基本信息 | |
人物名 | 水混1祐毋 |
日文名 | 水混 祐毋(つまざる うんむ) |
英文名 | Tsumazaru Ummu2 |
种族 | 分御灵(六面) 水分神(?)(CF面)3 |
能力 | Harnessing the power of salt water 运用盐水力量程度的能力1 |
登场信息 | ||||
作品名 | 位置 | 类型 | 称号 | 主题曲 |
東方潮聖書 ~ Sapphire Panlogism. | 六面BOSS | 游戏 | Saltwater Madonna 海水の聖母像 海水的圣母像 | Sapphire Mothership ~ Thalassic Izanami4 青玉母舰 ~ Thalassic Izanami Antediluvian Mothership 上古方舟5 |
CF面中BOSS | 游戏 | True Goddess Metempsychosis 真の女神の転生 真女神转生6 | - |
In the days of old, the waters above were made separate from the waters below. | 在古老的年代,上层水与下层水被分离开来。7 |
In the days of old, her corpse was torn between the waters above and the waters below. She had a very different name then. | 在古老的年代,她的尸体在上层水与下层水之间撕裂四散。 彼时,她的名字尚不同于今日。 |
There was a point in time during The Age of the Gods where the gods did as they pleased and carved the world around them to their very whim. They were absolute titans. Ummu, together with her husband, was one of these gods. Through mixing freshwater and saltwater, they were able to use an implement that let gods act even without faith. This tool was the "Tablet of Destinies." | 在诸神的时代,神明们曾恣意行事,随心所欲地改造世界。这些神明正是泰坦。 祐毋,同她的丈夫一样,也是泰坦的一员。藉由淡水与咸水的混合,他们得以利用一件道具,让神明无需信仰也可行动。这件道具被称为“天命石板”。 |
The Tablet of Destinies was an ancient tool handed through generations of gods, usable only under the most pristine conditions. | 天命石板历史悠久,被众多神明代代相传。只有在最为纯净的环境中才能发挥作用。 |
In return, it promised powers of creation and destruction unimaginable. These conditions, however, were easily fulfilled by Ummu and her consort back then. And so they carved their testament into the world of the divine, bringing about even more gods to that fantastic, phantasmal world. | 与此相对地,它将提供超乎想象的创造与破坏之力。 然而彼时,祐毋与她的配偶轻易地满足了使用石板所需的条件。 继而,两位神明将他们的圣约刻入神界,让更多的神明降生在这个奇异而梦幻的世界中。 |
In a family drama passed down in an old human legend, it eventually came to be that the very children Ummu parented came to be the murderers of Ummu's husband. | 在人类所流传下来的古老传说中,记述了这场家庭剧的结局:最终,正是祐毋生养的孩子们将她的丈夫杀害。 |
Ummu, in rage and sorrow, fashioned a myriad of demons and youkai to slay the very gods she had birthed. She had become mother of both monster and deity. This poetic act of vengeance ended in her failure, and in her death. | 悲愤之下,祐毋创生了无数的恶魔与妖怪,要屠戮她所生育的神明。 如此,她成为了怪物与神明共同的母亲。但随着她的陨落,这场令人动容的复仇也终于落幕。 |
And so those ancient gods, as a final insult, split Ummu's corpse and sealed it across a series of esoteric worlds, splitting her very divinity in the process into a multitude of Bunrei. What soon followed was a series of petty, embarrassing squabbles over the Tablet of Destinies. | 作为对祐毋最后的侮辱,这些古老的神明将她的尸体撕裂,封入了诸异界之中,她的神性也碎散为众多分灵。在此之后,则是由天命石板所引发的,众神间纠缠不休的失态争端。 |
And so her name and the names of her children faded into the memory of humans, and so did her divine person. | 最终,她与她的子嗣的名字消失在了人类的记忆深处,她的神格也未能幸免。 |
Except, dozens of centuries later, it was recovered. Sheer acknowledgement managed to spark activity back into one of Ummu's Bunrei. This was the most massive one: the tail of her old body, sealed into that mystical saltwater sea that separated Orihime and Hikoboshi sitting above the Firmament. | 然而,在数十世纪之后,它得到了复苏。 完全的自我认知让祐毋的一个分灵取回了活性。那是她的分灵中最为巨大的一个:她旧日身躯的大尾,被封印在苍穹之上,那分隔了牵牛与织女的神秘的咸水大洋之中。 |
Modern humans, tired of the mundane things around them, began searching through their own, once mysterious history. The hands of mankind's longing, reaching back into the past, attempting to find an unbroken line into the present, had begun to raise her up. | 现代的人们厌倦了平凡乏味的生活,转而探索起了那一度神秘的,他们自身的历史。 人类渴慕的双手向昔日探去,尝试找到一条绵及今日、未曾断绝的脉络。也正是这双手将她托起。 |
It wasn't as if she came back in full force. She couldn't, of course, if her former power had been sealed in places she had no chance of reaching. But she was still something that could be worshipped. | 归来的她并非全盛,这自然是因为往日的力量被封印在了她无法触及的地方。不过,她仍然能够接受敬奉。 |
She began gathering a following. In an ironic twist, she sought out children. Fairy, youkai, tsukumogami. She would be mother to all of them. Using the saltwater of the Oceanic Sky she was able to grant simple, yet profound things to those who would grant her requests. A new amount of power. A new capacity for knowledge. A new purpose in life. | 她的信众日渐壮大。命运弄人,她正是在自己的子嗣之中发展信仰——妖精、妖怪、付丧神—— 她要成为他们的母亲。若愿意满足她的要求,她也不吝于以苍穹洋8的海水为信徒赐下恩惠。她的恩惠单纯却意义非凡。有时是新的力量,有时是新的智识,也有时是新的存在理由。 |
The youkai called her "Ame-no-Ummu-no-Mikoto." Her actual name was, in a sense, incomprehensible to them. At the very least, they crudely rendered it in kanji. | 妖怪们将她呼为“天有无命”。 他们并不能完全理解她的真名,但多少还是以汉字译出了其大意。 |
And that was how things were. | 事情本是如此。 |
But one day, the Tablet of Destinies somehow slipped back into the hands of Ummu. The anguish all those centuries ago flashed through the crevices of her mind. The new gods she had seen rise after her did as well. | 然而忽有一日,天命石板不知为何回到了祐毋的手中。 跨越数千年的苦恨,还有那些取代她而兴起的神明,在她脑海的一隅闪现。 |
She concocted a plan. She would use the Tablet of Destinies. | 她有了一个计划。她要使用天命石板的力量。 |
Umehime would create a place where saltwater and freshwater mingled. Padma would recover a divine script for Ummu to write in. Saga would find a way to collect even more fragments of Ummu's broken body. In this new god, the recovered and imagined things of the past would combine. | 梅姬将创造一片咸水与淡水相混合的地域; 钵特摩将还原出属于神明的文字供祐毋书写; 萨迦将设法收集更多来自祐毋残躯的碎片。 当新神诞生之时,那重现世间的,与那幻想之中的过去之物将合二为一。 |
Yes, truly it was a magnificent plan. Ummu had collected enough pieces of her old self by now. | 诚然,这是一个宏伟的计划。 而如今,祐毋已经收集了足够的,来自旧日自我的碎片。 |
Soon, she would be whole again, and once more wield the power of life itself. | 很快,她将再归完璧,并再次掌控属于生命本身的力量。 |
Soon, she would be their mother again. | 很快,她将再次成为他们的母亲。 |
In the days of old, the waters above were made separate from the waters below. | 在古老的年代,上层水与下层水被分离开来7。 |
There was no uninterrupted line to the past for humans to find, and in its place, humans from the Outside World had unintentionally pulled Ummu from the depths of the abyss. | 要寻找一条未曾断绝的历史脉络,注定是徒劳之举,因为那本就是子虚乌有之物。 取而代之的是,外界的人类无意将祐毋从深渊之底救脱了出来。 |
But it would be alright if she reinvented herself, she presupposed. Even with her old titanic body left to legend and history, Ummu learned to appreciate her current self. | 不过,让自己焕然一新或许也无不可,她想。 尽管旧日的泰坦之躯业已付与传说与历史,祐毋也逐渐开始欣赏今日的自我。 |
After all, Gensokyo was a Land of Fantasy, an ultimate syncretism. For even gods to be able to do such things was what the sages wanted. | 说到底,幻想乡是一片幻想之地,海纳百川,诸教调和。 纵使神明,也可改变自身,融入此地。这正为贤者们所乐见。 |
She seemed like she had fun in the incident immediately following the one she herself caused. | 对于这场紧接而来的异变,她似乎乐在其中。 |
中文名 | 英文名 | 出现位置 |
碎片1「盖亚哲理」9 | Fragment「Gaia Philosophy」 | Easy/Normal |
碎片「盖亚假说」10 | Fragment「Gaia Hypothesis」 | Hard/Lunatic |
碎片「神之死」1 | Fragment「The Death of God」 | Easy/Normal |
碎片「众神之死」 | Fragment「Dead are All the Gods」 | Hard |
碎片「诸神黄昏」 | Fragment「Gotterdammerung」11 | Lunatic |
碎片「侵食世界的提霍」12 | Fragment「Tehom, Eating at the World」 | Easy/Normal |
碎片「噬人的亚巴顿」13 | Fragment「Abaddon, Consuming Man」 | Hard |
碎片「吞食婴儿的莉莉丝」14 | Fragment「Lilith, Devouring Child」 | Lunatic |
碎片「给予生命的托南琴」15 | Fragment「Life-giver Tonantzin」 | Easy |
碎片「给予生命的帕梅托拉丽」16 | Fragment「Life-giver Phra Mae Thorani」 | Normal |
碎片「古之地母神亚舍拉」1718 | Fragment「Ancient Matriarch Asherah」 | Hard |
碎片「伟大地母神颇哩提毗」19 | Fragment「Vast Matriarch Prithvi」 | Lunatic |
碎片「诸蛇之母达菲妮」2021 | Fragment「Serpent Mother Delphyne」 | Easy |
碎片「诸魔之母厄喀德那」2223 | Fragment「Demon Mother Echidna」 | Normal |
碎片「神圣娲皇」24 | Fragment「Blessed Wahuang」 | Hard |
碎片「神圣虹蛇」25 | Fragment「Sacred Galeru」 | Lunatic |
神器「天命石板」26 | Divine Tool「Tablet of Destinies」 | Easy/Normal |
神业「青玉泛理论」27 | Divine Act「Sapphire Panlogism」 | Hard/Lunatic |
新符「蓝衣圣女」 | New Sign「Holy Lady in Blue」 | Carrefour |
新符「水上的阿拉狄亚」28 | New Sign「Waterborne Aradia」 | Carrefour |
新符「湖上圣母显灵」2930 | New Sign「Marian Apparition on the Lake」 | Carrefour |
「空中曲行的利维坦」31 | 「Leviathan Wriggling in the Sky」 | Last Word |