
本页面词条有部分或全部文字需要翻译或正在进行翻译。 |
"I can't record Gensokyo's history if there's no history anyone can remember correctly!" Hieda no Akyuu was especially disturbed to find out that everything she could recall might be false. Kosuzu wished she could help her friend, but from the relative safety of her home there weren't many options. "Hey. Kosuzu. Let's go." She turned around. "Aya? How long have you been sitting in my window?" "9.3 seconds. 87.5 if you count the one I was sitting in while Akyuu gave me the scoop and told me you really wanted to help out." "So...what are you saying? I can come with you?!" "You can. If you really, really want to. I'll show you the basics." A chance to help resolve an incident?! Kosuzu couldn't believe her ears. |
Friendly and Troubled Bird of Loyalty Good Karma | 友好而困惑的忠实之鸟 Good Karma | |
Near the Tree of Aspects | 相之树附近 | |
BGM: Awakening of the Dream-logical World | BGM: 梦论理世界的苏醒 | |
雪村布返 登场 | ||
雪村布返 退场 | ||
本居小铃 | I can't believe this!!! I'm really resolving an incident! I'm REALLY killing stuff! Thanks for setting me up with this cool shot, Aya! | |
射命丸文 | It was nothing! Just don't get your bullets in my pictures. Wouldn't want anyone finding out I took you out here, would you? | |
本居小铃 | Oh, you got it. One bullet stream not being in your pictures, coming right up! So what made you decide this was OK, anyway? | |
射命丸文 | I don't know. Just feeling rather charitable and adventurous today. Maybe it's the dream logic. | |
??? | About time for you to show up, Aya! | |
雪村布返 登场 | ||
雪村布返 | Just when I thought there wasn't anyone left to come investigate the dream logic incident. | |
射命丸文 | Hello there. Nunokae, right? I know I've seen you around before. | |
Good Fortune for Altruistic Souls 雪村 布返 Nunokae Yukimura | 赠予利他之心的恩惠 雪村 布返 Nunokae Yukimura | |
雪村布返 | That's me. Need some information? The others helped me figure out an aspect of the incident. | |
本居小铃 | Whooooaaaaah...a youkai already! Maybe it IS my destiny to be an incident-resolver! | |
射命丸文 | Don't worry about my partner, Nunokae. She's just helping me gather information. That'd help if you had some! | |
雪村布返 | I had some duels with the other girls who came by to help us clear our heads. We all felt like we were flying and dodging more astutely. I noticed that I was being more careful... Reimu was oddly focused on her hands... We all thought it was increased self-awareness. | |
雪村布返 | Oh, dear. I didn't mean it like... Please don't make that your headline, OK? | |
射命丸文 | Gotta sell the papers, right? Nah, I know what you meant. | |
本居小铃 | So the dream logic's made people more self-aware? And that makes them better at danmaku? Ohmygosh! Aya! Can we fight her? Please?! | |
射命丸文 | I don't know if we came here for that, Kosuzu. Nunokae said she already had some duels today... | |
雪村布返 | Oh, I absolutely don't mind. Girl, if they wrote a book about my life, the chapter about today would be called "Nunokae Fights Every Single Incident-Resolver in Gensokyo for Extremely Convenient Reasons". | |
本居小铃 | Yessssss! Feel the wrath of Kosuzu Motoori! | |
BGM: Discernment ~ Trial of the Pure Heart | BGM: Discernment ~ 纯粹之心的试炼 | |
雪村布返 被击败 | ||
本居小铃 | That... was... AWESOME!!! | |
射命丸文 | So, Nunokae, how did you end up trying to figure out the self-awareness thing? Were you investigating the incident too? | |
雪村布返 | Well, it all started because my instinct led me to this area. I return favors to people who pay them to me. | |
射命丸文 | And none of the girls who came by was the one who paid you a favor? | |
雪村布返 | Not that we could tell. It seems like the dream logic must be interfering somehow. | |
本居小铃 | Hey, Nunokae. You don't suppose the favor was from the person who turned Gensokyo into a dream-logical world? They'd be the one who made you more self-aware, right? | |
雪村布返 | ...What?! The incident's mastermind might be my benefactor?! I guess I never thought of that... | |
射命丸文 | Wow, that's an interesting hypothesis, Kosuzu! But the only other people who came around here were the ones investigating the incident, correct? | |
雪村布返 | Yeah, I haven't seen anyone else. I haven't climbed the Tree of Aspects, but I don't know why anyone would be up there. | |
本居小铃 | Well, it was just a hypothesis. Darn it all, could've led us straight to the culprit, too! | |
雪村布返 | Maybe I'll check up there, just to be sure. I don't have anything else to offer you guys, sorry. | |
射命丸文 | It's fine. You gave us our first piece of real info. See you around. | |
雪村布返 | Later! | |
雪村布返 退场 | ||
本居小铃 | ...Um, hey Aya? You don't think the culprit's actually up the Tree of Aspects, do you? | |
射命丸文 | Well I sure don't see why they would be. What's so special about the tree that controls Gensokyo's aspects of existence? | |
本居小铃 | I know. It was just a hypothesis. |
Stand for Nothing, Fall for Nothing Unremarkable Flower | 既无主张,亦不随流 Unremarkable Flower | |
Foot of Youkai Mountain | 妖怪之山山麓 | |
BGM: T.N.G. of Autumn | BGM: 晚秋的 T.N.G.1 | |
夜花铁子 登场 | ||
夜花铁子 退场 | ||
射命丸文 | Gosh, just thinking about all the amazing stories I could get out of this is making me giddy. Quick, where's that girl who just passed us up? | |
夜花铁子 登场 | ||
夜花铁子 | You're looking for me? | |
射命丸文 | No. I WAS looking for you. Now I've found you. And that's just great, because I'd like to know if the dream logic has been affecting you. | |
夜花铁子 | A pencil, a notebook, and brazen confidence. You must be reporters. Will this never end? | |
本居小铃 | Er, I'm not a reporter. She is, but I'm just helping her. | |
射命丸文 | Is there anything you're comfortable telling us? You'll remain anonymous, I promise. Could you explain what will "never end"? | |
夜花铁子 | People coming and asking about the incident. I've had enough, even with the dream logic raising my tolerance. | |
射命丸文 | The dream logic HAS been changing you? Excellent. We already know it's raising self-awareness. How do you think you've been affected? | |
本居小铃 | Aya, I think this girl isn't exactly going to tell us her life story... | |
夜花铁子 | The dream logic's also increasing compassion. You're the sixth pair of incident-resolvers who've come through here today, and I didn't want to be bothered by them, but every time they come I'm for some reason curious to meet people. It's like it's messing with my free will. | |
射命丸文 | "DREAM LOGIC OR SLEEP HYPNOSIS? ARE YOU THE NEWEST MARIONETTE IN THIS EXISTENTIAL NIGHTMARE?" Great, great. What makes you so averse to the incident-resolvers? | |
夜花铁子 | I just want to be left alone. I don't like being around people. | |
射命丸文 | And why's that? | |
夜花铁子 | They sure didn't like being around me. They told me I needed skills to be useful in the Human Village, but I couldn't figure out what they wanted. I'm human, but I've always thought more like a youkai. | |
Empath who Never Encounters Emotions 夜花 鉄子 Tetsuko Yoruhana | 未尝动情的共感能力者 夜花 铁子 Tetsuko Yoruhana | |
夜花铁子 | I wanted to understand people so bad that I became able to read their emotions. That's a skill, right? But did they like it? They thought it was useless. Or creepy. Or that I couldn't use it right. There was no place for me with the humans or the youkai! | |
射命丸文 | ... | …… |
本居小铃 | Or maybe she did tell us her life story. | |
夜花铁子 | No I d- Did I...uh...I did?! There! You see the dream logic? It just happened again! I didn't want to pour out my feelings to a couple of strangers! But I felt totally normal while I was saying all that! | |
本居小铃 | Quick, Aya, let's beat her up! That'll make her feel better! | |
射命丸文 | Wait, what? | |
BGM: Erica Arborea in the Breeze | BGM: 微风中的欧石楠 | |
夜花铁子 被击败 | ||
本居小铃 | OK, so everything's back to normal, right? You hate us again because we just beat you up. | |
夜花铁子 | Actually, truth be told, I got into spell card duels with all the other girls, so I'm used to that by now. | |
本居小铃 | Uh-oh. Well, what do you need? Should I kick you in the solar plexus or something? | |
射命丸文 | Kosuzu, if you don't start being careful with that mouth of yours... | |
夜花铁子 | Haha...no, I wouldn't like to be kicked in the solar plexus, but are you noticing why you're asking that? You want me to feel better. And you're not just saying that. I actually sense the compassion inside you. It's tangible. ...But, uh, please don't kick me in the solar plexus, OK? | |
射命丸文 | This certainly is a curious case. Someone controls dream logic that can even mess with our free will, and they choose to make us more aware and compassionate? I don't even know what kind of headline to write for that. | |
本居小铃 | Is it even a single person? I mean, it probably has to be, but it's just like existence woke up with an identity crisis this morning. | |
射命丸文 | In any case, ahem, you gave me a lot of info, empath in a black dress. | |
夜花铁子 | Tetsuko. | |
射命丸文 | Thanks for that, Tetsuko. I promise not all people are like the ones who told you your skills weren't worth anything. | |
本居小铃 | I should be the one promising that, Aya. I mean, I'm a human from the village and everything. | |
射命丸文 | Oh, Kosuzu... | |
夜花铁子 | I suppose that's good to know. I've met a lot of interesting people today. Just don't make a habit of bothering me, OK? And, oh, don't put my name in your article. | |
射命丸文 | Understood. |
An Upper Hand in the Intrinsic Conflict Aspect Interaction | 本质对立的优势 Aspect Interaction | |
Youkai Trail, near the Human Village | 妖怪兽道,人类村落附近 | |
BGM: Delineated Existence ~ Material Fear | BGM: 被画定的存在 ~ Material Fear | |
卡特琳娜·铃 登场 | ||
卡特琳娜·铃 退场 | ||
射命丸文 | I'm having some difficulty telling what those things we're shooting down are. I've never seen...giant viruses before? | |
本居小铃 | Yeah, those are giant viruses all right. You think the dream logic made them? | |
??? | You're almost correct. | |
艾科托塔 登场 | ||
艾科托塔 | More specifically, the dream logic made me, and then I made the viruses! | |
射命丸文 | Intriguing. I'd sure love to hear more about them. Would you mind if I asked you a few questions for my newspaper? | |
Embodiment of Tales of Disease and Death エイサイトタ Acytota | 衰老病死传说的具象化 艾科托塔 Acytota | |
艾科托塔 | I'd love that. I'm Acytota, a youkai virus. But you can call me Kentajemu Furudemu2, Warrior-Queen of All Pestilence and Death. | |
射命丸文 | I think I'll pass on that. First question: What do you use to make these viruses? | |
艾科托塔 | Oh, whatever I can find. Glass, papier-mache, stolen energy from living beings. | |
射命丸文 | How terrifying. How many would you say you've made in total? | |
艾科托塔 | Probably a couple hundred. Maybe even a thousand. Or a million. Who even knows? | |
射命丸文 | Hmm, I only counted 32. Are the other 999,968 roaming Gensokyo spreading plague and pestilence across the land? | |
艾科托塔 | Probably. I mean, I don't keep track of those things after I make 'em. | |
艾科托塔 | You seem impressed by my awe-inspiring command of disease. How would you like a hands-on demonstration? | |
射命丸文 | Yeek! Get away from me! I don't want my life energy stolen! How could the dream logic make people nicer and then create something like YOU?! | |
本居小铃 | That's kind of rude, Aya. I mean, holy crap! This thing's trying to leech our life juices! Kill it! | |
BGM: Undead Malevolence | BGM: 不死的怨毒 | |
艾科托塔 被击败 | ||
射命丸文 | Well that's disappointing. No one's going to believe the viruses are dangerous if their warrior-queen goes down this easily. | |
艾科托塔 | I haven't actually made a million of them, either. Probably just a couple hundred. | |
本居小铃 | What you said was interesting, though. You were created by the dream logic? | |
艾科托塔 | In a sense. It increased the rate at which youkai come into existence, and it also made everyone aware of the existence of viruses. | |
本居小铃 | How did you figure that out? | |
艾科托塔 | The other girls who were here. You guys are late to the spell card-dueling party, if I say so myself. | |
射命丸文 | It did take us a while to get out here. For what, though? We haven't exactly figured anything out about the cause of the incident... | |
本居小铃 | We've gotten to annihilate random strangers in spell card duels though. That's worth it, right? | |
艾科托塔 | Sigh... You guys have fun solving the incident. I'm going to reconsider my life choices. | |
射命丸文 | That sounds like a good idea. Have you considered not stealing people's life energy? | |
艾科托塔 | ...What do you mean, not stealing people's life energy? How am I supposed to make viruses then? | |
本居小铃 | Do you have to make viruses? Can't you do something else? | |
艾科托塔 | Well of course I have to! | |
本居小铃 | How come? | |
艾科托塔 | I-I don't know! That's just what I DO! That's what I am! A youkai virus! The dream logic made me this way! | |
本居小铃 | ... | …… |
射命丸文 | All the more reason to figure out the dream logic, no? Maybe if we can stop it that'll help you figure out something safer you can do with yourself. Come on, Kosuzu. | |
艾科托塔 | Well... | 啊这…… |
Question for Reality Meeting Ground | 真实大冒险 Meeting Ground | |
??? | ??? | |
BGM: Oneiric Fallacy | BGM: 梦幻般的谬误 | |
??? | What was that? Did youhear some faint rustling? | 那是什么? 你有没有听到一些微弱的沙沙声? |
??? | Yes I did!I wonder if it was Koishi!No wait, I'm Koishi. | 听到了哟!我在想是不是恋恋呢!欸,不不,我就是恋恋呀。 |
魂魄妖梦 登场 | ||
古明地恋 登场 | ||
Alive and Dead, Human and Phantom 魂魄 妖夢 Youmu Konpaku | 彷徨生死的半人半灵 魂魄妖梦 | |
魂魄妖梦 | Ah, it's you two! Not quite whowe were looking for, but it'll do. | 哇,抓到了两个家伙,就是不知道是不是我们要找的人。 |
本居小铃 | Oh? Are you vicious youkai looking forhumans to prey on? Well you want toknow what I taste like? EXTERMINATION. | 哇?你是在寻找以人类为食的可恶妖怪吗?难道你尝尝我的味道吗?告诉你哦,没门儿。 |
魂魄妖梦 | Wh-what?! No, that's not what I meant. We werelooking for Reimu and Marisa. You've seenme before, right? Youmu Konpaku, the half-human? | 什——什么?! 不,我不是这个意思。我们正在寻找灵梦和魔理沙。你以前见过我吧?我是魂魄妖梦,那个半人半灵的双刀流庭师啊。 |
本居小铃 | Ummmmm...oh, yeah, I think I'veseen you around once or twice. | 嗯……啊呀,好吧,确实见过你一两次。 |
本居小铃 | I'm Kosuzu Motoori, Gensokyo's greatest hero, andif you get in the way of my being Gensokyo's greatesthero then you'll be eating my danmaku! | 现在的我就是幻想乡最伟大的英雄本居小铃,如果你妨碍我成为幻想乡最伟大的英雄,那就先尝尝我的弹幕吧! |
Mind-Reader who Can't Read Minds 古明地 こいし Koishi Komeiji | 无法读心的读心者 古明地恋 | |
古明地恋 | Excuse you! WE are the heroes ofthe multiverse. And we're going toresolve the dream logic incident! | 抱歉打扰到你啦!我们都是多元宇宙的英雄。我们要退治梦逻辑异变! |
射命丸文 | Kosuzu, if you could stop being anaction hero for five seconds, theseare very clearly fellow incident-solvers. | 小铃,你最好先停下那些中二的英雄行动一会儿,很显然,她们也是来解决异变的。 |
射命丸文 | And if we put what we've found out togetherinstead of fighting, we'll sooooolllllllve- | 如果我们精诚合作而不是战斗,我们会解—— |
射命丸文 | ...Wait a second. Are wetrying to solve the incident? | ——等一下,我们在解决异变? |
魂魄妖梦 | You were aboutto say that, yes. | 如果您要这么说的话,是的。 |
射命丸文 | Because here I honestly just wanted infofor my newspaper. I figured the usual suspectswould take care of the incident itself. | 其实我只是来取材的。总会有几个家伙主动会去解决异变的,不需要我出手。 |
射命丸文 | When did this turn intoactually trying to resolve it? | 我可没有试图主动来解决异变哦? |
本居小铃 | Well, you told Acytota that we'd tryto stop the dream logic. I think thatwas the first time you mentioned it. | 呃,可是你告诉埃塞托塔我们会试图调查梦逻辑的。那应该是你第一次提到它。 |
古明地恋 | It's dream logic! Friendly andpretty dream logic! It's makingyou think more about other people! | 是梦逻辑哦!友好又美丽的梦逻辑!它能让你更多地为其他人着想! |
射命丸文 | That's true. Tetsuko said itwas raising people's compassion. | 确实。铁子说梦逻辑能增强人们的同情心。 |
射命丸文 | Now that I know I'm being affected bythe dream logic, I'm not even sure what to do. | 现在我应该受到了梦逻辑的影响,但我不知道该做些什么。 |
魂魄妖梦 | WE were looking for a way toresolve the incident, at any rate. | 无论如何,我们都正在寻找退治异变的方法。 |
魂魄妖梦 | We thought we'd follow Reimu and Marisa becausethey might know something. But if there's anyinfo you have, that'd be a big help too. | 我们本打算跟着灵梦和魔理沙,因为他们可能知道一些内幕。但如果您有任何线索,请一定要告诉我们,对整个异变的解决一定会大有裨益。 |
本居小铃 | We sure do havesome information! | 那我们确实有一些线索! |
魂魄妖梦 | Great! What is it? | 好耶,是什么呢? |
本居小铃 | It's a secret! And the only thing that willmake us tell you is an action sequence! | 保密!唯一能让我们告诉你的办法是来一场华丽的弹幕战斗! |
古明地恋 | Ka-POW!!! Who's the true heroof the omniverse?Only a danmaku battle can decide! | 谁是全宇宙的真正英雄?只有弹幕战才能决定! |
射命丸文 | Well... | 好吧…… |
魂魄妖梦 | Well... | 啊这…… |
BGM: Girls with Deciphering Eyes | BGM: 识文解意的少女们 | |
两人被击败 | ||
古明地恋 | You both battled admirably!I humbly accept you as fellowheroes of the multi-omniverse! | 你们的战斗令恋恋钦佩!大家都是多元宇宙的英雄! |
本居小铃 | And I gratefully extend toyou our secret information! | 多谢多谢~这就是我们发现的秘密! |
本居小铃 | The dream logic has increased people'sself-awareness and compassion! | 梦逻辑增强了人们的自我意识和同情心! |
本居小铃 | It's also made youkai be created moreoften and made people know about viruses! | 同时加快了妖怪诞生速度,让病毒侵扰人类! |
本居小铃 | And a whole bunch of other stufflike diamonds on trees andpaths made of fancy glass! | 还有一篓子其他混乱,比如钻石树和奇特的玻璃小径! |
魂魄妖梦 | ...Um, well, we kind ofalready knew about all that. | 嗯嗯,这些我们都知道。 |
射命丸文 | Well, great. We just went throughthat whole battle for nothing. | 嗯,那真是太棒了。我们打了一架却毫无进展。 |
本居小铃 | Come on, Aya, there has to besomething we can get out of this. | 别灰心文文,我们一定能从中得到些什么。 |
本居小铃 | What other info is there? Nunokae'sbenefactor, right? Even thoughthat probably wasn't important... | 我们还有什么线索? 布返的恩人吧? 虽然好像不重要…… |
魂魄妖梦 | Huh? What happened with Nunokae?We just brushed past her, so wedidn't get to talk for very long. | 哈?布返怎么了?我们的交情也就是萍水相逢,没聊多久。 |
射命丸文 | Oh yeah, I guess wecould tell them that... | 哦,我想起来了,告诉你们吧…… |
射命丸文 | Nunokae returns favors topeople who act kindly to her. | 布返会对向她施恩的人涌泉相报。 |
射命丸文 | She was around the Tree of Aspects becauseshe was supposed to return a favor there. | 至于她为什么在相之树附近…她不过是在那儿还个人情罢了。 |
射命丸文 | But the only people she found there wereus, the incident-resolvers, and none of uswere the one who paid her a favor. | 但她说在那里只遇到了我们还有其他异变解决者,不过好像我们没有一个人符合她报恩的条件。 |
本居小铃 | So then I suggested that person might be themastermind of the dream logic. It made Nunokaebecome more self-aware. That's a favor, right? | 所以我觉得布返在等的那个人可能就是这次异变的策划者。布返的自我意识被增强了,这也算是一次施恩吧? |
古明地恋 | I see...that makes a ton ofsense! But if that's true, whywasn't the mastermind there? | 恋恋明白了……很有道理!但如果这是真的,为什么策划者不在那里呢? |
射命丸文 | That's where we got stuck. The onlyother place to search would beabove the Tree of Aspects or something. | 这就是我们想不通的地方。现在看来唯一值得搜索的其他地方是相之树上面什么的。 |
射命丸文 | And we weren't sure whythey'd be all the way up there. | 我们不确定为什么他们会一直在那里。 |
本居小铃 | The Tree of Aspects is a perfectly ordinaryplace. Kind of the most basic place inthe entirety of Gensokyo, actually. | 相之树反而是一个无奇的地方。它可是整个幻想乡的根基。 |
古明地恋 | What a conundrum. | 这真是难题~ |
魂魄妖梦 | ...Is it, though? | ……虽然但是? |
古明地恋 | Yes, it certainlyis a conundrum. | 嗯,恋恋觉得这就是一个难题。 |
魂魄妖梦 | No, that's not what I meant. Is the Treereally the most basic place in Gensokyo?I mean, we're questioning everything else, so... | 不,我不是这个意思。相之树真的是幻想乡的根基吗?我的意思是,我们现在正在质疑一切,所以…… |
本居小铃 | We don't know where else to look.Might as well give that a try? | 我不知道还能去哪里找。不管啦,我们去试一试? |
魂魄妖梦 | Hold on a second. Aya, when wasthe last time you mentioned theTree of Aspects in your newspaper? | 请稍等一下。文小姐,你在报纸里上一次提到相之树是什么时候? |
射命丸文 | Mmm...maybe a few weeks ago? I wrote abouthow the sunsets in the field near theTree were really beautiful that time of year. | 嗯……可能是几周前?我点评了树附近田野的日落在一年中的某个时候很美来着。 |
魂魄妖梦 | What about the time before that?How many more times back can you remember? | 在那之前呢? 你还能记得几次? |
射命丸文 | Before that it was...Uh... | 在那之前是……呃…… |
射命丸文 | Weird. I don't remember. | 好怪呦,我记不起来了。 |
魂魄妖梦 | Do you think there might have not BEENa time before that? Because, oh, say,the Tree didn't exist that long ago? | 在那之前可能一次都没有吗?因为,哦,也许是,那棵树在那之前并不存在? |
本居小铃 | You're totally right!I KNEW I was on to something! | 锵锵,完全正确,英雄小铃已经知道发生了什么了! |
本居小铃 | The mastermind created the Tree ofAspects and somehow used it tochange the aspects of existence! | 主谋凭空创造了相之树,并以某种方式用它来改变存在的相位! |
射命丸文 | And our minds thought it was just an ordinarypart of Gensokyo just like the diamond trees andeverything else the dream logic did! | 但我们一直认为它只是幻想乡的不可置疑的一部分,就像钻石树和梦逻辑产物一样! |
本居小铃 | Aya! Let's head there right now!We can join forces with Youmuand, uh, the other person, right? | 文文!我们现在就去那里! 我们可以和妖梦,呃,还有另一位一起,对吧? |
古明地恋 | Koishi Komeiji. And I'd be honored toform a super-team with the most powerfulincident-solvers in existence. | 是古明地恋呦~能与目前最强大的异变解决者组成一个超级团队,恋恋超开心~ |
The Complexity of Existence Fractal Aspects | 存在的复杂性 Fractal Aspects | |
The Tree of Aspects | 相之树 | |
BGM: A Pruning Saw on the Tree of Aspects | BGM: 相之树上剪枝锯 | |
雪村布返 登场 | ||
本居小铃 | Hey! I thought we'd find you here!Did you find your benefactor? | 你好呀!我们又找到你啦!布返小姐找到自己恩公了嘛? |
射命丸文 | And were they, by any chance,the mastermind of the dream logic? | 还有她是否,碰巧是梦逻辑背后的元凶? |
雪村布返 | Yep! You guys had it totallyright. Except that there'stwo masterminds, not one. | 是的!完全正确。不过黑幕其实是两个人哒。 |
古明地恋 | That just means twomore enemies to beat! | 只是多出一个要击倒的敌人而已! |
魂魄妖梦 | Excellent. We'll be resolving theincident now, if you don't mind. | 好耶。如果你不介意的话,我们现在就会出手解决这件事。 |
雪村布返 | Er...yeah, I don't mind,but see, after I found them,I had to return their favor. | 呃……是啊,我不介意,但是希望你理解,在找到她们之后,我得还她们那份人情。 |
雪村布返 | And since they were concerned about youguys coming so close to the Tree, theyasked me to stay a while and guard it. | 之前她们在这里看到你们在靠近树似乎很不安,就让我来这里护着这棵树。 |
雪村布返 | This probably won't go any better thanthe other times, but...I can't neglect myreason for being. I'm sorry about this! | 虽然结局大概不会比前几次好,但是......这就是我在这的原因。抱歉冒犯了! |
雪村布返 被击败 | ||
雪村布返 退场 | ||
古明地恋 | All these words are differentaspects the Tree is controlling,right? It sure is pretty. | 这些单词在相之树的控制之下对吧?它们确实很美的。 |
古明地恋 | Hey, I wonder. If we touch a word,does that mean WE can control it?! | 嘿嘿,恋恋在想, 既然我们能摸到一个词,这是不是意味着我们也可以控制它?! |
古明地恋 | ...Doesn't seemto do anything. | ……好像没什么用呢。 |
古明地恋 | A little disappointing. But maybeit means existence can'tjust be tampered with by anyone. | 恋恋有点失望,但这好像也意味着存在不能被别人篡改呢。 |
魂魄妖梦 | Yeah, I'm thankful that youdidn't just accidentally destroythe universe or something. | 是的,还好你没不小心破坏了宇宙什么的。 |
??? | Only one person is capable ofpruning and growing the Tree ofAspects. And that person is me. | 只有一个人能够修剪和供养相之树,那就是我! |
天白鹭剪世树 登场 | ||
天白鹭剪世树 | The branches and words you see are merelyvisual representations representing the abstractconcepts that are the aspects of existence. | 你所看到的树枝和单词不过是存在的相位这个抽象概念的视觉表现。 |
天白鹭剪世树 | Aimi and I have created those asmodels to keep track of existence. Theactual changes are made by yours truly. | 爱美小姐和我只是制造了这些模型来跟踪现实存在,但现实的改变其实是还是你们自己做出的。 |
本居小铃 | You're the one causing the dream logic?!Well then! You'll be sorry you decidedto stand against Kosuzu Motoori! | 你是创造梦逻辑的元凶?!好吧!你会为你反对本居小铃这个决定而后悔的! |
本居小铃 | ...No, no, wait. We shouldfind out what's going on first. | …不,不,等等。我们应该先弄清楚发生了什么。 |
本居小铃 | That'll help you write your articles,right Aya? And it'll help us resolve theincident. I mean, whatever you want to do. | 这会对你写报道有帮助的吧,文文?这将帮助我们解决异变,你可以随便做点什么。 |
射命丸文 | I'd love to learn what's going on, andif we can help resolve the incident,that's definitely a nice bonus. | 我到时很乐意知道究竟发生了什么,如果这能帮助我们解决异变,那还真是个不错的提议。 |
射命丸文 | So let's start with question one,Mysterious and Verbose Girlon a Saw: Who are you? | 那么让我们从第一个问题开始,神秘又啰嗦的锯子少女:你是谁? |
The Saw that Cuts Reality 天白鷺 剪世樹 Kiseki Amashirasagi | 分隔现实之锯 天白鹭 剪世树 Kiseki Amashirasagi | |
天白鹭剪世树 | I'm Kiseki Amashirasagi. The pruningsaw of Aimi who perfectly crafts theaspects of life to carve a better Gensokyo. | 我是天白鹭剪世树,爱美小姐的修枝锯。我的主人完美地通过我改变了实在相并重塑出一个更美丽的幻想乡。 |
魂魄妖梦 | So you really do think you'reimproving the world, huh. | 所以你们还真的认为世界变得更好了,哈哈。 |
射命丸文 | You're a...pruning saw? Does that mean you're a tsukumogami? But whatkind of tsukumogami can warp reality? | 你是……修枝锯?你的意思是你是付丧神?但是到底是什么样的付丧神才有扭曲现实的能力? |
天白鹭剪世树 | Aimi's desire for newaspects of existence is whateventually resulted in me. | 爱美小姐对改变实在相的渴望让我从虚无变成了存在。 |
天白鹭剪世树 | Sawing trees and cutting branches wasthe work it fell to her to perform. | 锯树和修剪枝叶原本是她的职责。 |
天白鹭剪世树 | And after every sweatdrop from every stroke,she imagined a more fulfilling existence. | 在每次因拉锯子而流出的汗水滴落之时,爱美小姐都会幻想更加充实更加有意义的现实。 |
天白鹭剪世树 | If all the categories and sub-categoriesof reality could be represented by abranching tree and she could redraw it... | 幻想着当现实的所有事务的范畴和附属范畴都由树状的存在的分支表示时,她就可以重新塑造整个世界…… |
天白鹭剪世树 | Not even the most powerful of themyriad gods could ever performa thing like that, correct? | 虽然一开始这对于八百万神中最强者来说,也不过只是一种不切实际的妄想? |
天白鹭剪世树 | Until Gensokyo became flooded withthe power of the Miracle Mallet. | 直到幻想乡被万宝槌的力量支配。 |
射命丸文 | ...! | ……! |
天白鹭剪世树 | The Miracle Mallet's miraculous powerimbued inanimate tools with life and thedesire to carry out their purpose as tools. | 万宝槌力量的不可思议之处就在于赋予无生命的工具以生命,并实现它们作为工具被使用的愿望。 |
天白鹭剪世树 | Aimi used and took careof her saw well. | 爱美小姐在无论是在使用,和养护锯子方面都做到了极致。 |
天白鹭剪世树 | Physically, to cut the branches, and—importantly—metaphorically, to pruneher imaginary Tree of Aspects. | 现实中,修剪树枝,然后——最关键的是——具现中就是修剪她幻想的相之树。 |
天白鹭剪世树 | As such, when the Mallet's powerencountered it, that saw became me. | 因此,当万宝槌的力量进入到她的锯子里后,就成了现在的我。 |
天白鹭剪世树 | A tsukumogami with the ability tomanipulate the aspects of existence. | 一个能拥有改变实在相能力的付丧神。 |
魂魄妖梦 | The Miracle Mallet?! That's whatSeija used to try and invertthe social order, right? | 万宝槌?!这就是正邪曾经试图颠覆幻想乡秩序的那把么? |
射命丸文 | It is. But Gensokyo isn't beingflooded with its power anymore. | 是的。但那股力量在幻想乡早就应该不复存在了。 |
射命丸文 | Shouldn't those tsukumogami have allreturned to being normal objects? | 难道你们这些付丧神不应该变回普通的器物吗? |
魂魄妖梦 | And to think that I tried capturingthat amanojaku. Did she somehowget ahold of the Mallet again? | 说起来我之前也参与了对天邪鬼的追捕。难道她又通过什么歪门邪道重获了万宝槌的力量? |
天白鹭剪世树 | Aimi and I had awareness that Iwould revert to my previous stateif we did not do something. | 我们只知道如果我们什么都不做的话,一切都会回到以前,我们也终将一事无成。 |
天白鹭剪世树 | So one of our first operations as thedrawers of reality was to raise the rate andease with which new youkai are born. | 因此,我们的首要任务之一就是提高新妖怪的强度和诞生的速度。 |
天白鹭剪世树 | Said change allows my sentient selfto remain in existence and continuepruning the Tree of Aspects. | 正是我所提到的变化让我得以继续有意识地独立存在和修剪相之树。 |
古明地恋 | An ingenious plan!You really bamboozled all of Gensokyo! | 巧妙的计划!你们真的骗过了全幻想乡! |
射命丸文 | "FORGOT WHERE YOU PUT YOUR GLASSES? IT WAS THEM!" | “忘记把你的眼镜放哪儿了?她们干的!” |
天白鹭剪世树 | Excuse me. Aimi's desire is not to control people. | 抱歉,爱美的原意并不包括操控其他人。 |
天白鹭剪世树 | By changing the aspects of existence,we are creating a better and morefulfilling world for everyone. | 我们只想通过改变存在的相位给大家重塑一个更美好的世界。 |
魂魄妖梦 | I can see that, with the changesyou made like compassionand self-awareness, but... | 我理解…就你们在同情心和自我意识上做出的改变而言,但是…… |
魂魄妖梦 | Is changing reality really worth it ifit comes at the expense of our free will? | 如果以牺牲我们思想自由为代价,重塑现实真的值得吗? |
魂魄妖梦 | ...I don't really know theanswer to that questionmyself. I'm just asking. | ……实际上我也不知道答案,我只是问问…… |
天白鹭剪世树 | I don't think free will is a partof you truly being tampered with.But Aimi could explain it better than I. | 我不认为思想自由属于你真正被篡改的那部分之一,在这个问题上爱美小姐能做出比我更好的解释。 |
射命丸文 | Let's talk to Aimi then. Can youtake us to her, Kiseki? | 那就让我们跟她谈谈,能带我们去她那里吗,剪世树? |
天白鹭剪世树 | I could. But plenty of informationis in your hands already and I desireto protect the goals of Aimi. | 我有这个能力,但是你们已经掌握了足够的线索。我希望能守护爱美小姐的愿望。 |
天白鹭剪世树 | I would be failing her if I did not at leasttry to prevent your access to her. | 如果不至少尝试一下阻止你们接近她,我会辜负她的一番苦心。 |
古明地恋 | Ready for a spell card battle, sinistermastermind? You'll never stand up againstthe heroes of the poly-multi-omniverse! | 那你就是准备好进行符卡战斗了喽,阴险的主谋小姐?你知道你永远无法战胜多元宇宙的英雄们! |
本居小铃 | I don't really know what any of thismeans, but can I just say...WOW! Kisekiis really the mastermind of an incident! | 我真的不知道你们这么做有什么意义,但我可以说......哇!一把锯子真的是一场异变的主谋! |
本居小铃 | Like, I don't even care if wemanage to beat her or not!This is just SO COOL!!! | 就跟我甚至不在乎输赢与否! 但是这太酷了!!! |
BGM: Thoughts of the Aspects of Existence ~ Stream of Consciousness | BGM: 存在相位的思索 ~ Stream of Consciousness | |
天白鹭剪世树 被击败 | ||
古明地恋 | What did we tell you?! | 哼~不识好歹,记得我们跟你说了什么了么?! |
天白鹭剪世树 | Truly there is no battle with human or youkaithat the incident-resolvers cannot win. It wouldappear that our concern was forthcoming. | 无论对手是人类或妖怪,异变解决者都所向披靡。看来我们的担忧是现成的。 |
射命丸文 | ...Is that even a correctusage of "forthcoming"? | ……这竟然是“现成的”的正确用法吗? |
本居小铃 | Do you mean that some other incident-resolvers were already here, Kiseki?Nunokae did mention "other times"... | 你的意思是一些异变解决者来过了,剪世树?布返确实提到了有“前几次”。 |
天白鹭剪世树 | That is accurate. Reimu, Marisa, Kasen,Yuuka, Sakuya, Sanae, Reisen, andSeija are already on their way to see Aimi. | 完全正确,灵梦,魔理沙,华扇,幽香,咲夜,早苗,铃仙还有正邪已经在去找爱美小姐的路上了。 |
魂魄妖梦 | Wait, Seija's with them?! Is shetrying to take control of thedream logic power or something?! | 等下,正邪跟她们在一起?!难道她在尝试操控梦逻辑的力量? |
天白鹭剪世树 | What you describe as "the dream logicpower" is manifested in me. There isno way for another to control it. | 你刚刚提到的“梦逻辑的力量“就是我的实际显现,不可能有除我以外的人操控这股力量。 |
魂魄妖梦 | ...Oh yeah, that's right. | ……哦,也是。 |
射命丸文 | Well I've encountered that amanojaku too,and she's bad news whether she'scontrolling a miraculous power or not. | 嗯,我也遇到过那个天邪鬼。不管她有没有操控那股力量,这都不太妙。 |
射命丸文 | We'd better go make sure she isn'tmaking this situation any worse. | 我们最好确保她不会让情况变得更糟。 |
本居小铃 | It's time for the final area!The final confrontation! | 是时候进入决赛圈了!最后的对决! |
本居小铃 | Everything up 'til now was justa drill, guys! This is the REAL DEAL!!! | 到目前为止,一切都只是演习!现在我们来真的了!!! |
IF Aimi Can't Hear Gensokyo's Choice, What Can She Call Love in a Dream-logical Reality? Dream Logical World | 若爱美无视幻想乡之选择,梦逻辑现实中其所谓爱又何如? Dream Logical World | |
Above the Tree of Aspects | 相之树上空 | |
BGM: Pruning and Growing, Waiting and Hoping | BGM: 整之生之,等之期之 | |
??? | I'm just assumin' you're gonna betray us.Y'know, 'cause that's what ya do. | 我只是觉得你会背叛我们。嗯~这么做就是你的行事风格嘛。 |
??? | ...Oh yeah, Seija IS here.Who in the world brought her here?! | …好吧,正邪真的在这里。是谁把天邪鬼给弄到这里的? |
??? | I did.Uh, sorry. | 是我来着。呃,不好意思呀。 |
??? | The dream logic was just messing with myhead and I felt like I had to makeher prove she wasn't the mastermind. | 梦逻辑严重干扰了我的思绪,我一直想着我应该让她来证明自己并不是这次异变的黑幕。 |
本居小铃 | KYAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!You'll never touch the dreamlogic power on our watch, amanojaku! | 啊哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈!在我们的注视下,天邪鬼,你接触到梦逻辑力量的机会是零! |
另外四组自机登场 | ||
风见幽香 | Well, this is neat. Now it's ELEVENof us against Aimi and Seija. | 不错,优势在我。现在我们的队伍壮大到十一个了,爱美和正邪恐怕要遭重了。 |
博丽灵梦 | K-Kosuzu?! How the heckdid you get here?! | 小…小铃?你跑这里来干啥?! |
本居小铃 | Hi Reimu!I'm an incident-resolver now! | 灵梦小姐你好呀!我现在可是来解决异变的人! |
本居小铃 | Aya found out that I wanted to help,so she set me up with some cool danmaku,and Youmu and Koishi joined in, too! | 文文发现我想要来帮忙,所以她找我然后给我弄了一些炫酷的弹幕,哎呀,妖梦和恋恋也来了! |
本居小铃 | Psst...we're heroes of the poly-multi-omniverse, did you know that? | 嘿嘿……你可知道,我们其实是多元宇宙的英雄哦? |
博丽灵梦 | I don't care what polyverse you're the hero of!Kosuzu, you can't just launch yourself intoan incident with no prior spell card experience! | 我不关心你是哪个次元宇宙的英雄,你什么符卡经验都没有,卷入异变只会让你陷入危险之中。 |
博丽灵梦 | Especially not an incident like this!Do you think facing powerful youkai islike playing with a few magical books?! | 尤其是这!种!异!变!你真的以为面对强大的妖怪就像和那几本无聊的妖魔书打架一样是儿戏吗? |
博丽灵梦 | Argh, I'm freaking out right now!Do your parents know you're here?! | 啊啊,我现在快要被烦死了!你家里人知道你跑这里来浪吗? |
本居小铃 | I, well...they probably justthink I'm with Akyuu right now. | 我,好吧…他们也许觉得我现在和阿求在一起。 |
本居小铃 | But I was never in any REAL danger.Aya and the other two were with me. | 不过我还从未陷入到什么危险之中。有文文还有其他两个厉害的家伙,我们没遇到困难。 |
本居小铃 | And now YOU'RE here, and we're goingto end the dream logic together, right?! | 而且这里不是还有你嘛?我们可以一起去解决梦逻辑异变的对吧?! |
博丽灵梦 | Well yes, we're going to do that, but...just...ugh! Was I not clear enoughthat you need to be careful with- | 行吧,我们肯定要解决异变,但…只是…啊!是我没说清楚你应该小心—— |
此时屏幕上会弹出对文本框 | ||
Please be gentle with her. She only desires to serve Gensokyo- Just as you do, and just as I do. | 请对她友善一些。 她不过是希望帮助幻想乡—— 正如你,也如我。 | |
魂魄妖梦 | What on Earth was- | 这还是地—— |
博丽灵梦 | AIMI!SHOW YOURSELF! | 爱美!别躲躲藏藏的了! |
灯笼坂爱美 登场 | ||
灯笼坂爱美 | I doubt even the Tree of Aspects couldcreate words capable of describinghow honored I am to meet all of you. | 即使是相之树恐怕也无法造出我能与你们相见时想要表达的话语。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | Though I had hoped our acquaintance wouldbe made under different circumstances. | 虽然我更希望我们第一次见面不是以这种方式。 |
本居小铃 | You look...familiarfor some reason. | 你看起来……好面熟呀。 |
本居小铃 | Wait! Have I...Have I seen you before?Are you from the village?! | 啊!我……我是不是以前见过你?你是村子里的人吧? |
Dream Heartbroken Girl 灯篭坂 愛美 Tourouzaka Aimi | 耽溺美梦的心碎姑娘 灯笼坂 爱美 Tourouzaka Aimi | |
灯笼坂爱美 | My name is Aimi Tourouzaka. | 我的名字叫做灯笼坂爱美。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | I'm the daughter of a woodworkerwho lives in the Human Village. | 我是村里木匠之女。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | It's fitting that you gave thename "dream logic" to theway in which we change reality. | 你们给我改变现实的方式取了个名字,“梦逻辑”,我觉得很好听,也很合适。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | Because once our reality has beenfinalized, everyone in Gensokyo willfinally be able to live their dreams. | 因为一旦我们的现实的改写定型了,幻想乡所有人都可以实现他们的美梦。 |
铃仙 | ... | … |
铃仙 | ...That's it? | ……就这? |
铃仙 | You're really turning existence upside-downjust to make people's dreams come true? | 你真的就是为了实现大家的梦想而翻转现实存在,就这样而已? |
灯笼坂爱美 | I'd certainly be a villain if I wasdoing it for any other reason. | 如果我是出于其他目的话,我也不会在这里假慈悲。 |
博丽灵梦 | How does that work, though?Whose dream are you trying to achievewith these random changes in reality? | 这是什么情况?你到底是想通过这些现实混乱的改动来实现谁的梦想? |
灯笼坂爱美 | ... | …是 |
灯笼坂爱美 | Rikuto. | …秋雾陆斗。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | I'm doing this for Rikuto. | 我是为了陆斗才这么做的。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | As well as everyone else with a dreamthat this world can't make into reality. | 还有其他陷于现实的桎梏无法实现自己梦想的人们。 |
本居小铃 | ...Rikuto? | …陆斗? |
铃仙 | ...Rikuto?! | ……陆斗? |
雾雨魔理沙 | Hold up. Wait. Wait one second.You are NOT gonna tellme this is a love story. | 等等,等一下,再等等。你不会是想要告诉我们这其实是什么狗血的爱情故事吧? |
灯笼坂爱美 | Before I met Rikuto, it felt like cuttingbranches and taking them to the woodworkingshop was the only thing I had time to do. | 在我遇到陆斗之前,我本认为我的一生都将是在替木匠屋锯搬木材这种枯燥之中度过。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | My father and I needed to make a living.Maybe some people would be contentwith a life of making wooden crafts. | 家父和我需要维持生计。也许确实有些人会满足于木工度日的生活吧。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | But I wasn't. I couldn't tellyou why I wasn't. My heart justwouldn't allow me to be satisfied. | 但是我不想,我也说不出理由。我只感觉我的内心无法满足于现状。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | I wanted something impossible.Something daring. Something heroic. | 我期许遇到一些不可思议的事情,无法想象的事情,和一些热血的事情。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | My impossible dream... | 我内心中无法实现的梦…… |
灯笼坂爱美 | ...Was to resolve incidents. | ……就是亲手解决异变。 |
博丽灵梦 | ...! | ……! |
灯笼坂爱美 | My favorite thing in the world was to hearabout Reimu and Marisa and Sanae and all therest of you protecting Gensokyo from harm. | 最能令我感觉到满足的事情,就是听着村里到处流传着的,你们的故事。灵梦,魔理沙,早苗,还有现在在这里的所有人,竭尽全力保护幻想乡免受苦难的传说。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | Bravely exploring other worlds,facing down fearsome youkai... | 勇闯陌生的世界,直面可怕的妖怪…… |
灯笼坂爱美 | If I had only the time and thespell card experience, I'd beGensokyo's most dedicated defender. | 如果我能有足够的时间和弹幕经验,我一定是幻想乡守护者中的佼佼者。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | Gensokyo is the land of fantasy, right?So why was sawing trees theonly thing it had to show me? | 幻想乡就是幻想之地吧?所以为什么身处幻想之地的我只能在锯树中度过每一天? |
灯笼坂爱美 | Well, one day when I sat in a teahouse tryingto answer that question, Rikuto showedme I didn't really need to ask it. | 其实,某天我在茶馆中思索问题的答案时,陆斗出现了,他告诉我说其实我并不需要去寻找这个问题的答案。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | "Your work ends up in people's homes forthem to appreciate," he said. "And onbuildings for the whole village to see." | “你的作品最终能够变成人们安居的住所。”他安慰我。“整个村子的屋子都是你杰作的产物。” |
灯笼坂爱美 | "See the beautiful design on the front ofthis teahouse? I don't know if you realizedthis, but it was made at your woodshop." | “你看到茶馆上面那个漂亮的设计了吗?我不知道你有没有意识到这一带你,其实它就是从你的木工屋里诞生的。” |
灯笼坂爱美 | Rikuto saw extraordinary things in eventhe most mundane of lives. He couldlift my spirits in the lowest of times. | 陆斗能够在平凡的食物中发现那些不平凡的特性。他能够在我心情低沉的时候让我振奋起来。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | He helped me feel a little better aboutmy lot in life. But the best part camewhen I told him about my impossible dream. | 他能够让我对自己的生活重拾一些信心。在我向他诉说我无法实现的梦的时候,那时候的他,最让我着迷。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | He had a little bit of experience withspell cards! He wanted to get better! Andhe suggested that we learn together! | 他居然会一点点符卡!而且他想在符卡上面有所进步!而且而且,他还说我们可以一起来练习符卡! |
雾雨魔理沙 | ...Dang it, Aimi.No wonder you're named after love. | …哦天啊,爱美。难怪这可以算的上是爱情故事。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | And so, practically every sparemoment I had free from workwas spent training with Rikuto. | 所以,和陆斗训练符卡,成为了我工作之外所有的期盼。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | We were able to take little trips outside thevillage after we got strong enough. "Epic FantasyAdventures"! That's what we called them. | 当时我们不断进步,后来甚至有能力踏出村子去野外冒险。我们共同称之为“史诗般的奇幻冒险”! |
灯笼坂爱美 | I was walking right up to the sightsand wonders I had always dreamedof seeing with my own eyes. | 我本正向着我目所能及的梦想和希望大步迈进。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | Maybe we could have started helping othersin need. Maybe we could have beenthe perfect incident-resolving pair. | 想着也许我们可以一起开始帮助需要帮助的人,也许我们可以成为解决异变的最佳搭档。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | ...Maybe we could havebeen the perfect couple. | ……也许我们可以成为一对甜蜜的爱人。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | If only existencehadn't said no. | 但这一切的前提是,现实没有对我说不。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | Rikuto was adventurous and endearinglyeccentric, but he was also...unstable. | 陆斗确实很有冒险精神,而且他的古怪让我十分着迷,但是他的个性……有些阴晴不定。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | He couldn't control his emotionswell. It was something he gotfrom his parents, he said. | 他并不能很好地控制自己的情绪。他说这是从他父母那里遗传的。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | Sometimes he'd pour his heart outto me; other times he'dbarely speak a word or two. | 有时的他热情似火,有时的他却冷漠得像块石头。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | Sometimes he'd want to spend entire eveningswith me; other times he told me to just practiceon my own. And I didn't know why. | 有时候他愿意陪我练习一整晚的符卡,但有时候他却让我独自练习。我甚至都不能明白他的内心。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | I wanted to live this fantasy forever. I didn'twant to go back to my old, wooden life,locked away from the realm of fantasy. | 我希望能够将这种梦幻般的美好延续至永远,因为我并不像再回到原来枯燥而平淡的木匠生活中去,那样会让我的灵魂干涸,再也不能踏进我心中的幻想之地。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | So I confessed my feelings.I told him that I loved him. | 最后我整理了自己的思绪,鼓起勇气向他表白,我爱他。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | He liked me very much, of course. He said he couldbe my soulmate, my significant other. He justwasn't sure he could handle a relationship. | 当然,他也很喜欢我。他说它可以成为我的灵魂伴侣,我重要的蓝颜知己。但他不敢确定自己能不能处理好这段关系。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | So I waited for his decision. | 所以我一直都在等他的答复。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | And waited. | 等着。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | And waited...as he swayed toward and awayfrom me like branches on a windy day. | 等着………我感觉他就像大风天里树上摇曳的树枝,若即若离。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | And then... | 然后…… |
灯笼坂爱美 | And then he avoidedme for a long time. | 然后他从我的身边消失了一段时间,似乎是在逃避我。 |
东风谷早苗 | Oh no.Here it comes. | 哦不,这种事情还是发生了。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | And then he came back. And then he said"This is Miyu Aokusa, my new girlfriend." | 然后啊,他就回来了。然后的然后,他就说“这位是青草实夕,我的新恋人。” |
灯笼坂爱美 | How could he do that? | 他凭什么能这么做? |
灯笼坂爱美 | How could he say he loved someoneelse, when he fully knew how Ifelt about Gensokyo and about him? | 他又怎么能在知道我对他和整个幻想乡的心意之后,又选择爱上了别人? |
灯笼坂爱美 | "I still like you," he said,as if that meant anything. | 他说,我还是喜欢着你。我总感觉这句话意味深远。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | I tried to get him to explain.And finally, he said it...after several days of begging. | 我试着找他要解释,然后最终他说了……在我几天痛苦地恳求下。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | He said he knew he was unstable, and hecouldn't get into a relationship with mebecause he wanted to keep me from being hurt. | 他说,他知道自己阴晴不定,然后他不想因为自己的性情和我继续交往,导致我被他所伤害。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | I lost my only spell card partner. I hadno choice. I returned to my mediocre life.Eating, sleeping, and cutting trees. | 我失去了我练习符卡的搭档,我也失去了自己的选择,再一次地坠入了平淡无奇的生活之中,吃了睡,睡了起来锯木头,锯了木头接着吃,反反复复。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | And the only thing I could ever think about was "why?"Why did Rikuto pull me in and care about me,and then push me away and avoid me? | 我能思考的唯一一件事就是“为什么?”为什么陆斗当初把我从冰冷的现实拽了出去,对我百般呵护,最后又将我踹回现实逃避我。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | Why did he leave me when I needed himthe most? And then claim he didit because he DIDN'T WANT TO HURT ME?! | 为什么离开最需要他的我?然后还坚称自己只是不想伤害到我?! |
灯笼坂爱美 | Why did he have to inherit an unstablemind? Why didn't the world give himthe choice to just not be like that? | 为什么他会继承这种奇怪的个性?为什么世界没有给他其他的选择? |
灯笼坂爱美 | Why can such seemingly-perfectrelationships develop and then berevealed as so shockingly incompatible? | 为什么看似近乎完美的发展,最后却沦入如此令人震惊的不相容之中? |
灯笼坂爱美 | Why was I allowed to find such a perfectfriendship and then have that veryfriend pull it out from under me? | 又是为什么,世界让我感受到了如此真挚的友谊,却又把我拉回现实的囹圄之中? |
灯笼坂爱美 | I had always wanted to resolve Gensokyo'sincidents. But now I was aware of the biggestincident of all: the incident of imperfection. | 我总是憧憬着幻想乡的英雄们。但是我意识到了自己遇到了最大的异变:这个世界不完美。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | If only I could use my pruning sawto cut off the bad aspects ofexistence. That was my dream. | 我只想着用我的锯子把存在的不良枝杈给移除,我的梦想就是这样而已。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | And then, as the land offantasy would have it... | 然后,幻想之地将会实至名归…… |
灯笼坂爱美 | I could. The Miracle Mallet gave lifeto my pruning saw, and it became Kiseki. | 我可以的,万宝槌给了我的锯子生命,也就是你们先前遇到的剪世锯。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | So you don't need to worry that reality willfall apart. You don't need to worry about youraltered memories. Everything is in our hands. | 所以你们并不需要担心现实会堕落。你们也不需要担心你们记忆会被篡改。因为,一切都在我们的掌握之中。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | We understand what it's like for your dreamsto be impossible. And we're creating a newworld where you can make them come true. | 我们明白什么是你们心中的梦想,那种不可能实现的梦想。所以我们创造了一个新世界,在这里,所有的人都可以实现他们的美梦。 |
茨木华扇 | ... | …… |
雾雨魔理沙 | ... | …… |
本居小铃 | Hey Aimi, I have to hand itto you, that was a great dramaticmonologue! You're so eloquent! | 那个,爱美?我不得不说,你讲的实在是太精彩了!你真能说会道! |
本居小铃 | And...uh...we need tostop you and stuff. Yeah. | 但是……呀……我们应该需要阻止你和你做的事情。没错。 |
风见幽香 | Congratulations, Aimi. You didn't solveany incidents, but you CAUSED one. | 祝贺你,爱美。你并没有解决掉任何的异变,但是你先引发了一场。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | I know that your first instinct would beto put a stop to all this. In your mind,it probably looks like an incident. | 我知道你们的第一直觉就是要阻止这一切,在你们的脑海中,这看起来更像是一场异变对吧? |
灯笼坂爱美 | But when our reality is finished,your scrambled memories and confusionabout reality will be sorted out. | 但是当我们的现实改写完成了,你们混乱的记忆和困惑都将会烟消云散。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | Is the temporary inconvenience such ahigh price to pay for an existencewhere dreams can come true? | 和梦想被实现相比,短暂的不便是如此值得高昂的代价吗? |
茨木华扇 | Well, listen, Aimi. I'm impressedwith how much you want to createa better life for everyone. | 你听着,爱美。我很欣赏你想要为大家创造一个更加美好的世界。 |
茨木华扇 | But are you completely sure therearen't any bitter feelingsclouding your judgment? | 但是你真的确定你没有受到自己的痛苦干扰判断吗? |
茨木华扇 | It seems to me like most of the dream logicchanges we've observed could be tied toyour romantic and adventurous desires. | 在我们的眼中,梦逻辑异变的许多变化都只和你所谓的浪漫和冒险欲望有关。 |
茨木华扇 | You made people more aware of themselves andcompassionate toward others. That would make iteasier for Rikuto to realize how he treated you. | 你让人们变得更加关心彼此,同情彼此,虽然这可能确实能让陆斗更轻易地认识到他对你是什么态度。 |
茨木华扇 | And you talked about exploring Gensokyo andseeing wonders, as well as appreciatingbeauty at home in the Human Village. | 你还说到自己想探索幻想乡,参观生活的奇迹,还有去欣赏村子里的美景。 |
茨木华扇 | There are all kinds of surreal and beautifulenvironments in Gensokyo now. Could you becreating new wonders for yourself to explore? | 幻想乡现在就有许多超越现实的美景,但你能够给你自己创造出一个真正值得探索的奇观吗? |
博丽灵梦 | That's exactly what I was thinking.Like, if I were you, I'd ask myself... | 这就是我刚才想的。或者说,如果我是你,我会自省…… |
博丽灵梦 | "Am I really doing this to help Gensokyoas a whole, or just to force theperson I love to come back to me?" | 我这么做真的能够帮助幻想乡吗,还是只是让我爱着的那个人回心转意? |
灯笼坂爱美 | Heheh. Yes, I certainlyappreciate beauty. | 哈哈哈。没错,我非常喜欢美丽的东西。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | I like wooden crafts becauseI grew up with them, but I alsolove glass art in particular. | 因为从小生活在木匠家中,我还是会喜欢木工的,但是我其实更喜欢琉璃艺术。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | I know my own dreams and Rikuto'sdreams best, so of coursewe would start with those. | 我也最了解自己和陆斗的梦,所以当然我们会从这些梦开始着手。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | But lots of people would love toget along better with othersand appreciate natural beauty. | 但是大多数人想与别人处好关系,并且欣赏自然风光。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | And we're progressing quite far in fulfilling allthe dreams other people have, too. You've allacquired the knowledge of viruses, right? | 我们在实现其他人的梦想这方面,也取得了长足的进步。你们也都了解到了病毒的常识,对吧? |
灯笼坂爱美 | Kiseki found out that viruses cause diseasethrough her ability to manipulate the aspectsof existence. I suggested pruning them out... | 剪世树发现病毒会用自己操纵存在的能力让人们生病,所以我让她这一支存在从现实中锯掉…… |
灯笼坂爱美 | But she found that they're an importantpart of nature, too. So we decided tomake people aware of them instead. | 但她发现,病毒也是自然重要的一部分。所以最终我们只是让人们对病毒更加警觉一些。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | This way, people can avoid illnessmore often while keeping thecircle of life in balance. | 如此这般,人们就可以更容易地避免生病,同时还能维持生物圈的平衡。 |
射命丸文 | Well, regardless of whether you'rehelping Gensokyo or just yourself, Ithink you've made plenty of mistakes. | 但是啊,不论你是在帮助你自己还是幻想乡,我还是觉得你犯了不少错误。 |
射命丸文 | Aspects of existence interactwith each other, you know. | 存在的相位一环套一环。你提高了妖怪诞生的速度只不过是为了延续剪世树的生命…… |
射命丸文 | You raised the rate of youkai cominginto existence just to keep Kiseki around... | 然后你带给了所有人病毒的常识。你真的知道发生了什么吗?病毒妖怪在村子里大肆破坏,给村民造成了很大的困扰。 |
射命丸文 | And you gave everyone the knowledge of viruses.Know what that caused? A youkai virusattacking people near the Human Village. | 她从生物身上窃取生命力,然后复制更多的病毒。 |
射命丸文 | She steals energy from life in order tocreate more viruses. That part of theworld is more dangerous now, not safer. | 下面的世界现在更加危险了,不是你口中的更加安全。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | Of...of course we're not finished yet!There'll be a few bumps in theroad while we're still experimenting. | 那……那只是因为我们还没有完工!所以在前进道路上难免会有些磕磕绊绊。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | We're working on reducing the youkaicreation rate back to normal whilefinding a way to keep Kiseki alive. | 我们正在找寻一种可以让剪世树活下去而不依靠改变妖怪诞生速度的方法。 |
十六夜咲夜 | There are other sources of power thattsukumogami can use, you know. You can get ridof the dream logic and still keep Kiseki. | 其实有很多种可以让付丧神继续保持形态的办法。你完全可以在结束梦逻辑异变之后还留着剪世树。 |
东风谷早苗 | If I could offersomething, as well. | 我也能帮忙的其实。 |
东风谷早苗 | When Seija and I met upwith Sakuya and Reisen, | 当正邪和我遇到了铃仙和咲夜的时候, |
东风谷早苗 | I started acting really petty abouthow I thought I wanted to resolve thedream logic more than they did. | 我就变得抠门起来了,因为我想比她们更快解决异变。 |
东风谷早苗 | It took us fighting each other for me toeven realize what I was doing. It was therethat we made an educated guess. A hypothesis. | 为了让我明白我的思绪出了问题,我们还就地打了一架。然后我们得出了一些结论和假设。 |
东风谷早苗 | Aimi and Kiseki specificallyincreased how often we thinkabout the state of other people. | 爱美和剪世树专门提升了我们内心中的利他主义思想。 |
东风谷早苗 | They didn't really account forother aspects of compassion. | 但是没有考虑到同情心的其他方面。 |
东风谷早苗 | The effect on people could vary dependingon their personality. In my case, I actually becamepushier and more aggressive, not kinder. | 所以这种改变就完全取决于大家的个性了。拿我来说,我变得更加暴躁,而不是更善良。 |
东风谷早苗 | My point is that the human psyche is complex,and merely increasing people's thoughts ofothers doesn't necessarily make them kinder. | 我的想法是,人们的内心是非常复杂的,单单增加彼此之间的关怀,是不能让我们变得更加友善的。 |
十六夜咲夜 | I'm inclined to agree. | 我觉得很对。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | We know there's a fewmistakes to work out! | 我们当然知道这个过程中会有一些差池! |
灯笼坂爱美 | Everything takes time! Crafting realityisn't like crafting a wood block! It'sextremely complicated. We know that. | 所有的事情都需要时间的!修改现实不像给木头改尺寸!这十分复杂,我们懂的! |
茨木华扇 | We know you know that, Aimi. We'rejust not sure we can stand for this. | 我们都懂你懂这个,爱美。我们只是不能确定我们能不能继续容忍你胡作非为。 |
古明地恋 | For real, though! Not just anyone can changethose words on the Tree of Aspects, but youand Kiseki have total control over them. | 真的真的!不仅仅所有人都可以随便改动相之树上面的单词,你和剪世树可是能够完全控制它们的! |
古明地恋 | What if you break something?! Youknow, like, accidentally destroythe omni-poly-multi-omniverse? | 如果你不小心,我是说手滑弄坏了什么东西?!比如全维度多元宇宙? |
灯笼坂爱美 | We can't DO that! | 我们做不到的啦! |
灯笼坂爱美 | mean...ugh...that isn't possible.Thankfully, some things aren't possibleeven when you're controlling existence. | 我是说…啊…这种事情是不可能的啦。还好在控制存在的时候并不是能够随意的让不可能的东西完全脱离控制。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | Reality doesn't accept paradoxes.We can't make a change thatresults in a logical inconsistency. | 现实是不接受悖论的。我们不能做出一些违背逻辑的事情。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | My very first idea, as a matter of fact,was to make it so people's personalitiesaren't so constrained by their genetics. | 我最初的设想,就是让人们的个性彻底摆脱遗传的控制。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | But that would've led to a gap in existence. Ifpeople's personalities didn't come fromtheir parents, where WOULD they come from? | 但是这就违背了存在的逻辑,给个性这一个存在打开了个缺口。如果人们的个性不是从祖辈那边继承的,那么个性又是从哪里来的呢? |
灯笼坂爱美 | We could've tried just making it random,but that didn't seem fair either. | 我们可以加强性格表达的随机性,但是这样并不比原来公平到哪里去吧? |
灯笼坂爱美 | So we settled for simply increasingself-awareness and compassion. | 所以最终我们仅仅只是提高了人们的自觉性和同情心。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | No more are people lockedinto personalities theythemselves can see are flawed. | 这样一来,再也不会有人会陷入到他们自认为有缺陷的人格之中了。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | They now have the free will to bethe kind of people they dream to be. | 他们现在拥有了成为自己想成为的人的自由意志。 |
魂魄妖梦 | That's a pretty ironic way ofdescribing it if you ask me! | 要我说,这是十分讽刺的陈述呀! |
魂魄妖梦 | You didn't give people the freedom tothink compassionately. You FORCED them tothink that way! You took their free will AWAY! | 你并没有给人们自由去带着同情心思考。你只是强迫他们按照那种方式来思考!反而是你剥夺了他们的自由意志。 |
魂魄妖梦 | And having our free will overwritten isjust as scary a concept as breaking theuniverse! If not more so, honestly. | 而改写我们的自由意识和打破我们的宇宙没有什么区别!我是说如果没有更糟糕的情况。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | What are you—no! That's not howyou should look at it at all! | 你这话——不!你不可以这样看待这个问题! |
雾雨魔理沙 | Look, Aimi. From one personwho understands magic reallywell to another who, uh... | 听着,爱美。来听听看我这个魔法专家的意见吧,嗯…… |
雾雨魔理沙 | No matter how much ya can make things makesense in your head, here's the ultimate stopperfor controllin' reality like this. | 无论你在你的脑袋中怎么演算自己的计划,或者说你的计划是多么的有意义,但想要控制现实,终究会有无数的障碍摆在你的面前。 |
雾雨魔理沙 | Now that people know this is a dream-logical world, someone out there isgonna try and control it for themself. | 现在大家都知道这里是梦逻辑的世界,一些没有被影响到的外界的存在,也许会对你的能力图谋不轨呢? |
雾雨魔理沙 | Kiseki's the only one who canactually do it, yeah. But someone couldtry to make 'er do somethin'. | 剪世树目前是唯一一个可以改变现实的人,这点没错。但是总有人会打歪主意吧? |
雾雨魔理沙 | No matter how much dream-logical defenseyou put 'round yourself, there's always thatsmall chance someone could break through. | 无论梦逻辑怎么样守护你,保卫自己正常的运转,别的人都并不是绝对没有机会突破你的控制的吧? |
雾雨魔理沙 | And THAT would be much worse than peopleoccasionally gettin' sick and dying. | 这可比人自然生老病死可怕多了啊。 |
雾雨魔理沙 | We can understand your motives in this.Your plan just ain't gonna work. | 我们可以理解你的动机,但是你的计划止于此了。 |
风见幽香 | We already foiled your plan tonot let anyone get past Kiseki.What if one of us wanted to do that? | 我们已经站在这里,说明剪世树的防御计划算是彻底失败了。如果我们中真的有人有小心思呢? |
鬼人正邪 | Hey Aimi. Give me thedream logic power. | 爱米,把梦逻辑的能力交给我把。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | Look. We can prevent the Tree from beingtampered with. If you want, we cancreate new aspects just for that purpose. | 听啊,我们可以阻止这棵树被篡改来着,如果你想要的话,我们可以为你的目的特别创建几个新的相位。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | We can fix the imperfections in theworld with just a few more adjustments.We have this under control. | 我们只需要再做几次调整就可以修复这个世界的缺陷,情况在我们的控制之下。 |
鬼人正邪 | This girl is smart.I like her. | 你很明智嘛,我很中意你哦? |
射命丸文 | More reality-warping, huh?That's really your only defense? | 让现实更加扭曲吗?这就是你唯一的防御方式嘛? |
灯笼坂爱美 | ... | …… |
灯笼坂爱美 | ...No. It's notmy only defense. | …不,这并不是我唯一的防御手段 |
灯笼坂爱美 | I can show you an example of howyour lives have been madebetter by the Tree of Aspects. | 我可以向你展示,通过相之树如何让你的生活更加美好。 |
铃仙 | A way that makes up for havingour free will taken away? | 一种弥补我们的自由思想被剥夺的手段? |
灯笼坂爱美 | You've noticed that the path from theHuman Village to the Hakurei Shrinehas become much shorter, correct? | 灵梦啊,你应该注意到从村子到博丽神社的道路变得非常近了吧? |
十六夜咲夜 | We sure have. I have to admit that space-warping you did is pretty impressive. | 我们确实注意到了。这个空间上的扭曲确实让我们印象深刻。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | And that the Hakurei Shrineis now receiving regularvisitors and donations? | 然后吧,博丽神社现在拥有比平时更多的香客和奉纳了对吧? |
博丽灵梦 | ...!!! | ……! |
灯笼坂爱美 | The combination of an easier route to the shrineand an increased propensity for thinking aboutothers led to the shrine's new popularity. | 通往神社的道路更加便捷,人们也变得更加的关怀他人,所以为什么博丽神社现在人气火爆,你还没有察觉到吗? |
博丽灵梦 | You...gave my shrinemore followers on purpose? | 你……是你故意给我神社弄来这么多新香客? |
博丽灵梦 | You...did that...for me? | 你…真的…是为了我? |
灯笼坂爱美 | Of course. | 当然啊。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | That was your dream, right?That's what you wanted most? | 这不就是你的梦想吗?这不就是你心中最想要的现实吗? |
博丽灵梦 | ... | ……! |
东风谷早苗 | Reimu... | 灵梦……? |
魂魄妖梦 | ...I can't. | …我不能。 |
博丽灵梦 | I'd love to accept yourgift, Aimi. But I can't. | 我非常高兴你能给我准备这样的大礼,爱美。但是我不能接受。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | What?! | 什么?! |
博丽灵梦 | Maybe the dream logic is makingme do this. Maybe if notfor it, I'd be ecstatic. | 也许是梦逻辑让我这么做的吧。但如果现实是那样的话,我一定会欣喜若狂的。 |
博丽灵梦 | But if you wanted me to say yes, youshouldn't have made us think more aboutother people in addition to ourselves. | 不过,如果你只是想获得我的首肯,你就不应该让我们除了考虑自己之外,还要过多地考虑他人。 |
博丽灵梦 | If I let a large-scale incident like thischange Gensokyo forever, I'd be letting down theHakurei Shrine and everyone who lives in our world. | 如果这场大规模的异变,我坐视不管,幻想乡也因此被永远改变了,那我愧对与博丽神社,也愧对于博丽大结界里所有的被守护的对象。 |
博丽灵梦 | More visitors anddonations isn't worth that. | 仅仅是更多的香客和奉纳,是无法撼动我守卫幻想乡的决心的。 |
博丽灵梦 | This is already the world of fantasy.We don't need to overcomplicate thingsby making it the world of dream logic too. | 这里本来就是幻想之地。我们并不需要梦逻辑让幻想乡变成更加复杂的世界。 |
茨木华扇 | I knew you'd make that choice. | 不愧是灵梦,我就知道你会这么说。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | I...I don't know what to say! | 我…我不知道该说什么了! |
灯笼坂爱美 | I can't give up! I can't let thisopportunity slip from me again! I havedreams to achieve! I have a world to fix! | 我不能放弃!我不能再让机会从我手中溜走!我还有梦想要实现!我还有世界要去修复! |
灯笼坂爱美 | Rikuto's dream is to defend Gensokyoat my side! I have to changethe world so dreams can come true! | 陆斗的梦想一定会站在我这边守护幻想乡的!我一定要把这个世界变成梦想实现的天堂! |
博丽灵梦 | Well, if you aren't backing down, thenyou know what has to happen now, right? | 好吧,如果你执意不肯回头,那你也知道接下来会发生什么,对吧? |
博丽灵梦 | I don't know if diamonds grow on trees,or who exterminates who,but here's what I know for sure. | 我不关心什么树上长钻石,什么谁要消灭掉谁,但是我有一点是十分明确的。 |
博丽灵梦 | I'm Reimu Hakurei, the shrine maidenwho silences crying young adults, | 我是博丽灵梦,赤色杀人魔。 |
博丽灵梦 | and I can't have you screwing withthe free will of everyone in Gensokyo. | 我不可能放任你和幻想乡的所有人的自由意志作对! |
灯笼坂爱美 | ...You refuse to live in my new paradise?So be it. | …你竟然拒绝入住我的新天堂?那我也没话可说了。 |
BGM:Eastern Aspects of Love and Beauty ~ Existential Humankind | BGM:东方爱美相~ Existential Humankind | |
灯笼坂爱美 被击败 | ||
本居小铃 | YES!We stopped her! | 好!我们阻止她了! |
本居小铃 | ...Did we? | ……真的吗? |
博丽灵梦 | Hold your ground, Kosuzu. There'ssomething weird happening here. | 坚持住,小铃。这其中有些猫腻! |
博丽灵梦 | She's trying to pull something,that I'm sure of, but I'm not... | 她好像还在试着玩什么花样,不过我不清楚…… |
此时屏幕上会弹出对文本框 | ||
Please be gentle with her. She only desires to serve Gensokyo- Just as you do, and just as I do. Is it better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all? I say that’s ridiculous. I wish I had never loved you. Are you going to waste someone else’s time? Are you going to make someone else regret loving you? Want to be like them Want to adventure to the ends of Gensokyo and show the world my love But I can’t help. All I can do is pointlessly, desperately scrape the boundaries of my confined existence. There’s nothing for me to even direct my anger at Circumstances. The world. Existence itself. If only I could prune the Tree of Aspects. If only this was an ethereal saw, pruning the aspects or existence Maybe you should regret Breaking my heart. But now, we can make you under stand that You didn’t need to do it. This is the story of a girl who was not content to take the incongruity of existence lying down. Hearts will never be broken again. My thoughts will follow you into your dreams. | 请对她友善一些。 她不过是希望帮助幻想乡—— 正如你,也如我。 曾经爱过但又失去会比不置爱过要好吗? 荒谬至极,吾情愿从未对君动心。 君之愿,依然是想浪费别人的时间吗? 抑或是让曾经爱过君的人后悔不已? 我之憧憬,我之愿望, 游遍幻想乡至尽头,向世界展示我之挚爱。 我不能自已,我情不自禁, 唯有划破我之存在界限,以命相抵。 我愤怒却无处宣世, 于境遇,于世界,于存在自身。 若我修此相之树如愿以偿, 若此相之树修世界如愿以偿。 君本应悔恨伤我之心, 现如今只需丢弃,因为没有意义。 这是一个女孩的心路历程, 她不满足于放下不和谐的存在。 至此,心灵不会再受到伤害。 我之思绪将随君消敬于君之梦中。 | |
灯笼坂爱美 复活 | ||
灯笼坂爱美 | Did you think it wouldn't occur tous to modify the spell card rules? | 难道你们就没有想过,我们没有考虑过修改符卡规则吗? |
鬼人正邪 | ...!!! | ……!!! |
灯笼坂爱美 | Well, they're mostly thesame. Meaning is stillpower, and all that. | 好吧,其实还是差不多的,因为符卡规则的意义就在于力量,之类的。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | We just made it so that intention, inaddition to meaning, can confer powerand affect the rules of engagement. | 我们将其改成了除了意义本身之外,意图还可以赋予力量影响决斗规则。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | Creating a better reality is themost powerful intention of all. | 创造一个更美好的世界,是最强大的意图! |
灯笼坂爱美 | And we made it explicit in therules that since our intentionsdon't entail causing an incident, | 但是我们的规则里已经写了,我们并不是想要去引发异变。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | we don't have to stop what we're doingif we're defeated in a spell card battle. | 所以就算是我们在符卡决斗中落败了,我们所做的一切都不会停下来。 |
博丽灵梦 | W-what?!You can't do that! | 啥?!你怎么可以这么做! |
灯笼坂爱美 | We can and we did. | 我们可以,而且也这么做了。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | That's why you had such a hard timefighting us even though our spellcard experience is average at best. | 这也就是为什么,我们符卡水平一般,但是你们仍然会陷入苦战之中。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | Nothing would make me happier thanto resolve this with minimal conflict.So, please, just try to understand. | 比起解决这种小规模冲突没有什么可以让我感到更开心的了。所以,请你们,试着来理解吧。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | The spell card rules ushered in Gensokyo'scurrent golden age of human-youkairelations. An age without bloodshed. | 符卡规则开启了幻想乡的黄金时代——人与妖怪和谐共存,没有流血的时代。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | That breakthrough and all otherswere aimed at the same goal thatKiseki and I have: making a better world. | 而这一突破和我还有剪世树的意图也不谋而合:让这个世界更加美好。 |
茨木华扇 | ... | …… |
雾雨魔理沙 | ... | …… |
鬼人正邪 | I admit I have absolutely no ideawhat I'm supposed to do now. | 我现在也不知道自己要做什么了。 |
雾雨魔理沙 | Really? That's funny, 'cause I was justthinkin' about how you were gonna giveus our ticket out of this situation. | 真的吗?别逗了,我刚刚还在想你是不是准备帮我们摆脱现状来着。 |
东风谷早苗 | You have an idea, Marisa?! | 魔理沙,你有主意了? |
雾雨魔理沙 | 'Course. Seija didn't give a crap aboutthe spell card rules when we allwent after her with impossible danmaku. | 当然,正邪可不遵守什么弹幕规则,所以我们只要跟着她那些奇奇怪怪的弹幕后面冲出去就行了。 |
雾雨魔理沙 | Aimi's not givin' us a chance under thereal spell card rules, so who says wehave to give a crap about her fake ones? | 爱美根本没有给我们在真正的弹幕规则下公平决斗的机会,所以为什么我们要鸟她那个假的呢? |
灯笼坂爱美 | They're the real ones NOW! | 它们现在才是真实的! |
雾雨魔理沙 | She can bend reality? So freakin' what?We can bend it right back at 'er! | 她能改变现实?那又怎么样?我们可以立刻把现实给扛回去! |
雾雨魔理沙 | Everyone use your Aspect Shifts at once!All we have to do is outlast her! | 大家一起用相位转换符卡!我们现在要做的就是比她更能扛! |
铃仙 | I'm on board! | 我好了! |
魂魄妖梦 | I'm ready! | 准备就绪! |
灯笼坂爱美 | You...you can't do this!I just...want to make dreams come true! | 不!你不可以这么做!我只是!只是想让梦想成为现实! |
灯笼坂爱美 | I just...I just want to be like you. | 我只是……想和你们一样。 |
博丽灵梦 | Hey Aimi.Thank you. | 爱美啊,谢谢你。 |
灯笼坂爱美 | ...? | ……? |
博丽灵梦 | I can't remember the last time someonethanked me for resolving an incident,let alone looked up to me for it. | 我已经记不清上一次因为解决异变谁来谢过我了,更不用说像你这样仰慕我了。 |
博丽灵梦 | Maybe it's the dream-logical heartyou gave me, but from the bottomof that heart, thank you. | 也许这是你带给我的梦逻辑之心的感受吧,不过,我真的衷心的感谢你。 |
博丽灵梦 | I can't fault you fortrying to be like me. | 我不能责怪你想要成为我们这样的人。 |
博丽灵梦 | But I'll fault you for trying totear apart the foundation of theworld it's my job to protect! | 但是我要怪你来试图动摇我守护的世界的根基! |
BGM:Reclamation of Eastern Story | BGM:Reclamation of Eastern Story | |
灯笼坂爱美 被击败 |
如果玩家未续关通关 | ||
BGM: Waking Up from a Waking Dream | BGM: 白日梦醒 | |
旁白 | In spite of Aimi and Kiseki's schemes in bending the rules of reality, the confrontation ended in a victory for Gensokyo's incident-resolvers. | 即便爱美和剪世树造成了扭曲真实的异变,幻想乡的异变解决专家们还是取得了最终的胜利。 |
旁白 | Kasen could tell Aimi wasn't in the right state of mind to talk things over, so she arranged for a meeting at the Hakurei Shrine the next morning. She and Reimu would discuss the technicalities of reversing the incident with Aimi and Kiseki. | 华扇能感受到爱美现在心态失常,完全无法交涉,所以她选择在第二天在博丽神社组织一场会议,她将与灵梦及爱美和剪世树讨论如何回溯这场异变。 |
旁白 | Kasen also invited Nunokae to explain what happened when she met the masterminds, and Marisa and Sanae decided to attend as well. | 她还邀请了布返来讲讲遇到黑幕后发生了什么,魔理沙和早苗也决定参加。 |
旁白 | Aya and Kosuzu weren't invited to the meeting, but Reimu demanded that they promptly show their faces once it had concluded. They obliged. | 文和小铃没有被邀请来参加会议,但灵梦要求她们在会议后露面,两人答应了。 |
本居小铃 | "Hi Reimu! Nice to see you again." | “早呀灵梦!再见到你很高兴!” |
博丽灵梦 | "It's nice to see you too, Kosuzu. More specifically, it's nice to see that you're still in one piece." | “我也很高兴能见到你,小铃。更准确地说,见到你没受伤。” |
旁白 | Reimu lowered her tone of voice and looked at Aya accusingly. | 灵梦降低了声调, 用诘责的眼神盯着文。 |
射命丸文 | "Right. So, um...that." | “呃,对,关于那事…” |
射命丸文 | "I happened to be in the Human Village gathering some info about the dream logic. Hieda no Akyuu told me she was really worried because she couldn't do her job of writing down Gensokyo's history if everything she remembered might be wrong. She said Kosuzu really wanted to help her out. That's when I had the thought. What if I let Kosuzu come along to help my investigation?" | “我当时在人类村落收集梦逻辑的线索,稗田阿求和我说,她很担心,如果记忆被篡改了,她就无法编写幻想乡缘起了。她还说,小铃很希望帮上忙。那时我就有个点子,我要不让小铃帮助我调查?” |
射命丸文 | "I wasn't expecting to end up resolving the incident, but if we understood the dream logic better, that's a little something she could do to help, right? She'd be really happy. So...I did it." | “我没想到最后我们要去解决异变,但如果我们更了解梦逻辑的话,小铃不也能帮上忙吗?她真的很高兴去帮助我的。所以…我就这么干了。” |
射命丸文 | "I know, it was irresponsible to take Kosuzu outside the village. I'm not sure what I was thinking. Probably just the dream logic making everyone think more about other people, right? It wasn't my fault! I was being controlled! I mean, kind of..." | “我知道,把小铃带出村子是极其不负责任的。我当时也不知道自己在想什么。可能也就是梦逻辑让大家都更多地为别人思考了,不是吗?这不是我的错啊!我当时被控制了身不由己啊!大概…” |
博丽灵梦 | "Well, from what I understand, the dream logic didn't create entirely new personality traits. It only enhanced ones that were already there. So you weren't being controlled, but just...pushed, in a certain direction. I get that it wasn't totally your fault." | “就我的了解,梦逻辑没有给人创造一个崭新的人格,只是放大了本来就有的部分。所以你其实没有被控制,只是…被怂恿了,我明白不完全是你的错。” |
博丽灵梦 | "But the first thing Kosuzu said was 'I'm an incident-resolver now!' Did you say anything to make her THINK she was going to resolve an incident, even if that wasn't your intention?" | “但小铃见到我第一句就是:‘我现在是个异变解决专家啦!’你是不是说了什么让她觉得自己要去解决异变的话,哪怕不是出自你的本意?” |
射命丸文 | "She was talking about incident-resolving the moment we set out. I figured she was just really excited. I didn't start out with the intention of taking her to the Tree of Aspects, I promise." | “从我们出发那一刻开始她就滔滔不绝地说解决异变的事情。我当时觉得她只是很兴奋而已啦。我发誓,我真的没有一开始就想着带她去相之树的。” |
博丽灵梦 | "So if you weren't intending to resolve the incident, how did you end up in the center of Aimi's distorted space-time...reality...thing?" | “所以你一开始也没想着要去解决异变啊,那你最后怎么到爱美的扭曲时空…现实…那什么的中央的?” |
本居小铃 | "It's 'cause of the dream-logical kindness! When we ran into Acytota, Aya suddenly started talking about resolving the incident. It was making her want to really save the world, not just write her newspaper!" | “那是因为梦逻辑带给大家的善意啦!当我们撞见埃塞托塔的时候,文突然开始说要解决异变什么的。梦逻辑让她不只是想撰写她的报纸,更想要去拯救世界啊!” |
旁白 | Reimu pulled on her scarf absentmindedly. | 灵梦走神地拉了拉她的围巾。 |
博丽灵梦 | "You two are making it really hard for me to be mad at you right now." | “你们俩真的让我很难对你们生气啊。” |
本居小铃 | "Hey, what's the saying? All's well that ends...good?" | “那句话怎么说的?结果好一切都…好?” |
射命丸文 | "I apologize for everyone I made worried. But Kosuzu is right. None of us were actually in danger. We ran into some strong youkai, sure, but it's not like I'm not a strong youkai myself. And the only person who MIGHT've conceivably wanted to harm us was Acytota. And, uh, maybe that katawa-guruma-girl-thing, I'm not sure. We didn't talk to her. But yeah." | “我对所有担心的人表示歉意,但小铃是对的,我们都没有大事。确实我们遇见了些强大的妖怪,但我自己不也是个强大的妖怪嘛。唯一可能想伤害我们的就是埃塞托塔了。呃,没准还有那个片轮车女孩,我不确定,我们没和她谈过。其他都没什么了。” |
本居小铃 | "Aya and I were even trying to help Acytota out! She said she didn't know what she could do aside from stealing people's energy and making viruses, so Aya said, we'll try to stop the dream logic and maybe that'll help you figure out something else to do with your life!" | “文和我甚至还尝试去帮助埃塞托塔哦!她说她除了窃取人们的能量制造病毒就不知道能做到什么,所以文说,我们会去阻止梦逻辑,那样也许能帮你想出来你能做到的别的事情!” |
本居小铃 | "Aren't we such great citizens?!" | “咱们算得上幻想乡的好乡民吧?!” |
博丽灵梦 | "Sigh...well, yes, the new youkai that emerged do need to know how to behave in Gensokyo." | “哎…好吧,没错,新生的妖怪需要了解幻想乡的规则。” |
射命丸文 | "Hey, I was planning to do some scouting around Gensokyo to make sure Aimi and Kiseki are returning things to normal. I'll make up for everything by making sure those new youkai know the rules, all right?" | “那,我准备在幻想乡周围调查一下,保证爱美和剪世树确实把现实变回原样了。我还要教教那些新生的妖怪幻想乡的规则,行吗?” |
博丽灵梦 | "That would be fine. Thanks, Aya." | “听起来不错,谢了,文。” |
旁白 | Reimu seemed more relaxed. She turned to face Kosuzu. | 灵梦看起来轻松了不少,她的目光转向了小铃。 |
博丽灵梦 | "Kosuzu, I know you wanted to help, and I know it turned out well. But I still want you to remember what I said. Incident-resolving is a dangerous business. You wouldn't have stood a chance if not for Aya's help." | “小铃,我知道你想帮忙,而且这次结果很好。但一定要记住我所说的,解决异变是件很危险的大事。没有文帮你,你不可能活得下来。” |
本居小铃 | "Oh, of course I remember. I wasn't even thinking about heading out until Aya asked me." | “我当然记得,在文问我之前我根本没想去的。” |
本居小铃 | "I know it was impulsive, heading out into danger and all that. But I'm never gonna regret it, Reimu. Maybe I shouldn't have done it, but I'm glad I did. I was a hero! And I beat up random youkai! And I helped defeat the masterminds! Yesterday was the best day ever! I can't wait for Akyuu to hear all about it." | “我知道不顾危险跑出去是很冲动,但我不会后悔。灵梦,也许我不该冒这个险,但我很高兴我冒了这个险。当时我可是个大英雄!还打败了很多妖怪!而且帮助解决了黑幕!昨天可是我人生中最美好的一天啊!我等不及要告诉阿求了。” |
博丽灵梦 | "I'm glad you wanted to help, Kosuzu. Just don't try pulling anything like this again before you have some real spell card experience. Got it?" | “小铃,你想帮忙,我很高兴。但下次别在没有受正规符卡训练之前这么冒进了,明白吗?” |
本居小铃 | "Yes. I won't go on awesome adventures outside the village anymore. Promise." | “好,我保证,我不会再出村子,踏上刺激的冒险了。” |
本居小铃 | "...Maybe." | “…大概。” |
博丽灵梦 | "What was that?" | “你说什么?” |
本居小铃 | "I mean, definitely." | “我说,肯定不会了!” |
射命丸文 | "Do you think you both understand? That's what you need to know if you want to settle yourselves into Gensokyo without causing trouble." | “你们俩都明白了吗?想要在幻想乡过平静日子就要遵守这些规则。” |
卡特琳娜·铃 | "I understand, Aya, but I never wanted to hurt anyone. This big, scary, flaming torture wheel? It's just for show and thrills. I give people a nice scare, but it's all in good fun." | “我明白了,文。但我从没想着伤害谁。这个冒火的、恐怖的巨型处刑轮?只是为了场面和刺激。我确实给过人很大的惊吓,但就是为了好玩罢了。” |
卡特琳娜·铃 | "You and all the others who came through yesterday looked like you could handle it, so I thought I'd see what you were made of." | “你和那群昨天的看起来都能扛得住,所以就想试试你们啦。” |
射命丸文 | "That's good to hear. You didn't seem like you had malicious intent, but I just wanted to be sure. You, um, ARE a katawa-guruma, right?" | “嗯,很好,听起来你没有要害人的本意。但我还想确认下,你,种族是片轮车对吧?” |
卡特琳娜·铃 | "You know, it's probably the species I'm most closely related to, but I'm not actually sure myself. There are legends about katawa-guruma, so of course there's youkai that are just katawa-guruma, but for me it's like...some other aspects got in as well? Mostly things related to wheels or circles." | “你知道,这可能是我最接近的种族了,但我自己还不是很确定。关于片轮车也有许多传说,所以肯定有片轮车妖怪,但就我来说…像是有其他要素也混了进来?当然绝大部分还是关于轮子和圆圈的。” |
卡特琳娜·铃 | "There was a medieval execution device in...I think Europe, shaped like a wheel. As for this black tar stuff, for some reason it reminds me of the filth in a dirty well. I guess if someone was drowning in a well, they'd see a circle of light above them. Heh heh." | “我记得…应该是中世纪欧洲有一个像轮子一样的刑具来着。而这个黑色的焦油,总让我想起很久没打理过的井上积攒的污垢。我想如果有人会淹死在井里,那他们死前应该能看到头上有一圈光轮吧。呵呵。” |
射命丸文 | "Huh. Those are all pretty sinister and disturbing concepts. Any idea why you turned out so chill and friendly?" | “呃,也都是些挺罪恶和可怕的要素。你是怎么做到既令人胆寒又开朗友好的?” |
卡特琳娜·铃 | "Nope, I'm really not sure. Kind of scary to think that if people in Gensokyo had been talking about or fearing slightly different things, I might've come out with a desire to kill people. I think the dream logic must've been messing with how youkai are born, and I somehow got put together from the mess. Maybe each aspect by itself wasn't enough to create me, but all of them together were." | “不知道,我也不确定。想想幻想乡的人们都在谈些或害怕些略有不同的事情也挺可怕的,毕竟我可能诞生于用来杀人的想法。我觉得梦逻辑肯定搅乱了妖怪的诞生模式,可能我就在这个时候变成四不像的。也许要素中的每一相都不足以单独创造我,但加在一起就可以了。” |
射命丸文 | "I see. Well, it's great you came out the way you did, huh? But now, we move on to...the other one." | “我明白了。不管怎样,你现在变成的样子还挺好的。现在我们继续聊聊…另一位。” |
旁白 | Acytota shifted uncomfortably, trying to retreat behind Katerina's wheel, but recoiled in surprise when she accidentally touched the black tar. | 埃塞托塔不情不愿地向后退,想要躲到卡特琳娜的轮子后面,但她不小心碰到了黑色焦油,惊讶地缩了回去。 |
射命丸文 | "Acytota, I know that stealing energy and making viruses is what you do. But if you seriously harm residents of Gensokyo, the youkai hunters will come to exterminate you. And I don't mean the kind of extermination where you just play around with pretty danmaku." | “埃塞托塔,我知道你的能力就是窃取能量制造病毒。但如果你对幻想乡的居民造成严重伤害的话,退治妖怪的专家会来退治你的。那可就不是拿华丽的弹幕玩玩了,而是真正的‘ |
射命丸文 | "There are all kinds of fearsome and dangerous youkai who hunt, stalk, kill, dismember, and all of that stuff Katerina just pretends to do. But to maintain our way of life in Gensokyo, they all need to find a way to channel their nature in a way that doesn't cause chaos and destabilize our designated paradise." | “在幻想乡里有许多可怕危险的妖怪,狩猎、潜行、杀害、肢解猎物,还有刚才卡特琳娜假装要做的事情。但是为了维持幻想乡生命的延续,她们都必须找到引导自己天性而不破坏这个天堂的方法。” |
埃塞托塔 | "I, um...if there's a way for me to make viruses without stealing energy from people, then sure. That would be more nice and friendly. But how else could I make them?" | “我,呃…有办法不从人们的身上窃取能量也能制造病毒吗?如果可以那肯定是个对幻想乡更好的选择。但我还有什么其他方法制造病毒呢?” |
卡特琳娜·铃 | "Does it have to be viruses? All we youkai need to survive is conflict with humans. Even if that 'conflict' is something as innocuous as letting them admire a cool flaming torture death wheel." | “必须要是病毒吗?我们妖怪只需要和人类发生冲突就能生存了。即便这‘冲突’可以无害到仅仅是让人类来欣赏我这酷酷的冒火的死亡处刑轮。” |
埃塞托塔 | "You really think so?" | “你真这么想吗?” |
卡特琳娜·铃 | "Yeah! What if...oh! I just got an idea! What if you kept the whole shtick with causing disease, but just reversed it? You could tell humans all about sickness! If you really have to make viruses, you could take just a little bit of energy that they'll recover soon anyway, and then show them those ugly viruses!" | “当然!如果…啊!我想到一个好主意!你可以保留你引发疾病的特色,但如果反着来呢?你可以教人类关于疾病的一切啊!如果你必须要制造病毒,那就只拿一点点能量好了,反正很快他们就会恢复。然后你还可以拿这些丑陋的病毒教学用!” |
卡特琳娜·铃 | "'These gross things will be swarming inside your body if you don't practice good health habits!' Say something like that! Heh heh! You still get to be a virus youkai, but now you're helping people instead of hurting them!" | “比如说:‘如果你不好好养成健康的生活习惯,那这些恶心的东西就会在你的身体里聚群!’这种话不挺好的吗?呵呵!那样你还能继续当病毒妖怪,但不是伤害人类而是帮助人类了!” |
卡特琳娜·铃 | "...Uh, I didn't mean to call your viruses ugly. I know you put a lot of effort into them. They're beautiful! I love the ones with those triangular sides! They look like a futuristic, uh, spaceship, or...um...yeah. Totally." | “…啊,我不是有意说你的病毒长得丑的。我知道你在它们身上投入了很多心血的,它们都很美哦!我尤其喜欢那些有三角面的!看起来很像很有未来感的,呃,宇宙飞船,或是…没错,就是宇宙飞船。” |
埃塞托塔 | "Hmm...you know, that might actually work." | “嗯…这可能能行。” |
射命丸文 | "I think it would too. There's also other types of disease youkai. I'm not sure if any are here in Gensokyo, but if we found any, we could see what they've done to adjust." | “我也觉得能行。疫病妖怪也有不同于你的种类的。我不确定幻想乡里也没有,但如果我们找得到,可以学习一下她们做了什么调整。” |
埃塞托塔 | "Do you know what they're called?" | “你知道她们的名字吗?” |
射命丸文 | "I...hm...it's been a long time since I heard about them. I don't think I remember much, sorry." | “我…呃…上次听说她们已经很久了,我不太记得了,抱歉。” |
卡特琳娜·铃 | "Totally random question, Aya, but it might help. That other girl who was with you? She was channeling some kind of dark energy from those books surrounding her. What kind of power is that?" | “文,问个无关的问题,但或许能帮上忙。那个和你同行的少女?她从她身边的书中引导着某种暗之能量,那是什么能力啊?” |
射命丸文 | "Oh, her name's Kosuzu. She collects demon books. She wasn't familiar with spell cards, so I helped her turn the energy from those books into danmaku. Why?" | “啊,她叫小铃。她收集妖魔书。她对符卡不熟悉,所以我帮她把书中的能量转换成了弹幕。为什么突然问这个?” |
卡特琳娜·铃 | "Well, firstly, I just thought that was really cool, so I'd love to ask her more about it if I get the chance. But also, if those books have information on magical techniques or obscure youkai or anything, I wondered if any of them could help Acytota." | “因为,首先这太酷了,所以下次能见面的话我要多问问她。但然后,如果这些书中载有魔法技巧或者鲜为人知的妖怪之类的,我想能不能帮上埃塞托塔。” |
射命丸文 | "That might help! Kosuzu's got a ton of those things. She works in a library, actually." | “确实可能帮得上!小铃有一堆这种书。她其实还在借书屋工作。” |
卡特琳娜·铃 | "Oh! I'm very interested now. Is it in the Human Village?" | “啊!我现在更感兴趣了。借书屋是在人类村落吧?” |
射命丸文 | "Yep." | “没错。” |
卡特琳娜·铃 | "Maybe I'll pay Kosuzu a visit and check out a few books. If I find anything that might help you out, Acytota, want me to bring it to you?" | “也许我会去拜访小铃,借几本书。埃塞托塔,如果我找到了可能帮得上的,你想让我带给你吗?” |
埃塞托塔 | "Sure, thanks, I guess. I mean, you don't really need to if it's too much work..." | “当然,谢谢了,大概。我想说,你真的不需要为我做这么多的…” |
卡特琳娜·铃 | "Don't be like that. The dream logic made you want to create viruses, and it made me want to do this. I'd love to help you achieve your full potential." | “别这么说。梦逻辑让你想要创造病毒,也让我想要帮助你。我很愿意帮助你激发你的潜能。” |
射命丸文 | "I guess my job here is done. Enjoy your existence, you two." | “我想我的事已经完成了。享受你们的存在吧,二位。” |
埃塞托塔 | "All right, Aya. I'll try to be a good citizen." | “好的,文。我会做一个好乡民的。” |
稗田阿求 | "I KNEW the bamboo forest wasn't supposed to have those glowing rainbow branches. The illustration in my book is in black-and-white, but these branches aren't even close to the shape you were describing." | “我就知道那竹林里是不长那些发光的彩虹树枝的。我书中的插图是黑白的,但是形状完全对不上你描述的。” |
本居小铃 | "You think they were branches? They seemed like leaves to me. Their shape was kind of like the drooping leaves on a willow tree. Well, I don't know. Maybe they're just dream-logic nonsense and Aimi wasn't even thinking about whether they were branches or leaves." | “你觉得那些是树枝?我觉得更像树叶。因为形状很像柳树挂着的树叶。行吧,我也不知道。也许就是梦逻辑创造的什么也不是的东西,爱美估计都没想过它们是树枝还是树叶吧。” |
旁白 | When Katerina arrived at Suzunaan, Kosuzu was already busy telling Akyuu all about her adventure the previous day. The two girls noticed their visitor and gave her a smile. Katerina was relieved that they didn't seem afraid of her. | 当卡特琳娜抵达铃奈庵时,小铃已经在和阿求讲她昨天的冒险了。两位少女注意到了访客并以微笑相迎。看到她们并不害怕,卡特琳娜松了口气。 |
本居小铃 | "Hi! Can I help you find anything?" | “您好!我能帮您找什么书吗?” |
卡特琳娜·铃 | "Sure can. Do you remember me from yesterday?" | “当然。你还记得我吧?我们昨天才见的。” |
本居小铃 | "You're, um..." | “您是,呃…” |
旁白 | Kosuzu suddenly gained an expression of awe. | 小铃的脸上突然挂上了惊惧的表情。 |
本居小铃 | "Wait, are you that girl we saw on the glass trail?! I almost didn't recognize you without the wheel." | “等等,你就是那个我们在玻璃道上见到的女孩啊?!没有轮子我差点没认出来你。” |
稗田阿求 | "Wait, this is her?! The katawa-guruma?" | “等等,这就是她?!那个片轮车?” |
旁白 | Akyuu looked nervous, but Katerina tried to reassure her. | 阿求看起来很紧张,卡特琳娜尽力安抚她。 |
卡特琳娜·铃 | "I wasn't trying to hurt you and Aya, I promise. I'm just a thrill-seeker, not a murderous psychopath. My name's Katerina Ring. I'm happy to meet you." | “我没打算伤害你还有文的,我保证。我只是个爱找刺激的家伙,并不是杀人狂魔啊。我叫卡特琳娜·铃,很高兴认识你们。” |
旁白 | She explained what she'd told Aya about her motivations and origin. | 她向二人解释了她告诉文的她的动机和诞生起源。 |
稗田阿求 | "So you're not even sure what kind of youkai you are, then. Just something that came from the dream logic." | “所以你甚至不知道自己是什么妖怪啊,那就只是梦逻辑的产物了。” |
卡特琳娜·铃 | "That's right, and while we know Acytota is a virus, she came from the dream logic too. I'm actually here because I want to help her. Aya told me about how she and Kosuzu were asking Acytota if there was a less dangerous way she could express herself." | “没错,我们还知道埃塞托塔是个病毒妖怪,但她也诞生于梦逻辑。我来这就是想帮她。文告诉我,她和小铃问埃塞托塔,她能不能找到一种更安全的方法来表现自我。” |
本居小铃 | "Yeah, we were. I didn't get why she had to drain people's energy and make more viruses. Why couldn't she just do something else?" | “是,我们这样问了。我不明白,为什么她非得抽取人们的能量制造更多的病毒。就不能做点别的事吗?” |
卡特琳娜·铃 | "Youkai just kind of...do things. I don't get all of it myself, and I AM a youkai." | “妖怪就是这样…做‘ |
卡特琳娜·铃 | "But giving people, humans and youkai, a good thrill is what I do. And I'd love to help other youkai fulfill their authentic selves without harming people. I wondered if I could find any books here with information that would help Acytota, maybe something about magic techniques or the history of disease youkai." | “我只是喜欢吓吓人们,不管是人类还是妖怪。我还喜欢帮助其他妖怪在不伤人的前提下满足他们的真我。我在想能不能找到那些载有能帮助埃塞托塔的信息的书,或许是关于魔法技巧或者疫病妖怪历史之类的。” |
本居小铃 | "I'm sure I have something you could use. Let me look." | “我很确定我有你用得上的书。我来找找。” |
旁白 | While Kosuzu browsed a nearby shelf, Akyuu turned to Katerina. | 当小铃在不远的书架上翻找时,阿求的目光转向了卡特琳娜。 |
稗田阿求 | "Are there other youkai created by the dream logic aside from you and Acytota? I'm just concerned about whether that'll have an affect on the usual relationship between humans and youkai. Especially since once the dream logic goes away, we'll lose our extra tendency to think about others." | “除了你和埃塞托塔以外,还有别的诞生于梦逻辑的妖怪吧?我只是担心她们会影响人类与妖怪的往常的平衡关系。尤其是在梦逻辑消失后,我们就不会这么关心别人了。” |
卡特琳娜·铃 | "I'm sure there are others, but I've only been alive for about a month, so I don't think I've gotten the chance to meet any. If you happen to run into any youkai that need help settling into Gensokyo, though, feel free to send 'em my way! I'll do what I can." | “肯定有,但我才诞生一个月,所以没机会见到她们。如果你遇到需要帮助融入幻想乡的妖怪,务必带她们见我!我会尽我所能的。” |
稗田阿求 | "Sounds great, Katerina. It's awesome that you can help out." | “听起来不错,卡特琳娜。你能来帮忙真的太好了。” |
本居小铃 | "I found something on disease youkai!" | “我找到关于疫病妖怪的信息了!” |
旁白 | Kosuzu set a very old-looking book on the table. The cover featured an illustration of strange creatures and a title written in undecipherable characters. | 小铃把一本旧书放在桌子上。封面上画着奇怪的生物,标题的文字无法辨认。 |
本居小铃 | "I remember what they're called now. 'Kan no mushi'. The book's in an unreadable language, but don't worry, I can read it. And I'm 95% sure this book doesn't contain any evil spirits that'll awaken when I open it." | “我记得她们叫‘疳虫’。这本书由无法阅读的语言写就,但别担心,我能阅读。而且我有95%的信心,这书在我打开的时候不会放出妖魔。” |
稗田阿求 | "...Oh, dear." | “…啊,别吧。” |
Written Language Team's Ending:"Ostensible Utopia of Humans and Youkai" | 书面文笔组结局: “人与妖的表面理想乡” | |
Congratulations on a 1-credit clear! | 恭喜 1-credit 通关! |