得担心起来,但她只觉得这是杞人忧天。 她对于人内心的善意深信不疑,无论那人有什么罪过,都应该给他第二次机会。 为了一己私欲而滥用宝珠的力量,这样的事情应该不可能发生吧……正当她这么思忖的时候,担忧成为了现实。 |
中文名 | 英文名 | 出现位置 |
陶器「稻荷大人的笠间烧3收藏」 | Pottery「Inari's Kasama-ware Collection」 | Easy/Normal |
陶器「稻荷大人的幻想乡烧4工厂」 | Pottery「Inari's Gensokyo-ware Factory」 | Hard/Lunatic |
绿符「福气之壶」 | Green Sign「Pot of Luck」 | Easy/Normal |
绿服「众神之碎壶」 | Green Garb「Pot Smasher of the Gods」 | Hard/Lunatic |
管狐「活性管道」 | Pipe Fox「Living Pipeline」 | Easy/Normal |
管狐「红绿管道工」5 | Pipe Fox「Plumber in Red and Green」 | Hard/Lunatic |
自然「自然光谱」 | Nature「Nature Spectrum」 | Easy/Normal |
超自然「全彩色的自然界」 | Supernature「Technicolor Natural World」 | Hard/Lunatic |
三座「一主,二仆」 | Three Thrones「One Master, Two Servant」 | Easy/Normal(与三珠申田、三珠钿目合作使用) |
三座「神圣三稻荷一体」 | Three Thrones「Holy Trinarity6」 | Hard/Lunatic(与三珠申田、三珠钿目合作使用) |
秋末「暴风雨后现彩虹」 | Autumn's End「Rainbow After the Storm」 | Easy/Normal |
秋末「现于彩虹尽头的宝穰」7 | Autumn's End「Bounty at the End of the Rainbow」 | Hard/Lunatic |
「祈愿丰饶之主」 | 「Master of Harvest Wish」 | Last Word |
*天鹅之愿* | *Wish Upon Anser* | Easy/Normal/Hard/Lunatic(异常) |
如意宝珠「稻荷化身 -宇贺御魂-」 | Wish-Fulfilling Jewel「Inari Incarnate -Uga no Mitama-」 | Overdrive |