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東方潮聖書 ~ Sapphire Panlogism./设定与剧情/雾雨魔理沙
本词条含有 美索不达米亚楔形文字 。 可能会因阅览环境的不同而丢失字符。 |
Stage 1
Seafoam Pixie Downpour | 海沫之妖精,如雨般倾泻 | |
Just what were the endless droves of fairies planing? A never-ending rain hung overhead. | 无尽之妖精所谋何事? 不息的雨幕高悬头顶。 | |
Rain on Phantom Meadow | 幻草原之雨 | |
BGM: The Sky Wander Closer | BGM: 渐行渐近的蓝天 | |
阿祖尔·斯沃尔登场 | ||
阿祖尔·斯沃尔退场 | ||
雾雨魔理沙 | Yo, this is seriously starting to piss me off. I can handle a drizzle and all, but... | 啧,开始感觉有些不爽了啊。 区区一场小雨算不了什么,可是…… |
阿祖尔·斯沃尔 登场 | ||
阿祖尔·斯沃尔 | Ah? I am quite astonished, it seems, dear human. I had the conception that you were a fiend. | 哈? 我相当吃惊啊,我想你是,亲爱的人类朋友吧。 我本以为你是个恶徒…… |
雾雨魔理沙 | Uh, yeah. Wow. I, uhm, didn't know that fairies coulda' even talk like this. | 呃,是啊。 哇哦。 我…唔…还真不知道妖精也能这样说话。 |
阿祖尔·斯沃尔 | Do you happen to be the "Shrine Maiden" of "Gensokyo"? | 你就是“幻想乡”的“巫女”吗? |
雾雨魔理沙 | Oh, me? Yes, I'm that shrine maiden, Reimu Hakurei. | 哦,我吗? 当然,我就是你说的巫女,博丽灵梦。 |
阿祖尔·斯沃尔 | Ah, Marisa Kirisame, yes. Do humans not think lying is sinful? Someone like this would never have the capability to become a "shrine maiden". | 啊,雾雨魔理沙,是啊。 难道人类都不觉得说谎很不道德吗? 这样的人可是永远都无法成为“巫女”的啊。 |
雾雨魔理沙 | Aight, ok, 'nuff of that. Sometimes you gotta know your place. I don't feel like dealin' with this kind of thing. Now, get outta my way! | 好吧好吧,别说了。 有些时候你也该识相点的。 真不想处理这种事儿啊。 现在,快从我的道上滚开吧! |
Child of the Great Saltwater Sea アジャースワール Azure Swirl | 咸水大洋之子 阿祖尔·斯沃尔 Azure Swirl | |
阿祖尔·斯沃尔 | Huh? | 哈? |
BGM: Fae Rising From Seafoam | BGM: 海泡中浮现的妖精 | |
阿祖尔·斯沃尔 被击败 | ||
阿祖尔·斯沃尔 | Aah! Aah! My hair-- a flame has scorched-- Oh, aah. Perhaps I'm incorrectly assessing the damage. | 啊!啊!我的头发—— 被火烤焦了—— 噢,呃啊。 也许我有些错估了伤害。 |
雾雨魔理沙 | Oops. Well, uh, you're still alive. I thought I blew you to smithereens' or somethin'. Uhm, yeah, maybe that was a lil' much. | 噢。呃,那个,你还活着啊。 我以为我把你炸得粉碎了之类的。 呃,好吧,也许我做得有点过了。 |
阿祖尔·斯沃尔 | Are you approaching the sanctuary in the clouds? I really do beg you to not do the same there. Then, erm, again, if you hadn't been... I suppose I did just... | 你在向云中的圣殿进发吗? 我真诚地请求你别在那儿做同样的事情了。 那么,呃,再说一次,如果你还没…… 我想我刚刚…… |
雾雨魔理沙 | Is that how it is? Got it. I guess I won't blow too much stuff up. Just enough stuff. Been missing my lasers, so... | 是这样的吗? 明白了。 我想我不会炸飞太多东西的。 只炸那些需要炸的。因为我没了激光,所以…… |
Stage 2
A Raigō-zu Painted Pink | 粉染的来迎图 | |
Straight up, just as the fairy told her. What was the source of the rain lying behind the clouds? | 扶摇直上,一如妖精所告。 云层掩蔽,雨水自何而来? | |
Skies above Gensokyo | 幻想乡上空 | |
BGM: Seeping Through the Blue Canopy | BGM: 穿越苍色天穹 | |
金吉利利 | Oh, a flying human? That's unusual... | 哇哦,一个飞行的人类? 这可不寻常啊…… |
金吉利利 登场 | ||
金吉利利 | Well, it's worth a shot... Maybe if I lead her there-- | 嗯,值得一试…… 如果我带她去那里,也许—— |
A Hazy, Foregone Conclusion 金 じりり Jiriri Kim | 有耶无耶的预断 金 吉利利 Jiriri Kim | |
雾雨魔理沙 | Hey, hey, hey-- Yo, I can hear you! | 喂喂—— 那边的家伙,我听得见哦! |
金吉利利 退场 | ||
雾雨魔理沙 | Man, this pink is kinda suspicious. Like, jeez, way too much of it. Not cool. | 呃,这些粉色的东西看起来有点可疑啊。 天哪,太多了吧。这可不怎么酷。 |
八百目实 登场 | ||
八百目实 | ...I'm fond of it. | ……我很喜欢。 |
雾雨魔理沙 | Oh, huh. You're pretty Buddhist-lookin'. Is that the sanctu-whatitz in the clouds? Is this the part where I loot it, or somethin'? | 噢,呃,你看起来挺有佛教的感觉的。 这儿就是云中的圣…圣那啥吗? 这是到了开宝箱之类的环节了吗? |
Youkai Bodhisattva in Pink 八百 目実 Sakkagumi Yamomo | 身裹粉色的妖怪菩萨 八百目实 Sakkagumi Yamomo | |
八百目实 | ..... | …… |
雾雨魔理沙 | ..... | …… |
八百目实 | ..... | …… |
雾雨魔理沙 | ...Uhhhhh. This is the part where you tell me not to, right? | ……呃啊。 是到了你要告诫我别那么做的环节了,是吧? |
八百目实 | .... Please refrain. | …… 请你克制。 |
雾雨魔理沙 | Close enough, I guess. Okay, then now I say something like-- "In the name of the Stars, I'll punish you!" | |
BGM: Vow of Pink Silence | BGM: 粉色的沉默誓言 | |
八百目实 | ... ...P-please. Refrain--- | …… 请,请你 克制—— |
雾雨魔理沙 | Or, maybe I should say-- "Grant me the power to bring the world danmaku!" | 或者,也许我应该说—— “请赐予我为世界带来弹幕的力量!”2 |
八百目实 被击败 | ||
八百目实 | So strong... I-I should've seen this coming, well-- My boss told me to cover up what we were doing. Really, what they were doing! In the ocean in the sky. Up there! In the clouds right there! I'm just someone who got caught up in all of this... Well, the idea was, I'd be an active boddhisvatta. And you know, most people like raigo... I was thinking doing this and playing along could help them reach Nirvana, but... Ugh... I'm such a useless bodhisattva... No one's gonna listen to a full-fledged youkai except youkai. But they didn't even try in the end... I've said too much. | 真强…… 我…我早该明白事情会成这样的…… 上头让我掩饰一下我们在做的事。 说实话,他们在做些什么啊!在那苍穹之上的海洋里。 在那上面!在那里的云中! 我只是个被卷进来的而已…… 好吧,其实我只是想当个活跃的菩萨。 你知道的,大多数人都喜欢来迎…… 我想这样做可以帮助他们抵达极乐, 但是…… 啊…… 我真是个没用的菩萨…… 除了别的妖怪们,没有人会去听从一个大妖怪的指引的。 但他们到最后也没尝试过一次…… 我说得太多了。 |
雾雨魔理沙 | Woof. That's, uh, a lot. So, my line is, "...Imma skedaddle." | 哇哦, 那真的,呃,有点多。 那我就该说—— “走为上!” |
八百目实 | ...Ah. | ...啊。 |
Stage 3
Transmutation Contract | 变身契约 | |
Behind the clouds was an ocean in the sky. This Nirvana could be hidden no longer. | 云层背后是天上之洋。 这片乐土已无以隐藏。 | |
Sea of the Expanse | 苍穹洋 | |
BGM: A Mermaid Chasing a Shrine Maiden's Tail | BGM: 追逐巫女之尾的人鱼 | |
眩萨迦 登场 | ||
眩萨迦 | A human? Isn't this unsafe for her? Well, I guess she doesn't have to be human for much longer. Here goes nothing~ | 人类? 这对她来说会不会有点不安全? 好吧,我想她也 不用继续再做人了。 不管那么多了~ |
雾雨魔理沙 | Er, wha? | 呃,啥? |
眩萨迦 被击败 | ||
眩萨迦 | Woah. Huh. That magic. Maybe I was wrong about you being human? Well, anyways, toodles! | 哇哦…这魔力。 也许我是错把你当成人类了? 算了算了,再见咯! |
雾雨魔理沙 | Whoa, don't just run away! | 喂,别跑! |
眩萨迦 退场 | ||
翼彩波 登场 | ||
翼彩波 退场 | ||
眩萨迦 登场 | ||
眩萨迦 | Er, uh, hey there! Nice to come across you again? I'm genuinely asking. No, really...Are you human, by the way? | 呃,嗨! 真高兴又撞见你了? 我诚心地发问。 其实也不是…顺便问下,你是人类吗? |
雾雨魔理沙 | Hey! What the hell was that back there? And I *am* human, to make it clear. | 嘿!你身后的那是什么玩意啊! 另外,我得说明白,我是人类。 |
Wicked Fairy Godmother 眩 さが Saga Kuramu | 邪恶教母之妖精 眩萨迦 Saga Kuramu | |
眩萨迦 | Uhm, uh-- A good Expanse-styled greeting! You're in the Sea of the Expanse, by the way. You're right above the Firmament. A good place for magic, actually. There's always these chunks of...stuff, floating around. Incredibly potent magical material. | |
雾雨魔理沙 | Oh, really? Thanks for the advice, I guess. I'll probably just go pocketin' some~ | 喔,真的吗?感谢建议。 我或许该打包一些带走~ |
眩萨迦 | Comes with a price, of course. Since you're not from here. Magicians don't really come to the Expanse. ...Well, I guess I shouldn't have to care. Took care of the last one with the dolls, anyway. Oh, and-- Magicians don't have to pretend to be human with me. | 当然,它们都得收费。 毕竟你不是这里人呢。 魔法使们并不常来苍穹洋。 ……呃,也许我不该在意这个。 总之,小心最后来的那个带着人偶的魔法使。 噢,还有—— 在我这儿,魔法使们没有装作人类的必要。 |
BGM: Circe Sitting in the Clouds | BGM: 喀耳刻坐于云中 | |
眩萨迦 | Whatever. Just saying. | 随便吧。 我就这么一说。 |
眩萨迦 被击败 | ||
雾雨魔理沙 | Hey, again, just to say it-- I'm human. Assuming's bad for you sometimes, y'know? | 再说一遍—— 我是人类。 你的傲慢有时对你有害无益,你懂了吗? |
眩萨迦 | Oh, huh. Are you serious? Well, uh... Not sure what to do now. | 哈?你认真的? 呃…… 我不知道该怎么办了。 |
雾雨魔理沙 | Sure am. Maybe show me why your rain's all over Gensokyo? 'Cause it's comin' from here. | 我是知道的。 比如,告诉我为什么你引发的降雨覆盖了整个幻想乡? 毕竟都来自这儿嘛。 |
眩萨迦 | Huh? That? Well, that's... ...... | 啊?那个? 那个啊…… …… |
如果这是体验版 | ||
雾雨魔理沙 | Cat's got your tongue? Oh well, time for some breakin' and enterin'. ...... Eh? Why can't I go any further? | 哑巴了? 行吧,该强行突破了。 …… 欸?为什么我寸步难行了? |
眩萨迦 | That's because it's the trial version. | 因为这是体验版啊。 |
雾雨魔理沙 | Ohhhhhhh... | 哦…… |
眩萨迦 | Hey, I'm gettin' some major deja vu. What am I even breakin' and enterin' into? | 嘿,我有种很强的既视感。 我在突破啥,又到哪里去啊? |
如果玩家有续关 | ||
眩萨迦 | Well, don't ask me. | 嘿,别问我啊。 |
如果玩家无续关完成游戏 | ||
眩萨迦 | Well, don't ask me. Maybe save a replay in the meantime? | 嘿,别问我啊。 不如这时候存个Replay吧? |
如果这是正式版 | ||
雾雨魔理沙 | Cat's got your tongue? Oh well, time for some breakin' and enterin'. | 哑巴了? 行吧,该强行突破了。 |
Stage 4
The Sands of Time, Through Sleepless Eyes | 时之沙,映于不眠之目 | |
She had lost the witch as they made their way across the sand. Ganges Island had slid smoothly into fantasy. | 穿过沙滩时魔女消失不见。 中鸟岛已然缓缓流入幻想。 | |
Edge of Nakanotorishima | 中鸟岛边境 | |
BGM: Lazy Sands of Nakanotorishima | BGM: 中鸟岛的怠惰之沙4 | |
翼彩波 登场 | ||
翼彩波 | Y-you there! Uhm, please! | 你…你,那边的家伙! 呜,请你…… |
雾雨魔理沙 | Huh? Oh, let's see... | 哈?哦,我想想…… |
Milky Way Will-o-Wisp 翼 彩波 Iroha Tsubasa | 天之川的鬼火 翼 彩波 Iroha Tsubasa | |
翼彩波 | There's-- Well, uh. There's this lady! Padma! She's locking-- | 这儿有——好吧,呃。这儿有那位女士! 钵特摩!她锁住了—— |
雾雨魔理沙 | Ah, Mini-hakkero. Right 'ere. | 啊,迷你八卦炉。 就在这儿。 |
翼彩波 被击败 | ||
雾雨魔理沙 | Come on out! I can friggin' sense ya. | 出来吧! 我可觉察到你这家伙了。 |
风岚梅姬 登场 | ||
风岚梅姬 | That's a bold lie, and you know it. | 显然是在扯谎,你自己也知道。 |
雾雨魔理沙 | Ooh, got ya! Fell right for it, huh. | 喔,找到你了! 正中圈套,哼哼。 |
风岚梅姬 | Ah, jeez-- I did. Saga said there would be some smartass human. Guess that's you? | 啊,哎哟——我上钩了。 眩萨迦说会过来个小机灵鬼。 大概说的就是你? |
雾雨魔理沙 | Who? Oh, right. Sea witch. Hey, whatever! That's how incidents are! You blast everything! Like, everything! | 谁? 噢,那位海之女巫啊。 嘿,随她去吧! 你们还真是搞了场大异变啊! 你把什么东西都弄得一团糟! 比如…反正就是所有东西! |
Draconic Rain Dance 風嵐 梅姫 Umehime Kazarashi | 龙之祈雨舞 风岚 梅姬 Umehime Kazarashi | |
风岚梅姬 | Wow, not feelin' so bad about the rain now. Indiscriminate violence ain't healthy. | 哇哦, 我可觉得现在这场雨不差。 滥施暴力有害健康哦。 |
雾雨魔理沙 | Well, hey! I'm just exaggeratin'. Er, just a little. Anyways, you gave away yourself as the culprit. New to this? | 喂!我只是稍微夸张了点而已。 呃,就一点点。 不管怎么说,你这可是自首了。 你难道是不熟悉这套异变流程? |
风岚梅姬 | You're a frustratin' gal, you know that? | 知道吗,你真是个让人讨厌的家伙。 |
雾雨魔理沙 | I've been told. Anyways, so, you're causin' the rain... The youkai disappearances too? | 已经有人这么跟我说过了。 总之,是你引发了这场雨…… 妖怪的消失也是你干的? |
风岚梅姬 | Oh, wow. That's a jump, ain't it? | 哦,喔哦。 有点儿突然,不是吗? |
雾雨魔理沙 | Haha, well, wasn't wrong? Was I? They're all my neighbors, y'know? And when you're strolling around... And suddenly everyone's gone... You tend to notice. So, what's the deal? | 呵呵,行吧,我没猜错? 是吧? 他们可都是我的邻居,你明白吗? 而当你在散步的时候…… 突然所有人都不见了…… 你总能注意到的。 所以,这是怎么回事? |
风岚梅姬 | Oh, forgot to say. Imma business lady. | 哦,忘记说了。 我是一位商业女士。 |
BGM: Watatsumi's Wadaiko Deluge | BGM: 绵津见的和太鼓洪水5 | |
风岚梅姬 | 'Cuz, I'm gonna have to express some confidentiality on that. | 所以, 我要对这件事保密。 |
风岚梅姬 被击败 | ||
雾雨魔理沙 | Aight, time to tell me all the details. The youkai handle problems themselves when they can. Or at least involve us sooner. Youkai that disappeared-- Prone to action. Fairies, Youkai Mountain folk... They noticed the sitch with the rain and tried poking into it themselves. | 行了,是时候告诉我所有事情了。 当他们可以做到的时候, 妖怪们会自己解决问题。或者至少会早些把我们牵扯进来。 那些消失的妖怪们——那些行动派的家伙。 妖精们,妖怪之山的住民们…… 他们注意到了这雨有问题, 然后自己一头扎进了雨中。 |
风岚梅姬 | Guess you'll blast all this to kingdom come otherwise... So, uh. The water of this ocean. Interferes with magic. Fairly inconvenient for certain youkai. ...Been pouring down on that "Gensokyo". Special water. Got a holy quality. Which is why it interferes with certain lifestyles... Uhm, point is, so-- Back in history, before a lot of things. The gods made this sea. Made it out of flood waters. Put somethin' else in here that made it holy. Well, "holy." Then plugged it up. A god. | 要是我不说的话, 你估计得把这儿炸得灰飞烟灭…… 所以,呃。这片大洋里的水, 能够干扰魔力。 这对于某些妖怪来说相当不利。 …而这些水被倾泻向了你们的“幻想乡”。 这水是特殊的。它蕴含着神性。 这就是为什么 它能够干涉某些生命形式。 唔,重点在于—— 在历史上,在很久很久以前, 神明们从洪水之中创造了这片海洋。 他们还加入了别的事物,那使它变得神圣的事物。 是的,“神圣”。然后他们就将这片海封印了起来。 那东西,是一尊神明。 |
雾雨魔理沙 | ... Y'know, I was able to breathe in that water. Obviously, there was somethin' up with it... Hey, so? I don't know TOO much about god business. But for gods to stick another god somewhere. That's sealing, right? There's something up with that. | … 好吧你看,我可以在这水里呼吸是不是。 很显然这水里蕴含着某种东西… 嘿,所以呢?我对神明啥的知道得不是太多。 不过你说神明们将另一位神明困在某处。 那是封印,是吗? 问题就在这儿了吧。 |
风岚梅姬 | Heh, somewhere is an understatement. God of youkai, of saltwater... Put into Hell, Makai, the Netherworld... Well, Gensokyo connects to all of them. Otherworlds are funky like that. | 喂,你说得未免也太轻描淡写了。 她是妖怪们的神明,是咸水的神明。 她被封印于地狱,于魔界,于冥界…… 而幻想乡与这些世界都有着连接。 异世界就是如此。 |
雾雨魔理沙 | I-- I gotta have a book 'bout all this. So, this god? Your, uhm, boss now? | 我——我有本书上就说到了这些。 所以,这位神明? 就是你现在的,呃,上司? |
风岚梅姬 | Wow. 'Gain, smartass gal. But, uh, yeah. "Ame-No-Ummu-Mikoto." I'm in the dark too, see? Everything's so... vague with 'er. But she can grant wishes. Or, uh, she'll be able to. Soon. | |
雾雨魔理沙 | Heh. Guess I'll go see her about that. | 呵呵。 看来我得为此去见她一面了。 |
Stage 5
Insectoid Galatea | ||
From wall to wall, youkai were imprisoned. A wingbeat echoed in the distance. | 层层墙壁,众妖囚禁于此。 渺渺远处,传来振翅之音。 | |
Nakanotori Castle Corridor | 中鸟城中回廊 | |
BGM: Futile Is the Fight Against the Fetters of Fear | BGM: 抗击恐惧之枷无济于事 | |
钵特摩·罗刹娑 登场 | ||
钵特摩·罗刹娑 | Look! A stranger's here~! | 看啊! 一个陌生人在这儿~! |
钵特摩·罗刹娑 退场 | ||
王邪魅 登场 | ||
Antagonist of Hermits Everywhere 王 ジャミ Jami Wang | 诸仙人之敌 王 邪魅 Jami Wang | |
王邪魅 | Hey, outta the way! I'm making a break for it! | 喂,让开! 我要突破这儿的封锁! |
王邪魅 退场 | ||
钵特摩·罗刹娑 登场 | ||
钵特摩·罗刹娑 | Ah, ah! A magician, a magician! | 啊,哈! 一位魔法使,一位魔法使! |
雾雨魔理沙 | Oh, jeez, a weirdo-- A weirdo. | 哎哟,一个怪人—— 一个怪人。 |
钵特摩·罗刹娑 | It's quite funny. We just had another magician put away... Just a little while ago, actually. | 这还真有意思。我们刚刚才关进去一位魔法使…… 实际上,就一小会之前。 |
雾雨魔理沙 | I'm gonna reiterate that I'm human. An extraordinarily ordinary human. | 我得重申,我是个人类。 一个普通至极的人类。 |
钵特摩·罗刹娑 | Oh, so you are? A magic-using human... You're using heathen magic, aren't you? You're upset because our divine waters affected you? | 喔,所以你? 是一位使用魔法的人类啊…… 你一定在使用异教的魔法吧,不是吗? 你正因为我们的神圣之水影响了你而感到不适? |
雾雨魔理沙 | Wow. Alright then. Ya' say a lot of words for someone I should just beat up and be done with already. | 哦。行吧。 作为一个该被我乖乖打倒然后处理掉的家伙, 你的话还真多啊。 |
Undead, Molting Zeal パドマ・ラクササ Padma Raksasa | 脱胎换骨的不死狂信 钵特摩·罗刹娑 Padma Raksasa | |
钵特摩·罗刹娑 | That settles it, a total heathen. In magic and tongue. In the cage with you, then! | 可以断定了,你就是一个彻头彻尾的异教徒。 在魔法和言语的方面上都是。 那么,就带着你渎神的魔法和言语进笼子吧! |
雾雨魔理沙 | Hey, wait a second there. So what's so "heathen" about my magic? | 嘿,等等。 所以我的魔法到底哪儿“异教”了? |
钵特摩·罗刹娑 | If your magic is troubled by what is holy, then, I reason, it is unholy~! And I can infer that you intend to use it against the sacred. So it's doubly profane. | 如果你的魔法会被神圣之物所干扰, 那么,我想,那一定是渎神的~! 因而我能推测, 你将用它来对抗神圣。 所以这就是加倍的渎神了。 |
雾雨魔理沙 | You know, I kinda miss my light magic. And I'm sure there ain't nothing wrong with it. Well, judgin' by the cage, you're the one in charge of locking people up, so... I won't feel bad beating you up. | 要知道,我还挺想念我的激光魔法的。 而且我确信它没有任何问题。 好吧,从这个笼子来看, 你就是把大家关起来的家伙,所以…… 把你揍一顿肯定能让我感觉很爽。 |
钵特摩·罗刹娑 | So our god is truly right in antagonizing the world below... I suppose all trash that refuse to be reborn under her guiding wing is to be drowned out. You and the other heathen garbage of Gensokyo, I would think, are going to be flushed out soon. | 在进攻下方的世界这件事上, 我们的神明还真是无比正确啊…… 我认为, 一切拒绝在她的指引之翼下获得新生的渣滓, 都将被溺死。 你,还有幻想乡的其他异教渣滓, 我想,马上就会被冲走了。 |
雾雨魔理沙 | Nah, rain's not that bad. Funny you say I'm garbage, given you're carryin' that hunk of junk around. | 不不,雨水可没有糟糕到这个地步。 可笑的是,你这个带着一堆垃圾晃来晃去的家伙, 居然也要说我是垃圾。 |
钵特摩·罗刹娑 | J-junk? T-this? ... When-- When your Gensokyo is washed away By Mother's divine waters, I-- this. This will be more than trash. | 垃…垃圾?你说这个? …… 当…当你们幻想乡被母亲的神圣之水清洗一空之时, 我…它…… 它可就远超于垃圾了。 |
雾雨魔理沙 | Woah there, now there's a bit to unpack there. First off, you sayin' you're gonna flood us all? | 哇哦,我有些想说的。 首先,你说你们要将我们都给淹没? |
钵特摩·罗刹娑 | When these saline waters wholly mix with those potent waters of Gensokyo... Mother's tool will be able to render true judgement. | 当这些咸水与幻想乡的净水 完全混合之时…… 母亲的工具就能够降下真正的审判。 |
雾雨魔理沙 | Second off-- What the hell is this tool you're talkin' about? | 然后—— 你说的这个工具到底是个什么东西? |
BGM: The Primadonna's Burnt Wings ~ Walpurgis Nightmare | ||
钵特摩·罗刹娑 | Oh? So a heathen seeks the truth? | 噢? 所以,一位异教徒这是正在寻找真理? |
钵特摩·罗刹娑 被击败 | ||
雾雨魔理沙 | Listen, okay, sorry for being a heathen or whatever. But you keep sayin' things that are awfully suspicious. I mean, I've fought plenny of gods with plots... But never one so... culty. Oh, and with this convoluted a plot. Yo, so tell me. What's this tool. | 听着,行吧,抱歉我是个异教徒之类的。 但是你一直在说着些相当可疑的话啊。 我是说,我打败过许多有故事的神明…… 但是从没有一位是如此…邪异的。 噢,以及,有如此复杂的经历。 喂,所以告诉我吧。 那个工具是什么。 |
钵特摩·罗刹娑 | There are a myriad of gods. Even the ones you've said you've fought... But mother is one who makes herself present. She is so physical, surrounding herself with herself... Her tool is something ancient. A gorgeous thing that made me so physical, too. | 神明无数。 即使是你口中你曾击败的那些…… 但母亲的存在即源于她自身。 她是如此的实然,她的身边环绕着的也是她自身…… 她的工具是一件古物。 一件令我也变得如此实然的奇物。 |
雾雨魔理沙 | Wow, sounds grody. But there's this whole ritual ya gotta do, right? | 哇,听着真不妙啊。 不过你们要完成的是一个仪式,是吗? |
钵特摩·罗刹娑 | I would say you've guessed correctly. But it's a rite even I don't know the truth of. All I know is that it's something that brings the power of her tool to its true heights. | 你猜得很对。 但我也并不知道这个仪式的真相。 我唯一知道的就是, 这场仪式能将她的工具的力量 提升到它真正的水平。 |
雾雨魔理沙 | Well, sounds like a lot what you're doin' is like magic to me. I mean, sure, whatever, religious folks got rituals. But somethin' about all this... I just, I dunno. Sorta... monster-like? What kinda god is this? | 行吧,听起来你们在做的这些事 对我来说就像魔法一样。 我是说,是的,不管怎么说,信徒们总会举行仪式。 但是就所有这些来看…… 我只是,好吧我不知道。有些…像是怪物一般? 你们的神明究竟是怎样的? |
钵特摩·罗刹娑 | Monster-like... ...Well. Even if your profane magic were to face her, I'm certain she'd just crush you under her might. And I can forget you and your insults amongst these cages and prisoners. | 像是怪物一般…… …好吧。 即使你用你那渎神的魔法去迎击她, 我也敢肯定她一定会以她的力量碾碎你。 然后我就可以在这些囚笼与囚徒之间 忘掉你和你的无礼冒犯。 |
雾雨魔理沙 | A monster god that grants wishes and makes you physical... Wonder what magic she's using that requires all this prep. | 一位怪物般的神明能够实现愿望, 还能将你变得实然…… 有些好奇她要使用怎样的魔法, 竟需要这样的准备。 |
Stage 6
Revere the Theotokos | 敬奉神之母11 | |
A god hid in the depths of the ocean in the clouds. The waters above would mix with the waters below. | 神明藏身于云上之海的深处。 上层水将与下层水混而为一。12 | |
Consecrated Altar | 神圣祭坛 | |
BGM: Callisto Matrix | BGM: 卡利斯托基质13 | |
Lunatic难度下 风岚梅姬 登场 | ||
风岚梅姬 | Oh, uh, y'know... Her name ain't actually "Ame-no-Ummu-no-Mikoto." We only call her that, because her real name... we can't say right. | |
Lunatic难度下 风岚梅姬 退场 | ||
钵特摩·罗刹娑 登场 | ||
钵特摩·罗刹娑 | One man's garbage is another man's treasure. But sometimes, that other man is garbage himself, don't you think? | 一个人的垃圾可能是另一个人的宝贝。 不过有些时候,那另一个人 自己就是垃圾,你不觉得吗? |
钵特摩·罗刹娑 被击败 | ||
雾雨魔理沙 | So am I just gonna fight another god, then? Way too many of these gods lately... And what is this altar, anyway? Woah, gross, I think my hat's getting wet! | 所以我就要和又一位神明战斗了? 最近的这些神明还真是多啊…… 另外,这祭坛又是什么东西? 喔,真糟糕,我觉得我的帽子都要湿了! |
水混祐毋 登场 | ||
水混祐毋 | Had that not been a problem earlier? | 难道这在之前就不成问题吗? |
雾雨魔理沙 | Oh, guess now that you say it like that, I guess it probably was... I mean, there was the rain, then that weird ocean I could breathe in... But if you know 'bout me doing all that, guess you're the mastermind? | 哦,听你这么一说, 我想可能…… 我说,先是大雨, 然后是可以让我在里面呼吸的诡异的海洋…… 不过如果你知道我的行动, 我想你就是异变的主犯? |
Saltwater Madonna 水混 祐毋 Ummu Tzumazaru | 海水的圣母像 水混 祐毋 Ummu Tzumazaru | |
水混祐毋 | Every good mother knows what their children are up to. | 每一位好母亲 都知道她们的孩子在做些什么。 |
雾雨魔理沙 | Not mine. She knows to stay out of my business. My dad's just kinda mean and overly critical, on the other hand... I got his salesmanship, though. | 我的就不是。 她明白应该不来插手我的事情。 另一方面,我的父亲就有些刻薄而挑剔了… 尽管我从他那儿学到了商业头脑。 |
水混祐毋 | Fathers really do try their hardest, as well. Sometimes not enough, I suppose. | 父亲们也都尝试着做到最好。 虽然我想,有时可能还是差了一些。 |
雾雨魔理沙 | Anyways, lady, could you cut me some slack and cut out all this? Your stupid rain's not letting me use my normal, consistent light magic, among other things. | 不管怎样,女士,你能不能放我一马,然后把这一切都停下? 你那愚蠢的雨水让我不能使用 我普通而可靠的激光魔法了,当然还有别的一些魔法。 |
水混祐毋 | Oh, I had forgotten. Right. These sacred waters nullify certain magicks... | 噢,我忘记了这一点。是的。 那些圣洁之水会将某些魔法无效化…… |
雾雨魔理沙 | Guess they power up some other magic crap-- Ain't that right? | 我猜它也能让其他的一些魔法把戏得到强化—— 不是吗? |
水混祐毋 | Whatever could you mean? | 你说的是什么? |
雾雨魔理沙 | Your creepy cage friend said something 'bout a rite you're performin'. It's magic, ain't it? You got some super powerful magic tool on hand. | 你那位惊悚的鸟笼朋友透露了一些有关于 你们正在进行的仪式的消息。那是一种魔法,不是吗? 你手上有些超级强大的魔法器具。 |
水混祐毋 | Hah. You're smarter than you let on, child. I suppose you're a magician by trade? Then in your terms, I'm really performing a type of summoning. A beckoning out into the void for something to call back. | 哈哈。你比看起来要来得聪明啊,孩子。 我想你是一位魔法使,职业上的那种? 那么用你们的术语来说, 我确实在进行某种召唤。 向虚空召唤着, 期望着某物的回应。 |
雾雨魔理沙 | Uhm, kinda lost me at summoning, actually. Kinda don't do that sort of thing, haha... Well, I've unleashed an evil spirit once or twice. | 嗯,事实上我有点被召唤什么的绕晕了。 毕竟我也不做这种事情嘛,哈哈…… 好吧,我其实也有那么一两次把邪灵放出来了。 |
水混祐毋 | An evil spirit, you say? Evil is very much a subjective thing. But given the perspectives of certain people, I guess I'm doing just that. Unleashing an evil spirit. | 你说,邪灵? 邪恶可是个相当主观的概念啊。 不过从某些人的角度来看, 我大概正是在做这件事。 解放一个邪灵。 |
雾雨魔理沙 | ...But all rites and rituals have some kind of logic, so what you've been doin' is-- | …但是所有的祭典与仪式都有某种逻辑, 而你正在做的就是—— |
水混祐毋 | Preparing. Giving my adorable, precious children very particular tasks in a very particular place. Collecting a divine script from a place where gods used it. Funny that your Gensokyo has exactly that. Oh, that's to say nothing of making the sea meet the fresh water--The rain, you know. And you know, just collecting what's needed to bring about the evil spirit you want in particular. These things I rest on...That's what they are. Chunks of that evil spirit. Beautiful, beautiful shards. | 准备。 我给予了我可爱的宝贝孩子们一些非常特殊的任务, 在一个非常特殊的地方。 从神明们曾使用神言的地方, 收集神明们的言语。 有趣的是幻想乡正符合这一条件。 哦,我还没说使海水与淡水混合—— 你明白吧,这场雨。 然后,你也知道,只需收集所需的东西, 就能解放你所需求的特定的邪灵。 这些我倚靠着的东西…就是所需之物。 这是那位邪灵的碎片。 无比,无比美丽的碎片。 |
天命石板 出现 | ||
水混祐毋 | Well now. Magician, what do you think is missing from this invocation? | 好吧。 魔法使,你觉得在这次祈祷中,还缺少了什么? |
雾雨魔理沙 | ...That's just not a tool. That's-- That's basically a grimoire, ain't it? And a helluvalot of rituals in them require-- | …那可不是魔法器具。 那是——那根本就是一本魔法书,不是吗? 而它们中的许多仪式都需要—— |
水混祐毋 | An offering? Oh, but all those to be washed below us... Enough blood for any homunculus, wouldn't you agree? Especially when that homunculus you're brewing is yourself. | 祭品?噢,不过在我们之下的那些被冲袭的家伙… 足够为任何人造人提供血肉了, 你不觉得吗? 尤其是,当你正在创生的那个人造人, 就是你自己的时候。 |
BGM: Sapphire Mothership ~ Thalassic Izanami | BGM: 青玉母舰 ~ Thalassic Izanami14 | |
水混祐毋 | When once again my spirit treads the earth, I-- Shall emerge as mother of demons! | 当我的灵再次步于尘世,我—— 将显为恶魔之母! |
符卡 碎片「盖亚哲理」/碎片「盖亚假说」 发动前 | ||
水混祐毋 | This planet is lost and directionless. | 这颗茫然漂泊的迷途之星。 |
符卡 碎片「神之死」/碎片「众神之死」/碎片「诸神黄昏」 发动前 | ||
水混祐毋 | God and youkai hunger for belief, for fear of fading away. | 出于对消逝的恐惧, 神明和妖怪渴求着信仰。 |
符卡 碎片「侵食世界的提霍」/碎片「噬人的亚巴顿」/碎片「吞食婴儿的莉莉丝」 发动前 | ||
水混祐毋 | Humans struggle to keep living on a dying, finite earth. | 人类在干枯、逼仄的大地上挣扎生存。 |
符卡 碎片「给予生命的托南琴」/碎片「给予生命的帕梅托拉丽」/碎片「古之地母神亚舍拉」/碎片「伟大地母神颇哩提毗」 发动前 | ||
水混祐毋 | I will breathe life into them. A life more than survival. | 我将把生命吹向众生。 那生命绝不仅仅只意味着生存。 |
符卡 碎片「诸蛇之母达菲妮」/碎片「诸魔之母厄喀德那」/碎片「神圣娲皇」/碎片「神圣虹蛇」 发动前 | ||
水混祐毋 | I'll be the great mother they cling to… | 我将成为众生依偎的伟大母亲…… |
水混祐毋 被击败 | ||
This planet is lost and directionless. God and youkai hunger for belief, for fear of fading away. Humans struggle to keep living on a dying, finite earth. I will breathe life into them. A life more than survival. I'll be the great mother they cling to…15 | 这颗茫然漂泊的迷途之星。 出于对消逝的恐惧, 神明和妖怪渴求着信仰。 人类在干枯、逼仄的大地上挣扎生存。 我将把生命吹向众生。 那生命绝不仅仅只意味着生存。 我将成为众生依偎的伟大母亲…… | |
水混祐毋 复苏 | ||
BGM: Antediluvian Mothership | BGM: 上古方舟17 | |
水混祐毋 被击败 | ||
如果玩家续关完成游戏 | ||
如果玩家无续关完成游戏 | ||
Ending No.4
- 剧透提示: 以下内容包含详细故事情节,请自行决定是否继续阅读
Ending No.3
- 剧透提示: 以下内容包含详细故事情节,请自行决定是否继续阅读
- ↑ 可能捏他《美少女战士》中月野兔、水野亚美与火野丽的角色曲名“In the Name of the Moon, We'll Punish You”(代表月亮惩罚你)。
- ↑ 可能捏他《少女革命》中天上欧蒂娜的台词“Grant me the power to bring the world revolution!”(请赐予我让世界革命的力量!)
- ↑ 开门见山(Expanse-styled),与苍穹洋(the Sea of the Expanse)双关。
- ↑ 中鸟岛是一座曾被认为存在于太平洋上的幻岛。其一度被划入日本领土,但在后续的探索中却没有再被发现。1972年,该岛屿最终被证实为不存在。
- ↑ 「绵津见」为日本神话中的海神,《日本书纪》中写作「丰玉彦」。
- ↑ 跳转到: 6.0 6.1 6.2 六面BOSS水混祐毋的别称,其名字「Ummu」,源自「提亚玛特」的别称「Ummu-Hubur」,「Ummu」有母亲之意,「Hubur」在苏美尔文化有河流、生命之河的意思。日语中「Ame」可以对应汉字「天」或「雨」,「Ame-no-Ummu」可能有「雨水之母亲」的意义,近似于「Ummu-Hubur」的含义。
- ↑ 「Insectoid」意为类昆虫的,在科幻作品中用来形容外观类似昆虫的外星生命。
- ↑ 「伽拉忒亚」(Γαλάτεια,Galatea)在希腊神话中为海仙女之一;而在《变形记》中,塞浦路斯国王皮格马利翁用象牙雕刻了一尊少女像,命名为「伽拉忒亚」,甚至爱上了这尊雕塑,最后美神阿芙洛狄忒被他感动,赋予了雕像生命。
- ↑ “Prima donna”一词语源为意大利语,意为歌剧的主要女演员或主要女歌手,也有“爱慕虚荣者、自负者”的意思。
- ↑ 副标题改自“Walpurgis Night”(瓦尔帕吉斯之夜)。在这一天,督伊德教的教徒们会举办仪式迎接春天的来临。由于这一本土宗教被天主教看作异教的缘故,因此这一祭典也被污名化,被称作“魔女之夜”。
- ↑ 「Theotokos」是神学用语,意为诞下神子的母亲、神的孕育者,对应为诞下基督耶稣的圣母玛利亚。
- ↑ 摘自《圣经》的创世纪部分:
[创1:8]神就造出空气,将空气以下的水,空气以上的水分开了。事就这样成了。 - ↑ 卡利斯托是希腊神话中的角色,由于与神王宙斯私通被宙斯的妻子赫拉变为了母熊,之后,在一场由其子阿尔卡斯发起的狩猎中,宙斯为了保护她不被儿子射杀,将她与其子升上天空,分别变为了大熊星座与牧夫座α的大角星。此外,她的名字也被用在了木卫四的命名上。
- ↑ 「Izanami」即伊邪那美,是日本神话中的创世母神,与提亚玛特相近。
- ↑ 游戏中这几段文字大量出现,皆为之前战斗阶段BOSS的台词。
- ↑ 为阿卡德语(楔形文字)拼写的「提亚玛特」(Tiamat)。
- ↑ 「大洪水」神话最早在美索不达米亚平原流传,在古巴比伦神话中,风暴之神恩利尔降下洪水欲毁灭人类,恩基施以援手,安排人类登上大船避过灾难。一说古巴比伦神话中的大洪水传说是后来《圣经》中大洪水故事的原型。