基本信息 | |
人物名 | 绊锣币顷1 |
日文名 | 絆鑼 幣頃(ぱんどら ぬさころ) |
英文名 | Nusakoro Pandora2 |
种族 | 卡姆伊3 |
能力 | Creation of Kotodama 使用言灵程度的能力 |
登场信息 | ||||
作品名 | 位置 | 类型 | 称号 | 主题曲 |
東方潮聖書 ~ Sapphire Panlogism | EX面BOSS | 游戏 | Heraldic Alien Martyr 警跸4的异域殉道者 | Arcane Augur 深晦的占卜师 |
基本信息 | |
人物名 | 桓娑 |
日文名 | ハンサ |
英文名 | Hansa5 |
种族 | 鸟 |
能力 | Collection of Information(?) 收集情报程度的能力(?) |
登场信息 | ||||
作品名 | 位置 | 类型 | 称号 | 主题曲 |
東方潮聖書 ~ Sapphire Panlogism | EX面BOSS(?) | 游戏 | Avian Augur 卜鳥(エイヴィアン・アウグル) 卜鸟(Avian Augur)67 | Arcane Augur 深晦的占卜师 |
It used to be that she was appreciated. | 过去,她也曾受人景仰。 |
One of the heralds of the gods of long ago, of the long forgotten countries that once sat upon the islands of Japan. She was one who monitored the communications between mortals and gods. She was a guardian of the bridge between the present world and the world of the eternal. | 坐落于日本列岛,早已湮没的古国所信仰的古老神明们的使者之一。 她是凡人与神明之间交流的维护者。 她是联结现世与常世之桥梁的守卫。 |
As a close associate of the powerful deity who ferried messages across said bridge, she gradually learned how to invoke the power of words herself. Anything she said would be understood. Anything she said would be appreciated. Impact upon the listener was, of course, a simple fact. That was the nature of Kotodama. She was, simply put, a master of it. | 经由这座桥梁,一位强大的神明传递着无数的讯息。作为其近侍,她也渐渐学会了如何唤起话语的力量。 经她之口的言语皆得理解;由她说出的事物尽被领会。 这对于听者的影响,自然无需多言。这正是言灵的本质。 而她,简而言之,精通言灵之道。 |
There was a point in time when the gods of the land were warring. The war of the imperial gods against the local gods, and the war of the Yamato against the people at their borders. | 曾有一时,这片土地燃烧着神战的烽火。 那是大和诸神与土著神明的战争,也是大和人与交界民族的战争。 |
During this time, Nusakoro had been forced to fight fiercely, and at times, without mercy. It wasn't her will to do any of this, but she had no choice. It was either that she fought for her gods, or they would be dominated. | 那时,币顷也被迫卷入激烈的战斗,甚至有时不得不弃绝仁慈。 这并非本愿,但她别无选择。若不为她的神明们而战,他们就难逃被统治的命运。 |
In the end, it seemed that none of that truly mattered. The imperial gods won out. Naturally, for Nusakoro's resistance, she would of course have a suitable punishment. It didn't matter what her intentions were. | 不过,这些最终都失去了意义。大和诸神赢下了这场战争。 自然地,无论动机如何,她都将因抵抗而受到相应的惩罚。 |
She was sealed into an inau, and bound by Shimenawa. She could do naught but watch over her people from afar. | 她被封印在了一根木币8之中,以注连绳束缚。身陷囹圄的她,只能遥遥地守望着她的人民。 |
There came a time when it became known among the gods of the world that a certain powerful artifact had been unsealed. The cosmos itself entered a sort of panic, and sent all of sorts of people to resolve the matter. | 某日,一件强大遗物获得解放的消息在当世的神明之间传开。 天上天下一时陷入恐慌。诸神派出了各式人等,尝试解决事端。 |
Realizing that, if the artifact were used correctly, their adversary would be almost invincible, the thought of peaceful negotiation was brought up. They had no idea who in particular they would have to combat, so a sort of "universal omniglot" had to be sent. | 但当他们意识到,只要遗物的使用方法得当,敌人就近乎无可阻挡的事实时, 和平协商的想法被摆上了台面。在不知道敌人究竟为谁的情况下, 要与之交涉,就需要派遣一位“通晓一切语言之人”。 |
The inau was unsealed. | 因此,木币之上的封印被解除了。 |
She was to calmly negotiate a retrieval of the artifact from whoever held it. If she succeeded, she would be permanently freed. If she failed, she would be re-sealed. It should have been a simple thing, really. | 她需要通过交涉从这件遗物的所有者处将其和平地取回。如果此事功成,她就能永获自由; 但是一旦失败,她就将被再度封印。实际上,这本应是一件易事。 |
But then she failed. Nusakoro had made the intentions of the gods quite clear to Ummu. Those words should have done something to a god, such a power was in Nusakoro's nature, but-- Ummu somehow was left unpazed. It was another crushing defeat. | 然而,她却失败了。币顷向祐毋陈说了神明们的意愿。 有着币顷的能力,这些话语本应能影响神明,但是——不知怎么,祐毋却不为所动。 这是她遭受的第二次惨败。 |
In fact, it seemed as if Nusakoro had just made the problem worse. Through her, Padma recovered a language to be paired with the Jindai Moji. | 实际上,币顷的到来似乎还恶化了事态。 藉由她,钵特摩重新掌握了一种能与神代文字一同使用的语言。 |
She couldn't go back. Not like this. | 她已经回不去了。至少不能像这样无功而返。 |
So she fled into Gensokyo, seeking out someone who could help her. | 于是,她逃到了幻想乡,寻找能够帮助她解决这个问题的人。 |
Nusakoro's (divine?) bird friend. Nothing more, nothing less. | 币顷的(神?)鸟朋友, 仅此而已。 |
中文名 | 英文名 | 出现位置 |
祈愿「先验天成」9 | Invocation「Apaurusheya」 | Extra |
祈愿「构成性他者的曼怛罗」1011 | Invocation「Mantra of the Constitutive Other」 | Extra |
祈愿「古老异语者」12 | Invocation「Ancient Xenoglossia」 | Extra |
启示「动物的翼靴」13 | Revelation「Animal Talaria」 | Extra |
祈愿「加百列的鸣号」14 | Invocation「The Ringing Horn of Gabriel」 | Extra |
祈愿「启示之书」15 | Invocation「Revelation Writing」 | Extra |
启示「兽灵降真知」16 | Revelation「Beast Tanzil」 | Extra |
祈愿「弹幕祈神祭」17 | Invocation「Danmaku Kamuy-nomi」 | Extra |
祈愿「深藏盒底的希望」2 | Invocation「Hope at the Bottom of the Box」 | Extra |
启示「生翼圣显」18 | Revelation「Winged Hierophany」 | Extra |
「火焰般的散落之舌」19 | 「Cloven Tongues Like As of Fire」 | Last Word |